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Dr. Miles' Norve Piasters for Hlioumiitlsm. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Ths facf ilaile Tff stt „ 'S o slgaaturo jCjé-f V2" "7 of -ftiryx c4í fppw. Estáte of Adeline C. Lockard. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, 8S. At a session of the Probnte Courl lor the Couuty of Washtenaw bolden at. the Probate Office in the Oitv ol Aon Arbor, od Fiïday, the 13th day of November, in !he year one tbousaud eight huudred aud ninety8ix. Present. J. Willnrd Babbitt, Judt'e of Probate. In the matter ol the estáte ol Adellni I Lockard, deceaeed. Onreadlngand Blloe the petltion, dulyVerified, oiArthnr M. l.ockard prayipg tbataoertatn instrument now on tile in tliis court, purpori be the last will and testament of sai.l deci may be admitted to probate and that administra tion ofsaid estáte may lie ranted 10 hiniself, the executor tasaid will nained, or BOme olher suitable perron. Thereupon it is ordorod, that Mondar, the 14: h day of December next, at ten o'clockinthe forenoon, be assrgned for the hearing of suld petition. aud that the devise s, leñatees and hejrs at law ofsaid deeeased and all otherpersonsfDterested íu said estáte art required to uppvAi at sion ot eaid Court, then to be holden ut ih Probate Office in the city uf Ann Arbor, and showcanse ifany therebe, wby the prayur of tliepetitioner ahould nut be granted: And it is fut therox deredthat aid pL-tiHooerive notice tothe persone interesled in saii! estáte of the pendency ot sutd petition and tht; hearing thereof ly eanslög a copy of thie order to be published in the Ann Akbor Argus, a newspaper pnntel and eirculatt-d in said couuty, threesucceseive weekp previous to sa.d day of hearing. .T. WILI.A11D BABBITT, [A true copy-1 Judge of Probate Wm. G. Doty, Probate Reaister. Estáte of Anthony Burke. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF Washtenaw, ss. Ata session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Olrlce iti the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the 191 h duy of November, in the year one thousand eig-bt hundred and ninety-six. Present. J. Willard Dabbitt, Judpre of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Anthony Burke, deceased. Daniel W. liarry, the admiriistrator of s;iid estáte, comes into court and represents that he is now prepared to render h6 tinal account as sucli adminietrator. Thereupon it is ordered that Tueeday, the Sthdayoï December, next, at iOo'cloek in the forenoon, be assig-ned for exatnininji and allowingsuoh account, and that the lieirs at law ofsaid deceased and allother persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a seseion of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the City of Ann Avbor, in-aid County, and show cause if any ther be, why the said account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered that siüd administrator give notice to the ]i;tsons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by a copy of this order to be published u the Ann Arbor Argiis, a newspaper printed and eireulatin: in said county, three 8uecessive weeks previous to said day of hearJ. WILLARD ISABIUTT, Judge ol' Probate . IA true copy.l Wm. G. Doty. Probate Reirister. Estáte of James Clements. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Al a session of the Probate f'ourt for the County ol Washtenaw, hohlHDat the Probi'te Urüce in the city of Aun Arbor, on Friday, the sixth day of November in the year one thonwaii'-l eieht hundred and ninety-six. Present, J . Wilhud Babbitt, Judije of Probate. Ir tbe matter ot tbe estáte oí James Cleineuts, deceased. Henry C. Clements and William ),. Clements, executorsof the last will and testament of said deoased. come inlo court and represent that they are now prenared to render their flnal account as sueh esecutor. Thereupon it .s ordered that Tueiday, the 8th dayofDecetnberncxt, at tenoClock in theforeuoon be assigned for ex&mlDtng and allowins such accoudi, and that the devisees. legateea and heirs il law ofsaid dt-'Ceascd, and uil otlierperHonsiDterested in Sitíd estáte, are required to appear at a BW sion of said court, then lo he holden at the Probate ofïice, ir the city Of Ann Arboï, ín aid county, and show cause, if any there be, why the aaid account should not be allowed. And it is further ordered that said executon' glve notice to the persons ui teieated in said estáte, o? the pendency of said account and thehearingthereof, by causing a eopy of this ojrder to be published in the Ann Arbor Arg-us, a 'ewspaper printtd and circuja'ing in said county, three sucecssive weeks previous to Faid dav of hearing. .1.W1LLARI) BABBITT. Judae of Probate. (A true copy. William U. Dotv. Probate Register. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY O oí' Waahtcnaw, ss. Notice ia hereliy gJven, thatbyan order of the Probate Cuurl for the County of Washtnniiw, made ou the 12th day ol October, A. D. 18i)Jf six munths from tbat dt( were allowed for creditore to present their clftimp fttainst the estáte of Lovel liarrwnn, late of Bald cdunty. decensed, and that all ereditors cf suid d''CC!istHl are lequiren to present theirclaimn In :iic] Probate Court, nt the Probate Office ín the city of Ann Arbor, forcxaminalion and allowanco, on or licfore tbe 12th day of April next, nnd tiiiit such claims will be henrd before sttid ('out! on the 12th day of January. anü on the 12tli day of April next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of each of 8aid days. Dated Aun Arbor. Octo'ner 12, A. 1). 1890; J. BABBITT, ludut; of Probate


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News