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Real Estate Transfers

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Halsey B. Jenks and wife to Shelly 13. Hutcuinson, Ypsilanti, $1,000. Christian Eberoach and wife to Alice C. Eberbaeh, Ann Aibor,$250. Alva Worden to Wm. B. Seyinore, Aim Aruor, $600. Lewis Oliarltoa to Margaret Ann Charlton, Anu Arbor, $100. Wanen ifi. Walker and wife to Henry Kichards, Ann Arbor, $,500. David Frech to Cuas. W. Brenuer, Saline and Bridgewater, $400. Mary E. McCoride to Mabel Mofford, Ypsilanti, $00. Martlia a. Finch to Anna C. Voice, Ypsilanti, $200. Abraoi C. Voorheis and wife to Kunegunda Fiegel, Anu Arbor, $2,200. Edward H. Bycratt and wife to Abram Voorheis and wite, Ann Arbor. Danus Nelsou and wife, by sheriff, to Williaui Weed, Salem, $395.90. Rosina Haupf to Georije Bischoff, Ann Arbor, $8oO. Josepu L'ierce et al. to Wiufred J. Wallace, Ypsilanti. Wiufred j. Wallace to Edward and Phoebs Lowe, Ypsilanti. Jonn Carrol! ei al. to Bridget Carroll, Ann Arbor, $4. George Oarroll and wife to Bridget CarroH, Ann Arbor, $2. Gustave Breiitn aud wife to Elizabeth Baumann, Ann Arbor, $."00. Zera Darrow to Charlotte J. Salyer, Ann Arbor, $2,000. JaniesA. Field and wife to Jeremiah D. Corey, Mancliester, $800. Gustave Brehin aud wife to Ann Arbor Brewing Co., Ann Arbor, $1. Mathias A. Jackson etal. to Lavinia Jcakson, Saline, $1. Lavinia Jackson to ïliomas Liddell, Saline, $230. Elizabeth Phelps, by heirs, to Clara J. .Phelps, Lodi, $1. Same tosame. Dexter, SI. Kiehard Nanry, by administrator, to Alma Anu Nanry. John George Staebler tO Gottlieb Volz, Scio, $1. Thomas Green and wife to L. S. & M. S. Railway Co., Mauchester, $1,800. Lavinia L. Augur to Ellen Volkering, Ypsilanti, $1. Hannah C. Óakley and Francés M. Nelson to Mary D. Beunett, Ypsilanti, $2,000. Joseph P. Vroman et al., by circuit court commissioner. to Caroline J. Follett, Ypsilanti, $1,500. Pamela A. Noble to Mary Golden, Ann Arbor, $500. Joseph B. Steere, by sheriff, to Lewis S. Anderson, Pittsfield, $4,236.31. John A. Smith and wife to Nancy A. Brainard, Saline, $500. Richard E. Holstrom to Charles H. Long, Ypsilanti, $75. Same to Willard C. Manning, Y"psilanti, $300. Melissa Converse to Naney A. Brainard, Saline, $450. George Nellis and wife to Albert Tackmann, Y"psilailti, Í250. Sidney Forbes and wife to Edward G. Banghart, Augusta, $,500. Cornelius Baluss to Mary A. Baluss, Aju' rbor, $1. Ad i a Schanei and wife to Blanch Steynis. Ypsilanti, $1. Davul Ehnis, by executor, to Jacob and FiVderick Elmis, Lodi. John Koch et al. to Geo. Eberwein. $635. Henry Marsh to Martin J. Cavanaugh, Ann Arbor, $2,500. Martin Eberle to John George Binder, Lodi, $300. E. W. Allen and wife to C. F. Kerr, Pittsfield, $7,000.