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M'kinley Is Chosen

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Wüliam McKinley, of Ohio, hns been elected president by a popular majority, which will be in the neighborhood of 800,000. He carries Pennsylvania by 296,000 and New York by 367,000, Ohio adds 52,000 to his plurality, Indiana, 18,000; Iowa, (7,000; Minnesota, :0,000 ; Massacbusetts, 168,000, and Michigan, 04,5(58. Mr. MeKinley has 260 electoral votes, or 36 more than necessary with a chance at 17 otbers, while Mr. Bryan reoaives 170 electoral votes. Kentucky will not give 1,000 tnajority either way. Colorado leads tlie Bryan staten with 186,000 majority, ; Nebraska givos him 13,000; Kansas, 10,000. He carriea tliR sonth and far west, bot loses the east and raiddle west and California and Oregon. The electoral vote was as folows: States. McKinley.Bryan.D'btful. Alabama H Arkansas 8 California .... 9 Colorado 4 Connecticut ... 6 Delaware .... 3 Florida Georgia 13 Idaho 3 Illinois 24 Indiana 15 Iowa 13 Kansas 10 Kentucky ... 13 Louisiana 8 Maine 6 Maryland .... 8 ... ... Massachusetts . 15 Michigan .... 14 Minnesota .... 9 Mississippi 9 ... Missouri 17 ... Montana 3 ... Nebraska 8 Nevada 3 N. Hampshire . 4 New Jersey.... 10 New York ..'.. 36 N. Carolina 11 North Dakota. 3 Ohio 23 Oregon 4 Pennsylvania .. 32 Rhode Island . . 4 S. Carolina 9 South Dakota .... ... 4 Tennessee 12 Texas 15 Utaíh 3 Vermont 4 Virginia 12 Washington 4 West Virginia . 6 Wlsconsin .... 12 Wyoming 3 Totals 264 170 17 Necessary for choice, 224. Washington. Tacoma, Wash., Nov. 5. - Sullivan, republican candidate for governor, concedes the election of Rogers, his fusión opponent. Bryan and the fusión sbate ticket have aipparently carried the state by a majority of less than 5,000 and will control the legisla.ture. Complete returns from 59 precincts in Washington, outside of Tacoma and Seattle, glve McKinley 2,890; Bryan, 3,320; Sullivan, republican, for governor, 2,819; Rogers, fusión, 3,413. The Post-Intelligencer returns indicate that Bryan has carried the state by a majority of perhaps 3,000. Arkansan. Little Rock, Ark., Nov. 5.- The fusión ticket in Arkansas was elected by a majority of from 25,000 to 30,000. The democratie candidates for oongress were all elected by good majorities. It will be several days before all the returns are in from the back countiee, but from the figures at hand the democratie majority is conservatlvely estimated at 25,000. The three populists on the ticket ran about 2,000 behind the democratie, which about represents the gold-standard democratie strength in the state. minóte. Chicago, Nov. 5. - The entre republican state ticket floated in yesterday on the crest of the McKinley wave. The ticket, headed by John R. Tanner, was chosen by majorities that kept in the immediate vicinity of McKinley'e vote. Tanner feil behind in Cook county, as the politicinr"? had predicted, but he ran ahead of McKinley in nearly all the counties outside of Cook, while Gov. Altgeld's name appears to have been "scratched" by the rural voters to an extent that put him behind ticket in nearly all the counties outside oL Cook. California. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 5. - California has joined the east in the McKinley landslide and its majority for the republican standard-bearer will pass 5,000 at least. Los Angeles, whicli was the sllver stronghold in the southern tier of counties, is estimated as giving from 1,200 to 2,000 majority for McKinley. Outstde of thls city only one democratie representative seems to have been chosen. The legislatura has gone with the general result and may safely be classed as republican, tiras lnsuring the return of a republican to the United States senate. Missouri. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 5.- Missouri re;urns are very incomplete, but it is known without doubt that St. Louis has given McKinley from 12,000 to 25,000 plurality, the former being conceded by the democrats and the Jatter claimed by the republicans. TJp'to an early hour thi3 morning less than onehalf of the election precinets in Missouri had been heard from. They show a lead for Bryan which, Chairman Cook claims, will give him the state by 70,000 plurality. New York. New York, Nov. 5. - With less than one-fourth of the election distriets above the Harlem river to hear from and with the vote of New York city and Kings county complete, the plurality of McKinley over Bryan promises to exceed 303,000 in the state. One county in the state, Schoharie, which is the home of Chairman Danforth of the state democratie committee, has given Bryan a plurality of 500. Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 5. - Chairman Poet of the republican state commlttee at 10 o'clock conceded Nebraska to the fusión ticket on presidentlal electora and governor, but lie says that neither Bryan nor Holcomb, the latter belng the fusión candidate for governor, will have anythlng like th plurality claimed by Chnirmen Dahlman and Edminten, the democratie and populist chairmen. He says tha legislative and the congressiony.l tickets are still in doubt. Kannatt. Topeka, Kas., Nov. 5. - At 9 a. ra. it seemed practically certain that Bryan has carried Kánsas by a small majority. Chairman Briedenthal of the democratie state committee claims the state by 13,000. Chairman Simpson of the republican state committee, howeYer, refuses to surrender and ■declares that complete returns will show a victory for the republicans. Returns generally indícate republican losses. Mirliignn. Litest returns show that approxiinately 480,000 votes were oast in Miohigau last Tuesday on goveruor. Of these Mayor Pingree received 274,tifïO aud Sligh 205,040. The fortners plnrality is T0,207, wbile McKinley's ia esdmated at 54,508, (ir 15,699 votes behiurl. The fnsiouists carried 18.' couutieR in the state, which is flve less,; thun the deuioorats oarried in 1892. Froin late returns it appears that Sligh carried ouly II counties. Iu nearly every oue of the couuties of Michigan Pingree ran anead of his ticket. A. JVI. Todd, fusionist, accordiug to A. C. Wisner, chairman of tbe third district silver oougressional committee, carried his district by a plurality of 016. Judge Bruoker's plurality iu the eightb has been fixed at 1,583. In 1892 W. S. Linton carried the district by a plurality of 6,447. Colorado. Denver, Coló., Nov. 5. - Scattering returns received show that Bryan and Sewall have carried Colorado by over 100,000 plurality in a total vote of about 175.000. No effort has yet been made to tabulate the returns. Tne democratio-sllver-republlcan fusión state tlckat, headed by Alva Adams, democratie candidate for governor, apparently has a plurality of 12,000 over the populist-silver party fuelonists. Oregon. Portland, Ore., Nov. 5.- Nearly threefourths of the total vote of Oregoa aas been received. McKinley, 32,133; Bryan, 27,409; McKinley's plurality, 4,724. Palmer's vote in the state will be about 100. It is estimated that the precincts yet to be heard from will reduce McKinley's plurality 1,500, mak ing hls plurality in the state 3,200. Texas. Auetln, Tex., Nov. 5.- After a careful count of all eleotion returns It is undoubtedly a faot that the demócrata will win the state. They have the natlonal ticket and the congresslonal by handsome maorities in all save the lOth and 12th congressional districta, which are conceded to the republicans. Louisiana. New Orleans, Nov. 4.- ElecÜOD returns are coming in slowly, but the lndications are that the demócrata have made a clean sweep, electing congression al delegation, and that Bryan has carried the state by not less than 30,000( majority. Indiana. IndianaDolis. Ind., Nov. 5.- The re-, (Continued od Fourch Pase.) M'KINLEY ISjiSEN (Contiuued from First Page.) turns from Indiana up to o:ís a. m., iudicated net republican gains of about 11 to a precinct, which would give the state to McKinley by 30,000. North Carolina. Rnleigh, N. C, Nov. 5.- Returns up to 6 a. m. indicated Bryan carries North Carolina by 10,000. Republicans at that hour, however, would nat concede the state. SENATE IS ANTI-SII.VER. Kepublicivng Elect Forty-Two Memben of Upper House. Washington, Nov. 5. - From returns thus far received the next senate probably will stand as follows: Republicans 42 Democrats 32 Independents and populists 11 Doubtful 5 Total 90 On the currency question the senate undoubtedly will have an anti-silver majority. The doubtful states ase Delaware, Kansas, Kentucky, North Carolina and South Dakota. The republicans would need forty-five with the vice-president to control the senate. The republican senators who bolted the St. Louis ticket and platform are elassed as independents. They are Teller, Dubois, Mantle and Cannon. Another Utah senator to be elected to succeed Brown ■will undoubtedly be independent. CHAIBMAN JONES GIVES UP. Admita That the Kepubllcans Have Won the Battl. Chicago, Nov. 5. - Ohairman James K. Jones gives up the fight. West Virginia is admitted to have gone republican, and this, with Indiana and Michigan, settles it. The surprise to the, democrats carne in West Virginia. Jones expected to oarry this all a whooping. It went for McKinley by 13,000 plurality. Chairman Jones etill claims California, Kansas, North and South Dakota, Nebraska and Kentucky. He will not listen to talk of Texas or Tennessee, having gone republican. Chairman Jones authorized Secretary Hosford of the campaign committee to give out an, interview stating the case as above. "It was absolutely necessary to oarry two of the central western etates," said Mr. Hosford. "Indiana and Michigan went back on us. There is no doubt about Michigan, and we can not seriously claim Indiana, although we ares not prepared to give up all hope there. But both would be necessary to give us, victory, and Michigan is out of thíí question. West Virginia was the surprise. We had not counted on that. "Nebraska is certainly sure forBryan. So is Wyoming, wbich gave ue a good deal of unnecessary worry. We claim California, Kansas, the two Dakotas and Washington. Oregon we. have hopes of saving, and, of course, Texas and Tennessee. Missouri is conceded to us." Perry Heath of the republican litetrary bureau received a telegram this, morning from Committeemen Roberts, and Yerkes of Kentucky. It state-d that the Kentucky plurality had been reduced by late returns to 5,000. The, mountain districts which are republican are still to be heard from. Congressmen Hunter and Lewis were defeated. The only claim now made by the silver men is that Bryan may have carried more states than McKinley. Thie is interesting from the betting standpoint alona.


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