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Bom, to Mr. and Mra. C. W. Greenman, on Tuesday, a son. Born, to Rev. and Mra. W. H. Walker, forrnerly of this city a baby boy. üuy Bros. ' Minstrels will be at the Grand opera house next Wednesday evening. W. W. Watts has sold his raoe borse "Happy Man" to Ed. Doersam and M. O. Whalen, of Ypsilanti. City Treasnrer Manly is busy receiving city taxes. His office hours are f rom 9 a. rn. to 12 m. and f rom 1 p. xn. to 4 p. m. Tbe cbildren of the Fifth ward Snnday school will be treated to a Christmas supper tbis year instead of the usual Christmas entertainment. The Pheonix Singing Society will bold its annual concert on New Year's Eve, Dec. 31. Among those who will partioipate will be 15 children. David Gore, treasurer of Northfield, will be at the oounty treasurer's office in the oonrt house the last three Satur days of tbis month to receive taxes. Frank Creech, of ■ Ypsilanti, is the ooming deputy register of deeds, he having been appointed to tbat position by George A. Cook, register of deedselect. Mr. and Mrs. James O'Kane celebrated the christeniag of their sou, James Joseph O'Kane, on Snnday evening, with a pleasant gathering of their friends. The four remaining parties of tbe Ann Arbor Dancing Club will take place at Granger's academy, Dec. 16, Jan. 6 and 2?, and Feb. 17. Ádmission by membersbip card only. The Argus has received a cordial invitation from the Olenadis and Arena debating sooieties to be present at tbeir juint debate, which takes place this evening in Room A, high school building. Mrs. Clara E. Young, Miss Cora L. Cronk and Mrs. Heien M. Truesdell of Port Huron, Great Hive auditors, L. O. T. M., were in Ann Arbor Saturday and aucüted the bouks of Great Record Keeper Emma E. Bower. C. E. Sperry, treasurer of Pittsfield, will receive taxes at the following places: Aun Albor, at cuunty treasurer's office, Dec. 26, Jan. 2; Ypsilanti, at Alvin & Johnson's store, Deo. 3; Saline, at S. H. Maher&Co. 's store, Dey. 29. The Detroit Free Press is about to issue a "Peninsular state edition" of that paper. On Saturday last J. A. Brown and H. F. Kyle, general advertising solicitors, were in Ann Arbor looking up the rnanufactaring interests and banks of the city for use in the edition. The Times says: "Ad old bachelor, who is evidently trying to square himself with the girls, gives the following definition of an old maid : 'An oid maid is a woman who has not been foei euough to be fooled by every fooi who bas been fooi enough to try and fooi her.'" Ah, tbere, Pearson ! We kuew you were a bachelor, but rlid uot know vou were an "ol 1 bachelor" before. JMauy beautiful Christrnas windows have already beeu put up in the differeut stores. Among them are those of George Wabr and Martiu Sebailer, booksellers; Goodyear & Co., druggists; Noble's Star clothing house, very novel; B. St. James, dry goods, very novel; Mneblig & Schmid, hardware dealers ; ,7. Fred Staebler, grocer. From preseut iudications tbe Cbristmas decorarioas will be more elabórate tbis yeai' than usnal. T. J. Keeoh reoeived a postal card Friday from A. F. Cary, the young man who stopped in this oity last July on his way aronnd the world ou a bicycle. He came from Lynn, Mass., and is paying his own expenses vrith wuat he can earn on the way. He reports baving leaohed San Francisco October 1, his cyclometes registering 4,646 miles f ir the trip. He is working at the Union Irún wnrks in tbat oity and will resnme his ttavels on the opening of next summer. - Times. Owing to fhe unavoidable absenoe from the oity of J. E. Beal, who was to deliver the first leoture in the Epworth Leagne, coorse "Foor EveniDgs Abroad," to toorrow evening, an extra number will then be giveu by J. P. Hamilton, who will speak on "What a blind man saw inEorope." The price of the oonise tiokers remaius tbe same as before, 25 .rants for all the leotnres. Miss Gertrade Breed will lead the high school S. C. A. meeting tbia afterüüon. All students iuvited. The Whitney opera compauy will preseut the opera, "Bob Roy," at the Grand opera honse next Friday eveuing. When Wm. G. Dotv's term as probate register expires, Jan. 1, he will open au oflioe in the Masouic block for the practico of la"w. v In the case of Virgie A. Comiskie vs. The City of Ypsilanti, the jurige took the case froru the jury anrt decided it in favor of the defendant. Miss Mary Lutz was surprised at her home Thursday eveniug of last week by 20 of her young friends, who speut the evening n playing carde. It was her - birthday anniversary. Twenty-five peopie participated in a pleasant sooial gatbering at the residenco of Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Schairer, given in honor of Miss Lonise Gaunt, of Chicago, on Monday evening. Jacob Knapp, of Chicago, who has been visiting iriends in Aun Arbor for n few days on bis return home from a visit to tha "Vaderland," says that even in the present condition of affairs Americans are prosperóos oompared with the Germans. Alexander Ratti, aocompauied by his son, went to Italy last snmmer to visit his old home and friends, and it was with the greatest diffioulty that he eseaped bpiiig drafted into the Italian army. His papers of Amerioan citizenship were all that saved him. Tbere is only one grave of a deceased soldier left unmarked in the cemeteries of Ann Arbor. Through the labors aud researcbes of James B. Sannders, idjutant of Welsh Post, No. 137, G. A. R., the U. S. governmeut has furnishe headstones fur 16 graves of deceased comrades. Mrs. HpIph L. Perkins, died at the home of her Msier, Mrs Eliza Speechly, 29 Traver si., uorth side, on Saturday, aged 60 yt ut.s, 4 months and 26 days. Funeral services were beid at the honse Monday afternoon, Rev. J. T. Sunderland officiating, and her remains were bnried in the Fifth ward cemetery. The shortest days of the year are now npon us. From Deo. 2 to 13 the afternoous are at a standstill, after whioh they will slowly lengthen. Daylight in the morning will get shorter by some minutes until Jan. 8, after which it will gradnally lengthen. The shortest day from sunrise to sunset will be Monday, Dee. 21. At 10 o'clock yesterday morning two Washtenaw county youug ladies, Miss Kitty May Meade, of Northfield, and Miss Josie Hoey, of Dexter, together with others reoeived the white veil of the Community in St. Mary's convent, Monroe, Mich. Quite a number of Ann Arborites went to Mooroe to fitness the ceremony. A drunkeu student "chaperoned" by a crowd of Alpha Delta Phi boys disgusted the audience at the opera house Saturday night and should have been bundled uuceremoniously into the street. Sooiety boys, however exalted their place in the social soale, have no right to disturb nn audience as did the drunken young fellow Saturday uight. - Times. R. W. Hemphill, of Ypsilanti, superintendent of the A. A. & Y. electric street railway, gives it as his opinión that there is very little doubt but tbat next spring the electrio line will be constructed from here into Detroit. This would make a continuous line from Ann Arbor to the City of tbe Straits. As Mr. Hemphjil is interested in the project he should know whereof he talks. Tbe Wright's Chapel, Livingston connty, correspondent of the Pinckoey Dispatoh says: "Prof. Sage, of Ann Arbor, bas been throngb here trying to organiza a singing school witb little success. We learn tbat Mrs. Will Foster, of Plainfield, is at Chelsea having anotber operation performed, this being the fonrth. She has been relieved of a number of nancers by the skillful treatment of Dr. Nanorede, of Ann ArDor. ' ' George B. Shntterly, landlord of the St. James' hotel, has sold his lease to Jas. D Cook, of Chicago, who assnmed possession this rnorning. Mr. Sbetterly bas sncceeded during his brief management of the hotel in bringing it up to a high Standard of excellence and tbe nnstinted care of himself and Mrs. Shetterly for the comfort of tbeir gnests has been the subject of much favorable comment from them. Mr. Cook, the new proprietor, is a hotel man of experience, and will do his best to keep up r,he present goud repntation of the house. Two Ann Arbor mercantile establisbments are in financial tronble. H. P. Frost & Co , grocers, on E. Liberty st. , were olosed np on Wednesday on account of three chattel mortgages, two of which are held by Phelps, Brace & Co., and the other by Ward L. Andtns, of Detroit. Dearborn & Co., gents' fumishers' on S. State st. , were olosed up by the sherifif Weduesday morning. Two chattel mortgages held by Kirkwood-Flora and the International Shirt and Collar Co., respeotively, were the cause of the attacbment of the property. On Tuesday evening George Cropsey, jr. , and Frank Ryan gave what they intenderl shonld beavery pleasant "stag" party to about 40 of their yoang gentlemen frieuds at the home of the former on S. Fonrth ave. It was given in honor of the birthdays of the young men, the anniversary of which occurred on that day. The stag party went along all right until late in the evening, wb.en a party of 30 young ladies surprised the assembly by putting in an appearanoe and demanding to be recognized as sharers in the celebiation. Of course, they were welcome, as the ladiea always are, and a very pleasant time followed their advent on the scène. The flr8t issue of the high school quarterly, Breeze, will be on sale next Tuesday ruorniug. George Schill, of the north side, has received au iucrease of pension, on aoconnt of total öisability. Eric Hick, the little son of Mr. aud Mrs. George Lake, of Hamburg, died Mouday aud was buried Wednesday. The Woman's Anziliary of the Y. M. C. A. will hold its regular iiiouthly business meeting Mouday, Deo. 14, at 3 p. ia., in the rooms of the assooiation. L There have been 2,380 house branches laid from the sower system to the curb and only 417 of them, or less tban onefifth are in use. The new dining room of the Cook house is ornamented with a handsome aquarium which arrived from Brooklyn, N. Y., Tuesday. Amos Worden, of Salem, sold to Charles F. Lutz, the butcher, on N. Main et., a steer seven months old, which weigbed 520 pounds. Philip Blum, jr. , will commence work in the oouuty clerk's office in a few days, thus preparing himself for his duties as deputy clerk under J. F. Schub. In addition to its regular facilities for fine business and address oard printing, the Argus office is at all times prepared to do engraved work in that line at reasonable rates. A very pleasant leap year party was given at Granger's academy, Friday evening. About 25 oouples were present. Musio was furnished by the Chequamegon orchestra. R. O. Hathaway, of Grand Rapids, past grand master of the Michigan giand lodge, F. & A. M., died Wednesday after an illness of three months. He was a son-in-law of the late Gen. W. P. Inness and was one of the best known Masons in the state. The dining room at Huronia Beach near Port Hurón, owned by Daniel J. Tilden, of this city, was destroyed by flre yesterday morning. It was valued at $1,500 and was insured for $1,000. The origin of the fire is a mystery as the place had not been occupied for some time. The officers of the M. E. Sunday school for the ensuing year are: SnperiDtendent, E. E. Calkins; asst. supt., Heury O. Bliton; lady asst., Miss Florence Sterrett; supt. primary dept., Miss Ella M. Bennett; seoretary, Miss Nina M. Davison; treasurer, Miss Bessie Turner; librarían, Clarence W. Noble; asst. librarían, Paul Voorheis. The friends of Ann Arbor Chapter, No. 122, O. E. S., are rallyiug to the front in fine style and the tickets for the dramatic entertainment Monday evening are being disposed of rapidly. Every indication points to a most excellent production of Bartley Campbell 's "Fate," and the opera house should be and will doubtless be filled both down-stairs and npstairs. Dnriug the past montb the Sewing School reoeived aid from J. H. Cutting, Mack & Co., E. F. Mills, Sohairer & Millen, Mrs. T. J. Keech, Mrs. Walker and Rev. J. W. Bradshaw. There are 70 children to prepare for and the needs of the society are great. The teachers are now bnsy getting ready for the Christmas entertainment of the children, contributions for which can be handed to Miss Brown, the superintendent. The memoiial services held by Ann Arbor Lodge, No. 325, B. P. O. Elks, in its hall o_ E. Washington st., Sunday afternoon, were conducted by Rev. J. W. Bradshaw, according to the ritual of the order Music was furuished by a male quartet. Tbe services were impressive and appropriate. Hon. A. J. Sawyer, who was to bave delivered the address of eulogy, was unavo'dably absent from the city, consequently that part of the program had to be dispensed with.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News