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lt is a rule, somewhat severe, But true as Deuteronomy: Tliere's just one mouth of Christmas cíieer. And eleven of economy. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deem, of N. Fifth ave , Chirstmas night, a baby boy. The Argus wishes all its readers and patrons a very happy and prosperous New Year. Our merchants are unanimous in their opinión that the holida trade this year was better than that of a year ago. Arbor Tent, No. 296, K. O. T. M., and Arbor Hive, No. 113, L. O. T. M., will hold a joint installation in Maccabee hall, next Friday evening, Jan. 8. Members and friends are invited. "Welch Post, No. 137, G. A. JR., Weloh Corps, W. R. C, and J. T. Jaoobs Carnp, No. 90, S. of V., will hold a joint public installation of officers Tuesday evening, Jaa. 12. Now that the new year is here look over yoar stock of printed stationury and if it is low cali at the Argos office and see ns. We are prepared to do good work at fair prices. Oive ns a cali and let ns figure wifch yon. That big stick of candy which hung in Staebler & Co. 's window went to Carl Rettich, of 28 W. Second st. He guessed the exact weight of it, 3034 pounds. The nigheet guess made was áOO pounds and the lowest 9 pounds. Thursday of last week $11,000 of matured stock in the Michigan Savings and Loan Association of Detroit was paid over to stockholders in this oity in Bums of from $500 to $1,000 eacb. This is the first national asBOoiation in Michiagn to mature its stock, which was done in 74 monthly payments. An exchange says: "The next state senate will contain 4 bankers, 6 lumbennen, 2 real estáte dealers, 3 merchants, 3 insurance men, 3 lawyers, 4 farmers, 1 mine manager, 1 manufacturer, 1 miller, and 2 ministers." Not a single editoi in it; must be too honest. Bx-County Clerk Wm. Dansingburg has gone into the produce business in Detroit, and has in partnership with Mr. Ball, of that city, bought out the business of the Detroit Produce Co. The firm will deal in all kinds Of farm produce, meats and poultry and will have its quarters at 80 Woodbridge st. The Ann Arbor Light Infantry Mïdwinter circus will have seven performances on tne dates Jan. 12-10 - five evening performances and two matinees, one Wednesday, the other Saturday, to enable people from out of town to enjoy a first class circus performance in a well lighted and warm building at cheap prices. The Dexter Leader offered at the beginning of 1890 to print the wedding invitations of the first girl who would pop the question during tbe leap year just past for nothing. The offer was never accepted and it is fair to suppose that no Dexter young lady summoned up courage enough to do so "daring" an act. St Andrew's church was filled Sunday evening by an appreciative congregation. The ruusic of the beantiful choral service rendered by the vested choir under the directorship of Prof. R. H. Kempf, the sweet solos of Masters Gerald Brown and Freddie Daly and the beautiful prayers of the chucrh were peculiarly appropriate to this bright season of the Christian year. Landlord Cook, of the St. James hotel served a fine Christmas dinner to his guests on Friday last. In order to make it as homelike as possible, the tables were set in a long line and the viands were placed on the table all a onoe, in good old fashioned style. Mr Cook carved the fowl and waited. on his large family in the most approved style of a pater familias. It was a very pleasant hotel dinner. At the anuoal meeting cf Johnson Tent, No. 73, K. O. T. M., the following officers were elected : Commander, Paris S. Banfield ; lieutenant commander, W. E. Stocking; record keeper, Chas. Meyers; financier, W. H. Butler; cbaplain, B. F. Gerow; pbysician, Dr. E. A. Clark; sergeant, C Frank O'Hearn; master at arms, Clyde Kerr; lst master of goard, Cbas. Ziefle; 2d master of guard, Walter Clark; sentinel, John Conde; picket, Wm. H. Barrows. "JThere will be 53 issues of the Argus this year. The date of the first issue is Jau. l,and the last Dec. 31. The Ann Arbor Savings bank has declared a semi anDual dividend of 5 per cent, payabie ou or after January 2, 1897. The next meeting of the Washtenaw connty teaohers' assooiatioD will be held in Saline the last Saturday in January. The hard times party at Granger's academy Monday evening was well attended and a very pleasant evening was spent. The Hudson Vibrator tells of a couple in that city who are "tbe fond parents of a girl baby weighing 28 pounds. " % The Michigan Republican Newspapei Association will hold a meeting at the hotel Downey in Lansing ou the evening of Jan. 5. The A. A. L. I. Midwinter Circus advertising wagon No. 8 has been started out on the road and is in charge of Dean M. Seabolt. Young Woman's Christian Association entertainment at high school hall, Friday evening, Jan. 15. Au attractive program is promised. This is the first issue of the Argus in the year 189?. If you ate not now taking it subscribe for ie and if yoa are taking it renew your subscription. There will be very little if any sweaiing in of new county offleers to do today as most of them have already taken ;heir ontbs of office and qualified for ;he positions they will occupy. It is said that Klaw & Erlanger, the heatrical managers, have decided to abandon billboard advertising for their attractions and in the future rnake their announcements only in newspapers. The Young Woman's Christian Association keep npen hotise New Year's Day. Cali aüd see the girls in their cosy home is-r.the post office. The jrogranas will be given at 5, 6, 7:30 and 9 o'clook. An eastern girl, wbo banked in her stooking, broke a garter and lost $26.50 u her eiïorts to catch a street car. Another instance of too much confidence n your place of deposit, my dear girl. - Hudson Vibrator. A telephone has been placed in the 'urniture department of Mack & Co. .t is No, 50, two rings. Because of the addition the telephone at Laubengayer's meat market, formerly No. 50, ;wo riugs, becomes No. 50, three rings. Lizzie Marshall, a colored girl, aged A, saw "South Before the War" when t was in Ann Arbor recently, became stage struck and followed the troupe to Detroit Officer Wood found her ac the home of xelatives and induced her to return. Among the oorporations that filed articles of association with the secretary of state for tbe week previous to Dc. 24 were tbe two following from this city: The Miller Time Reoorder Co. , 16,600, and The Inland Press Publishing C, $20,000. At Trinity English Lutheran church ;here will be given a series of Sunday evening talks on Bible characters whicb will be illusírated1" with stereopticon views. The pastor, Rev. W. L. Tedrow, has annouuced the first for next Sunday evening. Charles Bishop, whö put on tbe drama, "Pate," for the benefit of the Eastern Stat Chapter of this city, has ai'ranged to proudce the play in the new opera house at Ypsilanti, next Thnreday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies' Library Association of that city. The Lansing Journal says: We sup pose it is not generally known that the man who pays for bis paper in advance is hardly ever sick, never has corns or :oothache, his potatoes never rot, weevil never eats his wheat, the babies never ory at nigbt, and his wife never scolds. Davy Robinson, colored, gave a reception Saturday from 2 to 6 p. m. in bouor of bis sister from Sagiuaw aDd Messrs. Busby and Deut from Toledo. Probably 150 couples attended and the colored people assert that it was the finest gathering of its kind ever seen in Ann Arbor. Instead of the regular services at the Germán M. E. cbnruh, on W. Jefferson st. , next Sunday evening, the Epworth League will have charge of thp services and will render a program of addresses, recitations and music. All are cordially invited. Services b9g n at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. William A. Chatsey, of Traverse City, and JVIise Eliza Neithamrner, of the north side, were married at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary Neithammer, of 12 Traver st , in the presence of the immediate rnenabers of their families, on Christmas eve, ly Rbv. J. M. Gelston. The grand lodge of Masons will meet at Saginaw for a two days' session Jan. 26, 1897. Grand Master John J. Carton bas designated the Bancroft house as headquarters. H. B. Dodsley and Dr. F. G. Novy are the delegates to the grand lodge from Golden Rule and Fraternity lodges, respectively. We have all beard of the trioks of folding beds, when not pioperly constructed or judiciopsly ruanaged, and now comes the unfortunate experience of a man near Chicago, who went ont in a drizzling rain having pnt on a nnion suit of underwear. After dryiDg, it sbrunk so that he oonld not get his feet to tbe ground. The choir of Zion Lutheran churcb, asgisted by a children's chorus and mixed cbornH, under the direction of Louis Boes, choirmaster, will render the sacred cantata "Jesús of Nazaretb," on Sunday evening next at 7:30 o'clock. A general invitation ia extended. Tbere wil be no charge for admission but a collection will be taken np. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koch, 99 S. First at., on Christmas night, a jaby boy. The board cf supervisors will meet Monday to settle up with the county officers and transact such other business as may come before them. A number of Ann Arbor young peoDle will attend tbe New Year's dance to be given by Whitmore Lake Tent, No. 672, K. O. T. M., this (Friday) evening at the Clifton house, Whitmore Lake. A blind euchre party was given at the home of Prof. P. R. de Pont Tuesday evening. Sis tables of players participated in the game. The head prize was won by Prof. W. H. Pettee and Mr. Bassett carried off the booby. Fully 150 people took their Christmas dinner at the Wall st. chapel on the north side from the excellent fine provided by the Rood ladips of thnt part of the city ou Friday. The handsome sum of $64 was netted as the proceeds of tbe dinner. The Courier says: "If you want to do an extra good thing to start off the year make the Y. M. C. A. a present of 11,000 for its building fund." Does the Courier tbink that we are all millionaires, that it naakes suoh a wild suggestioa as that? Adner La Rose a young Bay City maa who had concentrated lye thrown iuto his face a few weeks ago by a young woman who claimed he was tho author of her ruin.has come to this city for treatment. It is feared the sight of one eye has been destroyed. The kind, thoughtful action of tbe Masonic fraternity of Ann Arbor will resolt in giving a New Yeai's dinner to about 140 poor families in this city today, many of whom wonld otherwise have been obliged to go without it. The distribution of the baskets was made yesterday afternoon. Music by a mandolin club, a solo by Master Freddie Daly, a debate, a number of vocal and instrumental selections, these will be some of the attrautions at the Young Men's Christian Association rooms on New Year's Day. The Woman's Auxiliary will serve refreshments from 3 to 10 p. m. Welcome to all. Bach & Butler recived a letter from ,1. A. Bower, of Iroquois, S. Dak., asking Ihem to send him a oopy of "Better Times" which contained the write op of the Schupl of Music. He saw the notice of the write up in the columns of the Argus of two or three weeks ago, of which he is a subscriber and reader. Charles Schenk, of Freedom, who has been confined in the jail for a few rtays during which time he made life unbearable for the sheriff and his deputies by his crazy actions, was taken to St. Joseph's Retreat, at Dearborn, Monday. by Depnties Wood and Canfield. Schenk is insana and was confined in the Retreat last summer for a time. Col. John E. Tyrrell, of the First Regiment, M. N. G., has isssned the followmg order: The election of field nfficers will take place in arraory Co. D, Jacksoo, on Monday, Jan. 11, at 2 p. m. The officers to be elected are colonel, lieutenant-colonel and oue major. Transportación for offloers to and from this meeting accompany tbis order. Officers shall attend in fatigue uniform without side arms. The dinner given to the chidren of the Sewing School on Saturday afternoon last through the bountiful kindness of many of the ladies of Ann Arbor, was a pleasurable one indeed. To see the happy, smiling faces of these girls, ranging in age from five to 14 years, as they were seated around the tables laden with good things, was a sight good to behold. The aanual meeting of the Washtenaw Mutnal Fire Insurance Company will be held at the office of W. K. Childs, the secretary of the company, in the cciurt honse, Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, Jan. 13, 897, at 10 a. rn., for the purpose of hearing tbe reports of the company for the year 1890; for the election of tbree directors for two yearp, in place of Edwin Ball, John F. Spafard and VVm. Campbell; for the election of three auditors for one year In place of J. W. Wing, H. W. Bassett and A. W. Chapman, and to transact snch other business as inay come before the' meeting. It is believed there isn't a locality on the round eaith where the streets are so aboininably bad as at Ann Arbor. At a fast walk or at least slow trot, oeople are jolted out of their buggies, the deep water holes make life preservers a necesñty, and the only whole toe nails in town are those on the cast iron monkey near the court house wbich typifles the student toughs of the nnbappy burg. If something isn't doi e right, ofF, the bats and owls will take fuil posseseion of this bobgasted abode of the unrighteous. - Grass Lake News. Tbat's a pretty rongh opinión, coming as it does, from Graes Lake. A young man broke through the ice on tbe river Tuesday and was with diffioulty rosoned from drowning. Only 14 people availed theineelvps oí the theatre train ou tbe Ann Arbor road to Toledo Tuesday night. Tiruss ;ue too hard. Men ouly are invited to the Young Mens' Christian Assooiation uext Sunday. Mauy speakers will take part. Subject, "I have learned by experience. " Special music will be provided. Tbe Olyrapia quartet,.loseph Jaokson, Wm. Allison, A. Johnson and A. Murphy, give a concert this (Friday) evening at tbe A. M. E. churoh in aid of the cburcb ttebt. The prices of admission will be 10 and 15 cents. J. A. Benz, general secretary of the Y. M. C. A., has tendered his resignation to take effect Feb. 1. At the meeting of the board of directors of the association Tuesday evening the resignation was accepted and President Wagner and Seoretaiy Gilmore were appointed a committee to look after a man for the office. Thursday npxt, Jan. 7, at 10 a. m., a meeting of the new board of managers of the Washtenaw County Pair Association will be held at the supervisors toom at the oourt house. At this meeting the general superintendent, and the department superintendent will be eleoted and the standing committees for the year will be appointed by the president, j Henry Luce, of 81 Geddes ave., who bas been more or less sick for the last two weeks, was taken to the Dniversity hospital Tuesday afternoon suffering from appendicitis. An operation to remove the difficulty was to be performed by Dr. Nancrede yesterday (Thursday) afternoon. Ann Arbor Lodge, B. P. O. Elks, of which the young man is a member, generously guaranteed the entire expense connected with the operation.