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Líttle Men Women Wc cali them líttle men and littlc women, but they are neither. They have ideas and ways all their own. Fortunately they soon become fond of cod-liver oil, when it ís gfiven to them ín the form of SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN. Thís ís thf most valuable remedy in existence for all the wastingf diseases of early life. The poorly nourished, scrofulous child ; the thin, weak, f retting child; the young child who does not grow ; afl take Scott's Emulsión without force or bribe. It seems as if they knew that thís meant nouríshment and growth for bones, musdes and nerves. Book telling more about it, free, It won't pay to try a substitute for Scott's Emulsión with the children. They will relish the real thing. For sak at 50c and $J.00, by all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, New York. Mortgage Sale. DEFADLT HAVING BEEN MADE IN the cnndit ions of a certain mortsago made by Ollver Johnson and Eltzabeth John ponto the Ann Arbor Savinga Assoclation. dat.ed Novembor, A. D. 18tó, mul recordea in tlio oflice of tho Eeglster of Deeds.fortho Oounty of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, on the litli diiy ol" Novombcsr, A. 1) 1SU2, in Ilber78of Mortgagee, on page 10Q, on wbiota mortgafte there Is claimea to bo duo at. the date of thl8 noltoe the sum of one bundred and Blxty-elj?ht dollars and ninety-twot'tMits, and un atborney'a (ee of twenty flvo dollars provlded for In sald mortgage, and do snit or procsodlngs at law havln been Instituted to rocnver the moneyssecurcd by said mortsage, or anv part thtsrOof ; Now, therefore, by virtue of tho power of salo con tii i n tul i n aaid mortgage, and the statate In süch oase made and providod, notlcels bereby given that on Saturday, the I8th day of January, A. 1). 1SU7, at 10 o'olock In t lio forenoon, 'I shall geil at pabilo auctlon, to the liiifhcst bidder, at the oast door of the l'OUrt House, in the City of Ann Arbor, ithat belng the place wbere the Circuit Courtfor Washtenaw Connty is holden), the premisea descrlbed in said mortgage, or so much thereof as nmy bo necessary to pay the amount duo on said mortgatro. with seven per cent. Interest, and all legal oosts, together with un attorney's feeoi twenty-flve doliarsiconvenantel lor therein, tho preniis's belng desoribed in said mortgage as all that certain lot, pieoe and parecí of land alt aate In the rity of du ■ rbor, in theCount.y of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and known and deaoribed as follows: Lot. number elxteen il'i) In Jainea B. Gott's addltion to the City of Ann Arbor. WN ARBOE SAV1NG8 ASSOCIATION, C. H. Ki.ine. Hortgagee. Attorney for Mortmitreo. Mortgage Sale. nEPAÜLT HAV1NG IJKEN MADE IN TIIH con(lii(onsof n ccitalïi mortjrage mudeby NetUe O.wisetothe Ann Arbor Savlnge Assoelatlon, dated .luly 22, A. I). 18f, and reoorded in thoi fflceof the ltc-sislcr of l)-cds. for the County nf aslitonuw and State of Mlflhigail on llic lOth day of August, A. D. 18%, In Líber '8 of Mortgagee on page 162, (ju whloh mortgage there ia olaimed to be dne at tliu dato of thlfl notlce the stun of fourteen li umi rep and eixty-Rovcn dollars and Hftv-two cents, and an attorney's fee of twenty flve dollars piovkU'd fr iit sa jd mortff&ge, and no suit or proceedlngs ai law liaviug been instltuted to recover the moneys eecured by said mortgage or iiny part tlipreof. Now, tburelore, by virtueof the power of sale contalned in said mortgnice and the Statnte iu such ca6e made and provided.notice i hereby given that on Saturday, the icth day ofJanuary, A. D. 1897, at ten o'olock in the forenoon. 1 shall sell at public auction, to the higliest bidder, at cho east front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Mich.. (that beiiiK the plnce whero the Circuit t'ourt for Washtenaw County is holden,) the premisos describid in said mortgage or 80 inuoh thercof as may be necessary to pay the amount due on said mortgage, wltn st'veD per cent. Interest, and all )ui;al costs, toííether with an attorney's fee ot' twentytive dollars comenanted fortherem, the promises benig described In eaid mortgage aa aü that eertal'' lot, piece and paroel of land sltuaie In the City of Ann Arbor, in the Cuunty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, and linoitii and ilrscribed au follows; The r;i8t twenty-elght (SSJ feet of lot number three (;i and the twenty-two (Ü2) feet of lot number four(4), in block number twenty-four 124) fn Ormeby & Patro addition 10 suid city, acoordinir to the recorded plat thcreof ANN AKBOK SAVINUS ASSOCIATION, C. H Kline, MortgageeAttorney for mortfras-ee. Estáte of Ida J. Sage. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of WiiBhienaw, as. Ata sesaion of the lrobtitt; Court tor the county of Wanhteniw, holden ut the probate office In the city of Anti Arbor, on Monrfay, the ROth dy of November, in the year one thoustind pijiht hunrlred aiirl uinety-six. Preeent, J. Wiilard Habbiu. Judn of Probate. I ti the matter of the estáte of Ida J. öage, in nintietent. Frud A. Howlett, ihc guatdiao of said ward, comes into court and repreeut that he is now prepred to render hls unnual accouut as bucU guardián. IhereiipoD it is ordered, thtit Ta#iilay, the 22d day of December, instant, ai ten o'clork in the forenoon bc assigned for exfiniining and llowine fuch account, and that the next of' kin of Mud ward and hU other persons iiiteiented in tald estáte, are rcqnired to appeur ;it a &eéKon of aaid. court, then to bo holdcu at the l' róbate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, if anv there be, why thesiid account shoul'l not be atlowed. And it is further orderei that said guardián give notiee to the persona m teres ted in suíd ísiateiOfthepoiideDcy of said account anti the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publisbed ín the Ann Akbor Aki.vh, a newspaper prfnted and ciroulatcd in aaid county, to ucceseive week? previouu to said day of hearing. J. W1LLARD BABHITT. (A trueoopy.) ■ Judge of Probate. WiLiaAM G. Doty. Probate Heeinter. Estáte of Tobías Holmes. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waahtonaw, as. At a session of the Probate (Jourt for th Oounty of Waehtenaw, bolden at the Probate Ottice ín the City oí Aun Arbor, on Wtdnesday, the 25t 1 day ot November, in the year one thoiiaanfl ujli t hundred and ninety-six. Present. J.Willard Hnbbitt, Judge of Probate. In the mutter of the estáte of Tobías Holmes, deceaeed. On reading and flline the pctitiun, duly verifïed, of Ida It. Holmes prayiogtbata certain instrument now on file in tb is court, puipoi ting to be the last will and testament and codicil of saiddeeeat-ed, may be ad antted to probate and that adminiatration of said estáte may be granted to George J. Oreen, Oieorge W. Holmes, and Ellen J. Holmes, the exeeutors in said wül nanied orto some othcr biiitable person. Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the Hut day oí December, next, at ten o'clock ín the forenoon, be assigned for the hen ring of said pet i t ion, and that the de visee, legatecs and hei at l:iw of finid deceased, and aU other persoris interested in aaid estáte, are requimi to appcar at a seat-ion of said court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause, il any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it ia iurther ordered, thut said r.etiüoner give ootice to the persons iutcrested in said estáte of the pendencj of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to bc published in the Ann Arbor ABGxrs,a newspaper pnnted andcirculating in aid county, tbree auccesaive weeks previous to aaid day of hearing. J. WILLABD BA BBITT, (A truecopy.) Judge of Probate, William G. Dotv. Probate Reffiater.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News