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AU drugglsts solí Dr. Miles' Norvo Piasters. ,,„■ wari s mmOl AAAAAAAAJ& g Liver ifcïlsSri Urinary fc wJCpj Oreans. Siêf TlwOURefiable. SS? t ■ HERE Is only one way by which r 'H II. any dlsease can be cured, and that '(j ' is by removing the cause, . " ever it may be. The great medical " authorities of the day declare that i. "H ly evcry disease Is caused by " derangêd Kldneys or Llver. - v N To restore these, therefore, ia i-S;. " the only way by which health NiSa "J can besecured, Herelswhere 2 has ochieved lts great 'vR tatlon. It K " ACTS DIRECTLY ■$ UPON THE 2 KIDNEYS and LIVER M 3 and by placlng them In DV 2 heaithy condltlon, drive E_ Ji dlsease and pain from tbe y' system. ' V j Laree bottle or new style T smaller one, at your drugglsts. ! lts repntation- " Twenty years A1 ■ of success.'Mn four contlnents. j k ! Warner's Sale Cure Co., Lonfi A don. Rochester, Frunkiort, MalKBjl- I boorne, Toronto. fJSfa Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of WHrttenaw. The undersigned havln? een appoinled by the Prohato Court forsaid nunty, OommiBSioners to reeeive, examine and Ijnpt all claima and demanda of all persons ÏHtnst the estáte of Stephen 51Í11, late of ,id eounty, deceasod, hereby give nou'ce tfaat x monlhs from date ure allowetl, liy ordcrof nniil P róbale Court, forcredilorsto present their claims againstthe estáte of flaid d66eatted, :uh! t}mt th'V will meet at the luie resitience of the d i in the township of Pittliold,in said eounty , on thf lüth duy of Marcb, and on llie 19 h day oí June next, at ten o'clock a. m. of eacn ot sni.l d;ns, to reeeive. exfimine and adjuüt said olalxus. Dated, December 19th, 1806. CHAKLES KEMPF, JOHN III BS. Comraissioners. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OP O Wasbtenaw. 'fue uudersigDed haviiiK beer ppointecl by the Probate Court for said Couuty, Commissiouers to receive, exaininn and aiijual 11 claims and demands of all persons arainst the atate of Julia E. Shaiikhuul, late of snid County eccased, hereby give notio.e thai six montba from aleare allowed, hy order ot said Probate Court, br Creditorn to present their claims against the state of said deceased, and that they will meet at he late reaidence of the deceased, iü the Townhip of Salem, ;in said county, od the 29ih ayof March, and on the 28ih'do of June, 1897, next, at ter o'clock A. M. of each ot said days, to eceive. examine and adjtist said claims. Daled, December 28, 1896. WM MANLY, JOHN I). STAKFOKD, Commissioners. Commissioner's Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTF 3 of Washtenaw. TIn; undersifjned haviut been ippointed by the Prohale Court for saia County, commissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons ag:nnst the estáte oí James I). McMaster, late of suiu cuuuty, deeeaKed, hereby give notice tb at ix uonths froni date are allowed, by order of suid Probate Court, lor creditorsto present theirclaims againetthe estáte of said ceceased, and thai thej will nieelat theoffleeof Williani W. Whedon, in the city of Ann Arbor, in snid county, on Monday, the 2,d day of March, A. JX 1597. aiul on Monday, the Sist uay of June, A. D. 1S;V, nuxt, al ten o'clock a. ni. ot cach of Bftld daye to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated Ann Arbor, Deci 21et, Vf'.K. . W. W. WHKDON, GEOlKii: 1. MOORE, CoitiniÍLBÍiint;i-. Notice of Sale of Stock for the Non Payment of Assessments. ÜEFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE BY John I). Haywood, in payment of assessments upon thirty-ciht. 'IWj sharoe nl stock held by bun in tbe Salem Butter and Cheeec üompany, of Salem, Michigan, and due notice havlng been glven said John U.Haywoodof simh aesessmentfl ; requlred by luw; now, therefore, notice is hereby glven that said thirty elpht(:j8)8linre6 of stock, or ho man y abares thereof as muy !■ necesaary to pay .;:iú Hsscssments, amo'mtlng it the date of thi notice i" two hundred and two dollars and fifty-seven cents ($203.67) together wlth fcbe coste ol salo, will be sokl at public anctlon to the hlghest bidder, at Uk; business office of said oorporatlon, In tbe townsblp of Salem aforesald, on Monday, the fonrtb day of January, 18W, at ten o'clock i. in. of that iiv order of the board of directora, 11. B. THAYBE, President, 48-51 J. B. WATERMAN, Secretary.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News