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Miss Winnie Miller, who has beeu very sick with typhoid pneumonía, is slowly recovering her health. Seventy-eight niembers of theelocution class have juined the Oratorical association. Miss Gertrnde Buok haa an able artiole in the November Forum, on the subject "Another phase of the uew eduoation." K. H. Holloway, '99 lit, ot Montana, died at the University hospital Weduesday afternoon of last week, of typhoid fever. At the opening tea of the Women's League at Harris hall, Saturday evening, President Angelí gave au interesting and instructive address W. A. Comstock has resigned the captainoy of the sophomore football team, and S. A. Stein was elected as his successor. Hou. James L. Hiwb, of Chicago, will dfiliver his celebrated lecture on Erskine before the Oratori calAssooiation some time during the present semester. The clinics at the homeopathie hospital have been unusually well attended thus far. The surgical cliuics have been especially well supplied with ma I terjal and Prof. LeSeur has already j performed a number of difftcult and instructive operations before the class. - ü. of M. Daily. The lit olass of '98 bas elected H. P. Treadway chairmau of its socia committee. He will appoint a young lady meraber of the committee and also a reception committee. J. M. Thomas was eleoted track manager, E. B. Coolidge baseball manager and C. E. Groesbeck football manager. Between two and three thonsand people saw ïtm West give the East poiuts abour i l.i.ying football Saturday Both the i x ursion tiains were well filled and Mibbigan was very much in evidence at Detroit nntil the midnight train left for Anu Arbor. The game was comparativsly an easy one for Michigan, the 8;ore standing at the end of the game 40 to 0 in Michigan's favor. The Philological Sooiety has reelected Prof. George Hernpl as its president and John JR. Effinger, jr., as secretary. At its last meeting ToLi s Diekoff, instructor in Germán, read a paper on tbe "Influtnce of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Julïet. ' npon Lessing as developed in 'Emilia Galloti. ' " Abont 40 were present, among wbom were most of the prominent faculty members. The Hahnemannian Society of the homeopathie college has reorganized. Prof. W. A. Dewey is president, C. M. Steele vice president and presiding officer, Miss Mar on Wells reaordiug secietaiy, J. H. Ball corresponding secretary, aud H. J. Elliott treasurer. The society will hereafter hold stated meetings at which papers will be read aud disenssed and perhaps a short lecture course will be giveii. Physical examinations have been going on at the gymnasium for the past two weeks, but not as many stndeuts have availed themselves of the oppurtunity of thns receiving a careful examination as should have done so. There is do charge either for the examination, or the chart which is given to each one who is examined. Classes are now being held every evening at 8 o'clock for the beuefit of those who are not able to take the regular class work in the afternoou. The senior lit class officers are: President, S. W. Stnitb ; vice president, Miss Grace B. Wallace; treasnrer, John B. Keating; prophetess, Miss Iuez C. Perrin ; historiau, Miss Oceana Ferry; poet, Arthur M. Smith; orator, Bayard H. Ames; track manager, C. F. Chubb; baseball manager, Stanley Matthews. J. F. Thomas aud Miss Walters were tied for the office of eecretary. The Hospital Circle of King's Daughters, which was organized last May, now has a mfimbership of 20. Tbe officers are Mrs. Wait, leader; Mrs. Fleming Carrow, vice president; Miss Margaret Maeon, secretary; Miss Stella Westcott, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Louis Hall, treasureï; Mrs. Stanley, chairman of visitiog committee. Tlie object of the circle is to provide help for those pntients at the hospital who find themselves without money aud in need of treatment.


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