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Ann Avbor will be re-nniubered sorne tim...

Ann Avbor will be re-nniubered sorne tim... image
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Ann Avbor will be re-nniubered sorne time in tlie dim and misty future. A ml Wanainaker has again failcd to attaiu bis politioal ainbition.' He has been beaten for üuited Senator from Peunsylvania. If the street car men in Detroit don 't let np, Goveruor Piugree proposes to resign the governorsbip to return to Detroit to take a i'all out of theu. Hon. Jarues O'Dounell, of Jackson, is pnt down by tbe Lansing correspondents, as a prospectivo candidato for senator. Pnt a little strength ou the word prospectivo. It is stated, on what seems to be good authority, that Hon. A. J. Sawyer will be made chairman of the judioiary committee in the honse at Lansing. This is an important position, carrying with it practically the leadership on the floor of the honse. Those newspaper men who are opposing tbe Lond postal bill do not onderstand it. They are lending themselves to pull the chestnuts of the publisüers of dime novéis and advertising sheets ont of the flre. The petitions bave been Tery cunningly pressed by these people. The daiiy press speaks of Oakland couuty's inauguration of a tiew cnstom in appointing a colored man janitor for the county buildings aud grouuds at Pontiac. Tbat was done long ago in this county by a democratie board of supervisors, John H. Davis having gerved several terms as janitor. The New York Woild Almanao gives the popular vote for president as followa. McKinley, 7, 100,199; Bryan. 6,502, GS5; Palmer, 132,871; Levering, 13,157; Bently, 13,873; Maehett, 86.25S. McKinley's plurality over Bryan ie 603,514. McKinley bad 1,930,091 more votes tbau Harrison four years ago aud Bryaa had 945,767 inore votes than Cleveland. The republicans, or rather sorue of tbeni, have a plan for putting Regent Barbour on tbeir ticket for regent tbis spriug. The office of regent shonld be non-partisan and Regent Barbour has taken mach interest in the work and is one of the most valuable men for the nniversity of tbose who have been ie jgeuts. It would a fitting tribute to him and a good thiug for tbe nniversity could he be nnauimously re-eleoted. Charles A. Towne, the brilliant young congressman from Minnesota, and a gradúate of our own nniversity, although defeated for re-eleotion last 2ïovember made one of the most brilliant rnns ever made. MoKinley's majorit}' in the district was 6,525 and yet Towne who was on the Bryan tickat was ouly beaten by 707. This is a gain of over 5,000 over the head of a tioket and is what may be termed a gloiious defeat. The Detroit homeopathie dootors, or at least sorne of them, are again engaged in an effort to seoure the removal of the bomeopathio departmeut to Detroit. As is well knowu, the regents refused to do this last year and so saved the taxpayers the 125,000, as the first appropriatiou made by the legislatnre. This 25,000 is ouly a bagatelle compared with the amount of ultímate saving. The history of the School of Mines indioates wbat it costs the taxpayers to Bcatter the university and to run various scattered educatioual plants. Since the deoision of the regents to retaiu the homeopathie departinent in Aun Arbor, it has nearly doubled in the number of its students. 3?or the good of tbe department and for the, good of the pockets of the taxpayers, the Jegislature should leavo the homeopathie departmeut alon3.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News