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Scott's á$ Emulsión ís made up of the most essentí al elements tíiat go to nourish the body. Where the appetite ís varyíng or lackíngy ít íncreases it, and where digestión ís weak, it aids it to perform its f unction ín a more vígorous way. It enriches the blood, makes healthy flesh and cures chronic coughs and colds by making it possible for 'the body to resist disease. Our f riends teil os "IT Works Wonders" bot we never like to over-state the merits of oor remedy even whcn ít has been tested and tried for over twenty-fiveyears. If you will ask for it, we will send you a book telling yoo more aboot the subject than we can put ín a few words. Go to your druggist for Scotfs Emulsión, Two siies, 50 ets. and $J.00. SCOTT & BOWKE, New York. ■■■■MBiHHBBii Mortgage Sale. DEFAUIT HAVINU BEKN MADE IN the conditlons of a certain mort nafro natie by Ollver Jolinsnn and Elizabcth JohnhOti to the Ann Arbor S&vlngfl Assoriation, luiod November lOth, A. l. 1882, and recorded a the office of the Register ol Deeds, for the Jounty of Wnshtenaw and pfato of Michigan, in the i1 1 li day oï November, A. I) ls2. la iber?8of Uortxages. on page 100, on which mortgape tbere is clalmed to be duo at the dnto of this nolire the sum of one huinlred and Bixty-elsrht dollars and Dlnet j-two centa, and an attorney'a fee ol' twenty flvo dollar provided lor in said mortg&ge, and no snit or proceedings at law havinft been institiited to recover the moneysseourcd by eald mortgage, or an pm-t thercof ; Now, therefore, bv virtue of th; power of salecontiiliicd in said mortgage, and the statute in such case made and provlded, notlce 1 hereby uivi'n Ihat. on Sulurday, the ]6th day of January, a. I). 1897, at 10 o'elock iu the f'orenoon, 1 shall eellat public auctlon, to the hiirhoHt bidder, at the cast door of the i OUrt House, In theClty of Ann Arbor, (that belng the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw Oounty 18 bolden), the premisos descrlbed in eait mortgage, or eo much thereof as njtty be neceasary to pay the amount dueonaald mortgairc wlth seven per cent. interest., and all leal costs, toeelher with an attorney's fee of twenty-flve dollarsieouvenantert for therein, the premises belug described in said mortira?e as all thateertain lot, pieco and parcil of land sitúate in the City of uu irbor, in tlieCounty of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, and known arui described as followy: Lot nutnber sixteen (16) In James B. (ott's addilion to the City ol' Arm Arbor. ANN AKHOU SAV1NG8 ASBOOIATION, C. H. Kr.iNE, Mortgagee. Attorney for Mortprafree. Mortgage Sale. nEPAXJLT HA VING BEEN WADE IN TUK oondli lonsof a eert alu mort lage made by Nettle O.WIseto the Ann Arbor Savlngs Aasoolatlon, dated .luly 'i". A. 1). IS'.tó, and reeoided in the i fllciï of the Register of Deeds. for the Cnunty of Washtenaw and State ol Mi'higau, on the 101 h daj of August, A. D. IS95, in Líber Ï8 of Mortages on page 162) on wliicli mortgagetherela olalmed to be due at the dato oï ihlH notice the eum of tourteen hundrep and Kixty-eeven dollars and fifty-two eentö, and an attorney's "fee of twenty live dollarB piovided fr in aaid mortgage, and no sultor proceedJng8,ai law havlng been irn?tituted to recover fche inoneys Becured by said mortgage or uny pari t hereof Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of salo eontained in said mortgage and the statute in Buch case made and provided, notice hereby ui ven i liatón Saturday, the luth day Of January, A. D. 1897, at ten o'elock In the forenoon, I shall eell at public auctlon, to the higheKt bidder, at che east front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, Mich.,(tbat being the place where the Circuit Court for Washtenaw Counly is holden,) the premises described in eaid mortgage or sir nuieh thereof as may be neceHaary to pay the amount tlue on said mortjiage, witïi seven per cent. Interest, and all legal eosts, together wlth an attorney'a fee ol' twentylive dollars convenaoted for tbere' n, tbe premisos bemgdeeeribed in said mortgaKG as all that eertaii lot, piece and parcel of land sitúate In ihe City of Ann Arbor. in the Cnunty of Wahtenaw and Htate of Michigan, and known and described aa follows: The east twenty-elgb t (28) f eet oí lot number three (S) and the twenty-two (2Ü) f eet ol' lot number four(4i, in block number twenty-four ií4) in Ürmsby & Page addition to sald city, according to the recorded plat thereof ANN AKBOR SAVINCiS ASSOCIATION. O. Il Kline, Mortgagee" Attorney for mortgagee. Estáte of Fleming Busenbark. STATE ÜF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw. sb. AtaeesHion ot the Probate Court i'or thecounty of Washtenaw, holden ai the Probute Oflice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wrdnesduy, the J6th day of Deet;robir In the ya! one th'oupfind eighl huuüred and oinety-eix. i rt'Hcnt, ,1. VVilifird Babbitt-t Judge ofPro'bate. In tho iiiattcr of the estáte ol' Fknii jg Buítenbai k, deceaBed. On readiny and filing the petition. duly verift- d of Charles S. omttfa, g:u;tfdian í'or Iuella Sniitb, a minor, prayiog th:it ulministration oí s; efliiTc may be grantd to liinisolf or some other Bultable person. Thereupon H is oidcred, tliatMonday, the lltb. day oí January next. at ten o'elock in the forenoon, be HgBÍgned for the tieurlngof eaid petltion, and that the Ih-hn al law of said decuused and all othei persone ïntreatcd in said estáte, are required to appear at a gession of said Court, theu tohe holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ana Arbor, and show eauie, if any there be, why theprayer of the pttitioaer 8hould not be granted : And it ia further ordered, thntsaid petitiouergive notice to thepersonw intcrebted io said estáte ot the pendency oisaid petitiou, and the hearing thereof, bvcHusing acopy of thiaorder to be puhlished in the Ann Arbor Akouh, a newspaper prmtfd and circulatcd in saïd County, three Huccessiv week previous to said dny of hearinic. J. VVILLAKD BABB1TT, IA truc copy] Jud%L ofProbatt. William G.Üotí', Probate Register. Estáte of Julia E. Shankland. eTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY OF ' Waihteuaw, sa, At a eession of tbe Probate Court tor the County of W astnenaw, bolden at the Probate Office in ibe City of Aun Arbor, on Tuesday, the lst day ot December, in the year oncthousamt eiitht huiiitred undDinety-six Present, J.Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In tbc matter of thcesüiteof Julia E. Shankland, ilecca-ed. Onreadingand flliiiu the petition duly verified of AndrewShaDklan(l,priyiti(rthatadiniríistration ot said estáte muy be Lr.tnted to bitnaeli, or some other euitanle ppraon. Thereupon it is ordered, tbat MoiHay, tbe 2Sth day of December next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, oe aBsiirned lor the hearing of said peiition, and tbat the heirs-at-law of said deceased and all other persoufe intereatí?! in said estáte, are required to appear at a settsion of aaid court, theD to bo holden t the l'robate Oöice in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, u fny there be, why the prayer of the petitionur hhould not be jíranted. And it ia furtlier ordered that aid petitloBer give notice to the peraons intere6teü in said eatate of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereot, by cauairjti a copy ol' tiiis order to be pablished in tbo Ann Arbor Akuu, a newspaper priuted aud cuculated inaaid county, thrte 8uccetivo weeks prvious to said day of hearing. J. WILLAKD BABB1TT, (ATRUECOPY) Judjce of Probate. Wiuiam G. Uoty, Probate Renister P IÏ.NOKK18 Attobney at Law. Doe b a general law oolleotlon and oon veyanone business. A moderate share of your patrunage respeotfHüy sollolted. Offloe IS E Uuron Street, upstüirs.


Ann Arbor Argus
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