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Say, w'ats de use o' livin, w'en you t'row you lile away? W'ats de a e o' smokin' w,en you blow de smoke awiy ? Wats de upo o' chewia' w'en you spit out all dejuiee? Say, w'ats de use? - Hully Gne. Three weeks from today and Christmas will be bere. "Tbe Other Man's Wife" is the play billed for tbe Grand opera house tomorrow nigbt. The King's Daugbters of the Baptist cbnrch give a "kitchen social" in the parlors of tbe churoh tbis evening. Miss M. Ellen Olarken and the Mandolín Trio rendered exoellent music at the Eastern Star birtbday party in Ypsilanti, Monday afternoon and evening. Daniel Ware died at his home on Thompson st., Friday morning, of heart disease, aged 81 years. His rena ai ns were takeD to Grand Haven for interment Friday night. Tbe collection at the nnion Thanksgiving service in the Presbyterian chnroh, for the bflnefit of the Cbaritable Union, amounted to $54. Tbat taken up at St. Audrew's Episcopal ohurcb for the same objeot amounted to $21. Henry Brauo, treasnrer of Ann Arbor town, will be at the connty treasnrer's office every Priday and Saturday during December and Jaunary, except Christmas and New Year's Days, when he will be there thfi days previous, to reoeive taxes. Dr. W. A. Campbell, professor of anatoray at the ü. of M., has been authorized by the board of regenta to institute a campaign of education araong the oounty poor offloers concerning the disposal of the bodies of paupers which are nnclaimed. A Lansing mnrchant says that it seems queer that a wnmau will boy a spool of thread and bave it sent home on tbe delivery, but if a ohurch sooial is in progress she will oarry an old tin boiler or a bushei banket for a mile tbrough the principal screets and think it a pleasnre. Grand Trunk trainmen are a little disturbPd by rumors rpjarding ohauge in freigbt arrangevnents which may turn the tide of snuthern traffin from the Air Lint) branoh to the C. & Q T The rnmored propnition is to senr freights over the Anti Arbor road t Dnrand instead of turn ing thain ove to tbe Grand Trnnk at Hamburg. - Lansing Journal. Another darle mrrow is joined to the sum Of wih thtu embitter ltte's dream; The louter the nightó tlmt ure chilly beeoine The Bhorter the bed covers seeui. Earl Maynard, son of Aid. C. A. Maynard, broke his ankle wbile playing in a football game Friday. The number of deaths in Ann Arhor and vicinity last week was unnsually large. Funeral Director O. M. Martin alone offio:ating at ten funerala. Miss .Tackson, of Owosso, was chosen by the State Board of Education at its meeting in Ypsilani, Saturday, to succeed Miss Caffey as ciitio teacher at the Normal. Read the liberal subscription offer for the Argus, also for the Akgus and MicniGAN Farmer together, which appears at the head of these columns. A game of football between the Ypsilanti Stars and the State Struet Angels in tb.iü oity last Saturday resnlted in the downfall of the "angels" by a soore of 4 to 0. The private office of the county clerk at the oourt house has been provided with a iiew carpet by the building cornmittee. Probably in view of the change of its oocupancy. Forty of the teachers attending the Kindergartner's convention at Ypsilanti Saturday, oame to Ann Arbor on the motor line in the evening to take a look over the University. The second sooial party of the series being given by the Ann Arbor Light Infantry will take plaoe at the armory on Thursday evening next The first one was a delightful snecess and the prospects for an equally pleasant time next Thursday evening are equally propitions. Sid W. Millard and W. L. Walz, while in Chicago last week, saw Pleiades Lodge, No. 178, F. & A. M., oonfer the third degree in Masonry. They say that eiïber of the two lodges in this city ■ nu do oqually as good and in some paniuulars better work. Dr. J. A. Cook, one of Dr. Dorrance's graduates in dentistry, bas reurned from Campiñas, Brazil, where e was conne'--ted with Dr. I. M. Piot-. yman in dentistry. Dr. Cook says aere are seveial American dentists iu Campiñas and all are doing a good busness - Times. George Wahr has fitted up in the rront end of his store a small readiug oom where he keeps on file the daily apers, London and Paris papers and 11 the Germán periodicala. A writing esk and writing materiais are also jere and the public is invited to make se of all tbese conveniences. It was all a mistake that the "All a Mistake" company would play at the Grand opera house Monday nigbt. The ompany stranded at Pontiac and wantd $30 advanced to them with which to eaoh this city. The money was not ent and the company conseqnently 'ailed to put in an appearance here. John V Sheehan is extending his usiness interests these days. He has ust entered into partnership with Mi. Villiama, ot Detroit, formerly with he McFarland book concern, of that ity, and the firm will open a first class )ook store at 146 Woodward ave., Deroit, nnder the firm name of John V. heeban & Co. George Wahr bas this year published our different textbooks for the U. of Sí. He has.just published and placed n his store a new Frenoh reader edited ij Profs. Moritz Levy and Victor francis. It is a cloth bound hook of 60 pagps, consisting of classic French tnriee, long and short, together with 'oluminous notes and vocabnlary. The rail drilling machine recently invented by Artbur Sweet, is becoming unusnally' popular. Mr. Sweet has evdently got a good thing. - Ann Arbor ïegister. Wouldn't Abe Lincoln have )een tickled to have had such a machine in his youthful days? - Milan Leader. Don't see what use he would have made of it. The rails it is i sed npon'are nnt the kind that honest Abe used to split. The cbildren of the Zion Lutberan oburch parochial school surprised the pastor, Rev. A. L. Nicklas, with the gift of a monster Thanksgiving turkey and were in turn themselves surprised by tbat gentleman, who invited the youngsters to come to dinner at his house Friday and belp eat it. Needless to say the invitation was accepted and a very happy gathering was the result. A social under the acspices of the Unity Club was held in the parlors of the Ünitariau church Weduesday eveuing wbir.h was well attended. Dr. Bliza Mosher, dean of the Women's Department of the U. ofM., made an adriress, and Jndge Harnman read a short paper on Whittier. A short mus ioal program and the serving of ligh refresbrneuts filled in the balance of a very pleasant evening. Mayor Walker, Nelson Garlinghousp Roube.n Armbruster, George Bailey and Wm. F. Lndholz returned from their hunting trip in the uorth wooda las Friday. Four deer was the result o their hunt. as the weather was not fav orable. Neither the mayor nor Mr Garlinghouse were afflicted with "buck fever, " but the three other men got the deer nevertbeless. Renben Arm braster sbot two and Messrs. Bailey and Lodbolz one each. All keys to post; office look boxes must be taken to the post office for redernptiou before the 3Otb day of fcbis month. Heretofore the deposit required on post office box keys bas been 50 cents for eaoh key, but the reissue of the keys will only cali fnr a deposit o 20 ceuts eauh. In making this ex change the poftmas.ter's receipt mts bashown, or if it has been lost an affi davit can be made whinh will take it place. The deposits on all keys no brought in by Deo 30 will be forfeited The affidavits can be made at the pre office as Assistant PÓstmastet Watt bas taken ont a notary pnblic's com misaion for this espenial purpose Blauk forms for the affidavits can b 'fouud at the post office. If a man wno "turnips" cries. Cries not when his fatber diee; This Ís proof that he had rather Have a turnip than his father. -Samuel Johnson The Deoember term of the oircuit ourt will upen next Tnesday. William Waleh has been offered the gency for the Deering binder for the oming year. Mrs. Frank Srnith died at th asylum n Pontiao Friday morning. Her remains were bronght to Ann Arbor and nterred in Forest Hill cerne tetfy Saturay. , Read tbe liberal subscription offer 'or the Akqus, also for the Anaus nd Michigan Farmer togetbei, wliich appears at the head oL these olumns. A game of football Friday moruing t the fair grounda, between a picked [even of first warders and the Ann Arjor Clippers, resulted in a viotory for ie latter 4 to 0. Capt. William A. Clark, assistant nspecfcor, G. A. R., will inspect Weluh ost on Tuesday evening uext at 7:30 'olouk. The annual election of officers will also take plaae at this meeting. W. Wright, the Alma rnillionire, it is said, has plans which iuclnde ie pnrohase of the Ithaca branoh of ie Detroit, Lansing & Northern, and aginaw Valley rond, the same to be perated" by the Ann Arbor Co - This wonld make Alma the terminus of the oad pnrohased and a diviBion point on je Aun Arbor. Every one eats peanuts and soarcely nyone knows auything abont them. 'he peaunt erop is oue of the most rofiitable of the sonth. The yearly )roduction of peanuts in this country s about 4,000,000 bushels of 22 pounds ach, the bnlk of the erop beiug prouoed in Virginia, Georgia, Tennessee nd North Carolina. Daring the late campaign the Lantng sound money men cansed a uum)er of placards, containing arguments or their side df the questiou, to be laced in the street cars of that city. 3ne of these cards was rendered nnll nd void and of no effect by a free silerite who wrote uopn it these words: 'It's a dam ly. " - Journal. Mrs. Mary C. Spencer, state libraran, has just issued a catalogue of the aw department of tbe library. The oinpilation shows that the library is he most thoroughly equipped in reports nd statnte law of all the states of tbe uninn togethir with those of England, relaod, Suocland, Canada, Australia, ïïova Sootia, New Brnnswick and the West Indies. Charles J. Newell, of Muskegon, who was callecl to Ann Arbor Nov. 12 as a wituess in the case against Bruno Paulus was paid 10 oeuts a mile and $1 a day for his services. When he left the city he forgot to pay his board bill. On Saturday he was callert on by Chie: of Poliue Stirling, of Muskegon, wno informed him that he must pay up the claim or go to ja il to await the Ann Arbor officials. Ho remitted. L D. Gross, of Geddes ave., hav ing sold his fruit farra to Mr. and Mrs Jeft'erson Powell, of Flint, has pur ohased the Weidemann property a Whitrnore Lake, wbich he wijl fit op for a summer resort. He will build two cottages and a bathing house and wil also have on hand cottage tents with floors for the use of resorters. He vil keep a regular boarding house at the old house for the accomodation of re sorters. H. Wirt Newkirk, judge of probate elect, has resigned his position as oashier of the Dexter Savings Bank, to take effect Dec. 12 The Dexter Leader says : "It is very probable tbat assistaut casbier, Harry Carpenter, will receive a deserved promotion to the position of cashier at tbat time and tbe place of assistant cashier will be given to John W. Barloy. " Later - He has received the appointment. Au interestiug Thanksgiving program was given at tbe First Baptist cbnrch ou Sunday iuoruiDg. "Thaukfnl thouglits" addresses were given on "Tbe word of God" by Rev. N. S. Burtou, on "Cbristian homes" by Prof. Volney M. Spalding, on "Oar native land" by Rev J. N. Lowis, on "Onr ohnroh" by Prof. .T. B. Mnntgomery, and on "Out denomination" by Rev. T. W. Young. A beantifnl soprano solo was suDg by Master Fred Daly and Mr. A. Miller gave a violin solo. A new forro of amn semen t seems to bave been developed by some of the young maidens of tha Sixth ward. A student rooming ou VVillard st. is reported, on Satnrday night while ou bis way to take a street car, to have been pounced upon by flve girls whom be did not kuow and fleicely pinched, beaten and hngged until by main force he managed to escape and return to his rooms in dismay. Two other young meu rooining in the eame neighborhood are said to bave been likewise treated during precediDg nights. It is said that tbe young men in tbat viciuitv are beeomiuc afraid to be out on the streets alone at


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News