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Throat Coughs Is there a tickling ín th...

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Throat Coughs Is there a tickling ín the throat? Do you cough a great deal, especially when lying down? Are you hoarse at times? Does nearly every cold you take settle in your throat? These "throat coughs" are very deceptive. Don't neglect them. Troches, or cough syrups won't touch the spot, You must take remedies that will enrich the blood, tone up the nerves; and heal the inflamed memferanes. SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites contains such remedies. It has wonderful nourishing and healing power. The cause of the cough is removed; the whole system ís given new life and vigor; and the danger from threatening lung trouble ís swept away. Book abou! it free. For sale by all druggists at 50c and $1.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING BBEN MADE IN the conditions of a oertain mortgage nado iiy i iv it Johnson and Ellzabetb Johnson to the Ann Arbor Savings Assodatton, dated Novflmber liith, A. 1). is2, and recorded In the office oí the Register ol Deeds, for the Oounty of Washtenaw and state of Michigmi, on tl1 II li diiy of November, A. 1) 1898, In UberïSof Mortgages, on pase 100, on whloh mortgage thore is clalineö tb be duo at the date of tuis nolice the sum of one hundred and slxty-eight. dollars and nlnety-two cents, and an attorney's feu ol' twontytivc dollars provided lor m suld mortgage, and no snit or prooecdings at law haviug heen institutedto recover the monoysseourcd by said mortgage, or an part theieol ; Now, therefore, bv vlrtue of tbe power of saleoontatned in said mortgage, and il ie slatute in snch case made and provided, notiee Is hereby Rlvcn t.hat on Satnrday, i he I6th tiay of January, A. D. ÏSUT, at ]0 o'e.lock in tlio forenoon, 1 shall sell at public auctlon, to the hiKhest bidder, at the Bast door of the L'ourt House, In the Olty of Ann Arbor, ithat belng the place where the Circuit Courtfor Wasntenaw Oounty is holden), the premlsea deacribed in huuI mortgajie oreomuob thcreofas nuiy be necossary to pay the amount dueonsaid mortKage. irltli seven per cent. interest, and all. legal costs, together witli an attorney's fee of twenty-five doUarBiConvenanted for tbereln, the premises belng deserilied in said mortgage ae all that oertaln lot, pieoe and parecí ot land sitúate in tbe Olty of nu M'hor. in theCounty of Waabtenaw, and State of Michigan, and known and descilbed as follows: ijot number slxteen (18) in James B. Golfs addilion to the City of Ann Arbor. ANN ABBOB 8AVINQ8 ABSOClATION, O. H. Kr.iNK, Mongagce. Attorney for Mortfjagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT HAVING I1KEN MADE1NTIIË oondltlonsoi acertaln mortgage madeby Xettie ( '- wise ut ihe Ann Arbor Bavlnga AhsOolatlon, la teil .luiy 2'!, A. l). [896, and recoided n the office of the Register of Deeds. for the County of Washtenaw and State of Mleh.gun, on the lüth daj Of August, A. 1). I89R, ín Líber 18 of Mort gages on page 182, on whloh mortgage tbere is Qlalmed to be due at the dato of thli notiee the Biun of tourteen hundrep and pixty-i-even dollars aod tifty-two cents, and an attorney's fee of twenty flve dollars pvovided far in said mortgage, and no Bult or proceedlngfi at law having been tnstítuted to recover the moneys secured bysaid mortgage or any part tliereol Now, thereiore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided, notlce is hereby glven that on Saturday, the ioth day ot January, . I). 1897, at ten o'clock In ihe forenoon. I sliall bell at public auctlon, to the hlghest bidder, at the etisc front door of the Court House, In the City of Ann Arbor, Mieh.,(that belng the place whero tbe circuit Court for Washtenaw County is holden.) the premisos descrlbed In said mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to psy the arriount de on said tnort.irage. witli S'ven per cent. Interest, and all legal oosts, together witli an attorney's fee or twentyflve dollars convenanted for there a, the. premises hemg descrlbed in said mortgage as all that certai lot, plece and parcel of laúd sitúate In the City oi: Ann Arbor. in the O unty of Wasbtenaw and state of Michigan, and knowu and descrlbed as follows; The cast twenti -elght (28) feet of lot number three (Ü) and the twenty-two (22) feet of lot number four (4), In blook number twenty-four Ut In ( irnir-by & ï'age addition to Bald city, according to the recorded nlat thereof ann AHBOE 8AVTNG8 ASSOCIATION. 0, II Ki.ine, Mortgagee" Attorney for mortgagee. Estáte of James Clements. 3TATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY O oí WH8titcnaw,8fi. Ala pessionof the Protmte ouri for tneCounty ol Waehtenftw, bolden ut the Probate Office in the city of Ano Arbor, on rifiuy, the sixth day of' Noi'ember in the pear ""' thoutmnd elght hundrecl nnd Dlnety-six. Preni, J . Willaul habbitt, Jud&e of Probate. 1p the matter of theeatate of Jaines Clementa, t eea sed. llciny C. Clemente and WilHam 1 Olements, sxeoutora of the last wil] and testament ol' sa!d Itc ftwd, coiue into court and represent that ihey ace now prenared to reuder their tinal ac■oiint hp such executor. Theeupon it is otdered that Tuesday, the 8th 3a j of December next, at leu o Vloek In the forenoou be assined tor examhüng and allowing such ucUOuDt, ftnd tlml th de visees, legateen and heirs at law of safd ttfOeaaed, nd uil other pernoDs intereat?d in sitid esiateare requued to appear at u hcsii- n of sa d court, thi-n lo be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Anti Arbox, Ín said couuiy, and Khow caune, if au y the re be, why the ííiifl account should not be til 1ü wed. A iid Lt is turthor ord-rtd that Baid executorB We QOtice to thepersonsintereBted in eaid ustate.of the pendenoy of sald account and theheariugthereof, Uy ca tt si rm a Oopj of this order to be piiblisbed iü the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper irintcd and Edrculaing in saiíI county, three ueecssive weeks pro ious to faid day ol heimng. J. WILLAKD JiABBllT, JudgeofFrobate, (A truecopy. Wilmam U. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of Stephen Mills. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Wnshtcnaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Frlday, the Oth day oí November in the year onc tbousand eight hundred and ninety-six. Present, J. Willard Ilabbitt, Judge oí ProbateIn the matter of the ebtate ol Stephen Mills, deceast d. On rt::idin and filingthcpetition duly verifiedof Clark E. Milla, prayintr that a certa in inslrument now on file in thia cnurl, puiporting to be the last will and testament of saicf deceased, m iy be admitted to proljate and that adminisi ration ot Huid estáte rnay be grunted to Charles Mills and ('ïeranie Mills, the exfeutors in eaid will namen, or to sume other auitable nerson. fbereupoo it is ordered, thttt Monday.the 7th day ol December noxt, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be aait;ned for he hearing of said petition, and tb at the de visees, leñatees, and heirs at law ot unid deceasi'd. and all other persons interentod in said estáte are required to appear at a session of sai' court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city ol Ann Arbor, Hnd show cause, if any there be, why the i i :iyer of the pciitioner shonld not be gran'ed. And it ia further ordered, tbat said petitiouer givo not ice to the persons interested ín .said estáte oí the pendencj' of unid petition i)d tlie heariiijt thertJ"f, by ciiusinjí a (=opj of this order tobe publiahed in the Ann Abbou Akgus, a newBp'iper printedand lirculated in paidcouuty, tbre suoceseive weeks previous to said day of hearing . J. WILLARD BABIUTT, [A truecopy.] Judgoof Probate Wm. ü. Doty. Probate Register


Ann Arbor Argus
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