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"too Much Johnson."

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Williarn Gillette's greatest cornedy sncoess, "Too Muuh Jobnson," will be preseuted at the Grand opera honse Saturday, Jan. 16. William Gillette is a master in nis talent for topsy-turvy coniedy, in which the compiioatious grow so steadily that imagination is kept in a constant puzzle as to how theauthor is going to straighten tbiugs out. "Too Much Jobnson," bis latest work, is a marvel in this respect, and the author, at the last ruakes no atterupt to nndo the gordian knot of perplexities that the whole play is busy in tryiug to tie - he simply cuts it, leaving the audience almost weary froin Iaughter. Iu act 1 - Billings, a married lawyer of Yonkers, is obliged to take bis wife and mother-in law on a trip to Cuba, to couceal a flirtation'be bas been carrying on under the name of Johnson He bas told theru be bas a plantation thpre, relying on the good-nature of a friend, wno really uwus one, aud whorn be proposes to visit. His wife, discovering a letter to Johnson in bis pocket, be accounts for it by declaring the ruythical Johnson to be bis overseer. On the same sfeamer, is an old rnan taking bis daughter to be married to a planter shé has never seen. In act 2 - the whole party arrive at the plauiation, whioh Biiliugs' friend has sold to a fiery and uncoutb Johnson, wbo is also the spectant bridegroom. Here Billings is placed in great peril of discovery, bnt witb a superb uerve and sangfroid, lies his way out nf each oomplication as it arises, the laides believing the plantation bis, aud Johnson, takiug Mrs. Billings for his promised brirle. Iu act 'i - Billings contrives to make all the preplexed actors in this Hule drama of mendacity fall in with his plans, aud fiually escapes his utilucky cboice of a name by boarding the staamer, leaviug the real Jobnson a prey to ragitg passion, swearing revenge. The laughing renord of "Too Much Johnson," is an entire yeai's run in New York City, an'1 it is to be presented here by the prinoipal members of tbe original oast by Manager Charles Frohniun, whose name aloue in connection with this attraction is a guarntee of its wortb.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News