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Wben will the nniversity dome be replare...

Wben will the nniversity dome be replare... image
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Wben will the nniversity dome be replared? The beauty of üniversity hall has been entirely sacrificed. Nearly every prominent republioan outside of Ann Arbor has already been spoken of in connection with McKinley's cabinet. Among the staeets whioh need repairing are South üniversity ave., South Fifth ave., and Washtenaw ave. And there ara others. flon. A. J. Sawyer's chances for the gpeakersbip seem to be improving. If the republicana want their best man for speaker, his chances will grow brigbter. Great care is necessary in driving abont the city streets. Great holes will be tound and many rough bumps will be received. More than one horse has been lamed. The condition of onr streets can best be described by the ■word horrible. The later dispatches from Cuba seem to bear out the conclusión that Maceo, the Cnban leader, was treacherously inurdered, aftar being led by bis physician into a trap, to treat -with the Spaniards for terras of peaoe. If this eupposition be trae, the Spaniards will have forfeited all right to any further forbearance on the part of tbe United States. A nation which cannot respect the rules of civilized warfare but must resoit to treachery to remove enemies of whom they are afraid, is almost outside the pale of nations entitled to the oommitties of international law. The proposed oity ordinance to permit the shooting of red squirrels in the city limitsshould bepromptly sat down upon. If any red squirrel shooting is necessary to be done, it sbould be by onr policeman. It is dangerous to allow private individuals to use firearms within the city limits. Already squir reis on houses have been shot. A hunter cannot always distinguish between a red squirrel and a fox squirrel, at least he will Dot and we will soon find onrselves without birds or squirrels. .Let the oity fathers do nothing to enonrage the use of firearms in tbe city limits. It is highly dangerpus to life and liml).


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News