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Sad Case Of Desertion

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Monday's VVashteuaw EveDiug Times cootaius the following sad story of a naau's cruelty nud dupiinity wbioh oocurred in onr neigbbormg city of Ypsilanti: "Rigbt under the shadow of the high school building a desertad wife and yoaug ruotjer, with a oiiiln levon rnoutbs old aud the moth6r agaiu in a delicate oomiitiuu, bas been living in very destitute eircumstances. She is a frail youug wonian aud bas hardiy had the niOBt ineagre neuessities of life. Falliug bebiud in her rooru reut, sbe was given uotice Mouday by the laud lady that if sbe could uot pay she rnnst go out iuto the cold world today. But all Obristiau charity is not yet rliad, and tbe Epworth League haviiiK learued of thu deRerviug case bas providerl shelter and promit-es support nntil the poor young motber is again able ro help provide fur herself aud hers. The case is all the more sad, beiug tbe revolt of man's duplioity and woman'e worse tLan weakness. Shortly alter the ruarnage of the woiuan, wbioh prevejuted the hasbaurl from fioiug tQ priisou on the charge fur wbich he was air. sted, the man deserted her. Ritnuiug agaiu this snnjmer he ouoe ïuoie lived wilh ber, but ouly remained a short time, leaviug her without money or frieuds to look to. It iu said that the most she bas been able to earu since tbe desertiou is $1 25 a week. The oase dow illustrates what the charitable sooieties of the city are doing towara lookiug af ler the ueedy. "


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