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The Y. M. C. A. has received another set of booka irom the state library at Lausing. ïhe Wbitmore Lake ciorrespoudence for this week's Argus arrived too late to appear in this week's issne. David Laubengayer, of Scio. has purcbased the Emannel ManD homestead on S. Main st., and will move ou to it in the uear future. J. F Sqnires, of Detroit, is now night operator at the Michigan Central depot in this city, vice Orla Cnmmiugs transferred to Kalaruazoo. Milan is about the hottest town politioally in this oounty, and everybody iu the vilage has been made to declare themselves for gold or for silver. George W. Bullis is ornarnenting bis burial lot in Porest Hill cemetery with oue of the finest monuments ever pat up in that quiet city of the dead. Adjutant Gadley, of the Salvation Army, will give a linie light lectnre next Monday night on "The slums and the fjnnior work of the Salvation Army." The Boston Temple Qoartette, one of the best oornpany entertainers now traveling, will give the next entertain: ment in the Y. M. C. A. Lyceum course, on Thursday eveuing, Nov. 12, at the Presbyterian church. Hereafter"Cardsof Thanks," "Besolutions of Respect," lists of wedding presents, and descriptions of dresses of the bridal party, and all uotices of purely money makiug affairs, will be cbarged for in these columns at the rate of flve cents per line. The Ann Arbor Press Club is aow a partially sooial organizatiou and in additiou to its regular business sessions will endeavor to attend a little to extending a spirit of sooiability among its members and their families. To this end it is purposed to hold an annual banquet and social gathering. The flrst will be held in January after the annual business meeting. James and John JVlcCourt, of Norcbfield, had six head of cattle stolen from them Wednesday night of last week. Tbe loss was not discovered nntil next moruing. A complaint was laid with Pros'v-nting Attorney Eandall and the offteeis started out to fiud the oattle. Within an honr ie was found that the thief had sold tbe cattle to Behfuss & Sous for 120 and bad skipped with the money. He is still skipping. For variety and sustained interest of contents the November Soribner's Magazine is a notable number. The opening article, by Capt. O. J. Melliss, of the Ninth Bombay Infantry, "Panther shooting in Central India," gives not only a vivid impression of the habitat of these great cats, bnt it is also a stirring nariative of adventure iu their pnrsuit, drawn from personal experience. The illustrations by Van JVluyden, whose rernarkable animal etchings have been praised for their accnracy and trnth to nature by the author of the article, will seive to make its brilliant artist of animal life more familiar to American readers. Goethe Commandery No. 28, U. F. of M., gave a social in itsjhall over B. St. James' store, Wednesay eveniug, which was well attended and ranch enjoyed. During the evening the following program was rendered : Music, Mr. and Mrs. Stilson ; singing, Harugari Miiunerchor; recitation, Caroline Sauzi ; Zitber, Quitar and Mandolín club; gramophonic selections; reoitation, Ella Trojanowski ; musio, Mr. and Mrs. Stilson; declamation, John Eibler; chorus, Harugari Maunerchor; gramopbouic selections; Zither, Guitar and Maudolin club; dissertation with variations, A. Fred Gauss; music, Mr. and Mrs. Stilson. Refreshments were served duriug thn evening. The official ballot this year is a very ooinplicated affair with its six tickets. Every voter should carefully examine the instruction ballots before he goes into the booth to vote. íu Washtenaw the democratie silver ticket ocenpies the last column on the ballot and is headed by a picture of a silver dollar with a bnst of Bryan in the center and around the edge the words "Democratie, People's Union Silver Ticket." The gold democratie ticket occupias the seoond place on the ballot, just where it onght to, alongside its friend and upholder the republicau ticket. Cautiun all your friends not to be misled, and make sure that every friend of the democratie silver ticket nnderstands how to vote it aright.