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Ann Arbor Savings Bank

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REPORT OF THE COKDITION OF THE At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, Oct. 6, 189. kesoükces. u.vniLmns. Loans and OiBCOunts Ï5O7,856 Í7 „ ..,.,,, „ „ Stooks. Bonda. Mortjraires, etc 504 75 15 LBP",Hl 8iAC'k, PaW ln -- T !""-(lll0 00 Bsnkinfr House K,500 00 Undivirteri" esseurrentexpen-: Kurnituro and Fixtures 8,417 32 micn-sl iinrt taxes paid 4,086 4t OtherRealE.state 19,920 98 TMviriODOs nnpiiiil 160 10 CA S H Duefrom banks in reserve cities ... 77,246 71 DEPOSÏTS, DuefromotherbanksandbunkerB.Ui o Comihwrcial loposiUi subjoct to Cbecks and caah items ,i42 81 clmck ' 187 32S-27 Niekels and Cents "19 Ravtimn rf.,---iit 730Í842 76 Goldcoin, 86-160 Pavln.srs Ortffi.wte of Dpo8lls,"-'.".". 108 Z 38 Silver cuín... .■- - ---- 2,900 W Duelo Banks ai d Bunkers 7 595W U. S. and National Bank Notes 52.BU 00 $l,233,.í2S 80 {1,233,528180 STATR OF MICHIGAN, County of Wosbtenaw. f "" [.Criarles E Hiscock, casliier of the aboce numod ïtüik. rtn soipronly awcar that the above eüitement is true to the beet of my kno'ïvic'if . n ' ■ ' ' HnAS. E. Hiscock, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before roe, thiB 9ih dftT ii Ociwbtr, HiOkaki i Fritz, Notair Public Correct A'rrKST: Cbristian Mack, W. D. Harrimnn, w. [i. Pmith, Oirectors. Capita!, $50.000. Surplus, $!50,000. Resources, $1,000,000, Transacts a general banking business; fruys arü! sells exchanges 011 New York, Detroit and Chicago; sells drafts on ail the principal cities of Europe. This bank, already having a largo business, invites merchante and others to open accounts with tnem with the aS3urance of the most liberal dealing consistent with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest at the rate of four per cent. is paid semi-annually, ou the tirst days ol January and July, on all snms that were deposited three months previoit3 to those days, tlms nffording the people of thia city and county a perfectly safe depository for their funds, together with :t return in interest for the same. Money to loan nn apnrnved securities. DiRBCTOits. - Christian Mack, Daniel Hiaeock, Willard B. Smith. W D Harrimon, William Denbel, David Binsey, L Grnner. Officers. - ChristiaD Mack. President: W. D. H'arriman, Vice-pre3i-ifnt Chas. E. Eiscock, Cashier. M. J. Pritz Ass't-Caaliier.


Ann Arbor Argus
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