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The Midwinter Circus

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"Brigbter, better aud bigger than ever" is the way the management characterized the Aun Arbor Light Infantry Midwinter Circus in its anuonncemeuts, aud it was uu dieam wheu tbey did, so, for the circus is greatly superior to that of last year. With practice comes experience aud if the boys keep on giviug midwinter circnses they will grow to be perfect experts iu that line of entertainment. Last year's circus learned them mauy things. The wbole arrangetuents have been improved. The seating is better, more substautial aud more couvenient. Then again, the gallery has been utilizod and oomfortable ohairs are provided in it for those who wish to pay the extra price. The circus itself is a genuine old time one ring circus, oaly one act goiag on at once, aud oonsequently a person can eujoy it without having his attention caüed away to look at soiue act that he is afraid is better thau the one he is intent on, as is the case iu the modern two ring and platform circus. Laat night was military nie-ht aud members of Cos. D and H, of Jackson, and of Co. G, of Ypsilanti, atteuded the circus aud were loud in tbeir praises of it. A number of people from Dexter who carne to attend the show were unable to get in, the place wa3 so crowded. That the show is a popular one there is no gainsayiüg, and the large orowds that have attended it the past three nights aud at tbe matiuee Weduesday give ampie proof of the fact. The eveuiug attendauce has been so large that stauding room even has been at a premium,' while the gallery has also been fllled to its utmost capacity. The "spinuiug jenny" has proved quite an attractiou to many of the visitors, but most of the best of the prizes still remaiu in the envelopos. Within the ring it is difficult, where all are good, to say who were the best persons. Dean M. Seabolt, as riugrnaster performed his part with the ease and grace of au old hand at tbe business. Boise and Picard, in their triple horizoutal bar performances, were greeted with round after round of applause for their clever feats, whioh with Mr. Boise's giaut swing and somersault of 14 feet from oue bar to auother, was some of the best work seen iu Aun Arbor for many a day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Miller es tablisbed themselves as favorites with Auu Arbor poople last year aud the uew features they have added to their finished performances have only served to iucrease tbeir popularity. The three horse act of Mrs. Miller and the trick riding of Mr. Miller are two flue acts. The three clowns, Del Fuego, Clark and Fox, kept the audiences iu high good humor by their comical prauks and sayiugs, and Mr. Clark sang some very good songs. Tbe aorobacic work of the LaMoDt Family, two men aud a girl, is some of the fluest that has ever been seen in tbis city and is woithy of beiug wituessed iu the rings of the biggest shows tbat travel. Neola's juggling, Fred LaMont's slack wire walkmg aud the trapeze woik of La Belle Marie are all good features aud proved higbly interestiug. Kxcelleuut musió is furnished tbronghout the performance by the Light Infantry Circus Band, uuder the leadership of Frauk Case. üf course the circus would uot be complete witbont a "concert after the big show is over," aud the one produced by tbe Midwinter Circus is complete iu all its detalis. It bas been atiended on eacb occasion by almost the eutire audience. It consists of specialties by all tbe comedy members of the oompauy. Songs aud dauces by Harkius and Grauger; sougs by Harry Clark; a very clever fire eating act by Del Fuego, whistliug specialties by Frank' Hess, vantriloauisxxi by King Amiel. Altogether the show is the best 25 cents' wortb of amusement that has ever been seen in Aun Arbor, aud the concert is like unto it, well worth the 10 cents it costs to see it. If you don 't btlieve it, go aud see for yourself. The matiuee tomorrow afternoou will be just as good as au evening performance and our friends form the couutry who wish to attend a cheap priced circus aud yet a first class show, can do so without any fear of being taken in aud "played for suckers. "


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News