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Even With The 'dun."

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The lawyer bad won au important caso for the man. He had dabbled in stocks of 0110 kind and anotber, aiui, hard luck ha ving over taken him, he had bolstered np hisvanishing fortunes with $50,000 of other people's moncy. But the other people had troubles of their owii. They had wants that ueeded catering to, aud when they fonnd that the dealer in stocks had invested their meaus of subsistenco in au enterpris-'O that would benefit no oue but himself they aróse with a howl of rigbteous indignation and brought a suit for darnages. That was where the lawyer had his chance. He knew the mau was guilty, and he told him so. But for all that he cleared hiru. He charged a pretty big fee, $3,000 being a conservative estímate of the vahie of his services. The man paid him $2,500 in cash and proinised to give him the other $500 a month or two later. That was more than three years ago. The lawyer pattently waited on his cliënt for a year, and then he put the matter in the hands of a collector. In the course of two yearB the collector gathered in $400, and then, ashissalary was more than eating up the amount collected, the lawyer took the case frotn his hands and gave it to the office boy. As an incentive to energetio work, he aaid: "Jimmie, there ia $100 coming to me from Mr. . If you can get anything out of him, I'll give you half of it. " Jimmie's eyes snapped, and he went to work. He labored diligeutly for three months. Monday momiug at 11 o'clock he would go into the office and present his employer's claim, aud so run the gamut of the other five working days, and then repeat the procedure the succeeding week. The man got mad about it at first and threatened to throw the boy out of the office, but he fiually thought better of it and contented bimself with turning Jimmie away with some stinging rebnke. Jimmie kept up the daily siege till last Thursday. Then he was sick and could not come down town. About 2 o'clock the lawyer was in his private office holding a consultation with two clients, when there carne an imperativo rat-a-ta-tat on his door. He bade the visitor enter, and a head, half concealed by a shock of bushy red hair, was thrust njo the room. "Please, sir, "saida high keyedvoice, "I'm from Mr. , an he wants to know why your boy ain't been over today to dun 'im for that $100 he owes you. "-


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News