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L. T. Limpert is home from Cheyboygan for the winter. Capt. Ross Granger was in Jackaon en military business, Monday. Prof. Richard Hudson has moved into his fine new residence on Tappan st. Miss Carrie Hammell, of Saugatuck, is the guest of her párente near tb.3 city. A. B Smith, of the Milan Lfiader, was a caller at the Argus office Saturday. 1 Miss Fannie Cooley, of Lansing, is visiting her grand father, Prof. T. M. Cooley. Chirstian Mack has been re-elected a director of the Citizens' Saving Bank of D6troit. Mrs. W. S. Perry left today for New York, where she will remain until after Christtnas. Mrs. George E. McKean, of Granger, O., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Moore. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Herdman gave a pleasant reception to their friends Tuesday evening. k Miss L. Gonningham, of Chicago, is Rteiting Rev. W. L. Tedrow and fumly, on William st. f Mrs. Weston Smith, of New York, lis 'visiting Mr. and Mrs. George L. Moore and family. Mrs. R. C. MuAllasrer and child have been suffering from severe attacks Pof the grip this week. Mrs. VV. W. Wadhams is gradually improving in health at the Mt. Clemens mineral springs. Miss Grace Lamb entertained a company of her friends at her home, 20 Thompson st. , Friday evening. Mrs. Fred Wendell, of Minneapolis, r'Zinn., is visiting Miss Carrie L. taatts and other relatives in the city. P Miss Ida Schumacher and Bert Gerard, of Chelsea, spent Sunday with friends and relatives in this city. Philip and Robert Cochran, of Toledo, O., attended the leap year party at Granger's Academy Friday evening. Prof. George T. Winstnn, of the University of Texas, has been spending a fbw days in the city visiting the univer■ity. ■ Win. Bury, of Spring st., and hia uepbnw, George White, of Ridgetown, I Ont. , spent a few days in Chelsea tbe [ past week. Mrs. Hagenberg and daughter, Miss yiü'j.Tjr, of Toledo, O., were the gnests ■f Mrs. . Lobi and daughter for a few Rays this week. ' Jacob J. Buechler arrived home from Big Horn, Mout., Satorday, where be has been working dnring the Lsutnmer and f all. George P. Wanty, of Grand Rapids, fwas in the city Monday to attend the liiOtb wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Maynard. Charles Donnelly, who has been away from the city for the past six years, is Liisiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. JosBiph Donnelly, of N. Ingalls st. '' Fred Olp, formerly of this city, is Row advance agent of tbe "Dr. Bill" [óompany which played here Monday Dight, and was in Ann Arbor on tbat Iday. Attoruey General Fred A. Maynard Kiud wife, of Grand Rapide, were visïfcing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Maynard, the early part of the Jweek. ' A. J. Diehl, who has been spending Li few days with his ruotber and sisters Rn this city, has gone to Detroit to take la position in K. H. Fyfe & Co. 's shoe Istore. ft Robert D. Phillips, who has ' been Hsashier of the State Savings Bank since mts organization, has reaigned bis positlion and will leave toijiorrow night for ■Chicago. I James Carr, editor of the Dundee Reporter, made the Argus a friendly fc5itll Tuesday morning. Mr. Carr learnftd his trade as a printer on this paper Rearljr 40 years ago, and was one of its ■aithfal employees for nearly 25 years. "STïerifr" 'Green, of Charlotte, was a r-.pleasant caller at the Argus office Monday evening. He was here on official bnsini-ss. Mr. Green will return to his I business as editor and publisher of the Olivet Optie af ter Jan. 1, as he was . not favored with a re-election to the loffioe of sheriff.