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Marriages In 1896

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Tbe year 1896 was quite a prosperous one for tbe ministers of Washtenaw oonnty in the line of marriages. From Jan. 1 to Deo. 31 there were issned from the connty olerk's office 30 more licenses than was oeoessary to make one for each working day in the calendar, or 334 in all. As is usaal the fair danghters of Washtenaw connty have had the best of the battle and there were 22 more brides who lived within the borders of the oonnty than there were bridegrooms. There were 73 nonresident men who oarne to this connty for their wives, while there were 51 Washtenaw boys who fonnd tbeir wives ontside of tbe oonnty. There is quite a diffeienoe noticeable in tbe several localitids in tbe mnuber of each sex who were married. In one townsbip tbe boys are in the lead, in the otber the girls. In only three townships, Bridgewater, Lyndon and Salem, are tbe nnmber of brides and grooms tbe same. In eight oities and townships, Ann Arbor, Angnsta, Dexter, Loiïi, Manchester, Saline, Sylvan, aud Ypailanti, the bri es are in excess of tbe grooms. In Lima, Northfield, Pittsflald, Scio, Sbaron, Superior, and York tbe boys forge to the front and the number of grooms exoeeds tbe nnmber of brides. Freedom and York oonld only scare np one groorn each for sacrifice at Hymen's altar, and Lima was in a like pligbt as regards the brides, tbere being only one girl there wbo assumed tbe matrimonial yoke, bowever many more tnere may have been who were willing to do so. Sixteen of the 334 conples were colored. Two hnndred aud ninety-five couple were married by ministers of the varieos deuoruinational chniches, 19 by Catholic priests, while 20 did not have either of these classes to tie tbe knot, bnt were married by justices of the peace.Thb men to whom licenaes were issned last year gave their residence as follows : Outside of tbe oonuty, 73 ; Anu Arbor city and town, 74; Augusta, 11 ; Bririgewater, 5; Dexter, 8; Freedom. 1; Lima, 7'; L'idi, 4; Lyndon, 3; Manchester, 11; Northfield, 9; Pittsfield, 6; Salem, 6; Saline, 12; Scio, 6; Sbaron, 7; Superior, 11; Sylvan, 12; Webeter, 1; York, 16; Ypuilauti oity and town, 59. Tbe brides wbose ñames appear in tbe marriage licenses hailed from the following places: Ontside the county, 51; Ann Arbor city and town, 82; Augusta, 12; Bridgewater, 5; Dexter, 11; Freednm, 6; Lima, 1; Lodi, 7; Lyndon, 3; Manchester, 17; Northfield, 2; Pittsfield, 5; Salem, 6; Saline, 14; Scio, 4; Shaion, 6; Superior, 7; Sylvan, 16; Webster, 3; York, 11; Ypsilanti city and town, 65. The native countries of the grooms are given as follows: United States, 279; Germany, 25; Canada, 13; England, 10; Ireland, 3; Australia, Spain, Italy, aud Norway, 1 each. The birth places of the brides were: United States, 298; Germauy, 19; Canada, 12; England, 4; Irelaud, 2; Scotlaud. 1. The ages of the sexes at the time tbe licenses were issned is widely divergent. Four of eacb sex were either too bashful to give tbeir ages, or were so far along in years that they did not wish to. Of tbe remaining 330 brides and grooms, 121 girls were married by the time they were 21 years old and 38 men. The age of tbfi youngestgirl married was 16 years, 7 more were married at 17, 28 at 18, 25 at 19, 27 at 20, and 33 at 21. ThB age of the youngest male when married was 18 aud tbere were two at that age. Two more were married at 19, 7 at 23, and 27 at 21. Four womeu wera married bet ween 51 aod 60 years of age, and 7 men. There was orly 1 womau married betweeu the age of 61 and 70, but 5 men between those ages fouud that they Jwunted a partner. One woman betweeu the aga of 71 arid 80 was louesome enouth to want a man, but three ponr old fellcws between those years were willing to agaiu try Lortnue's wlieel as benedicta. Tbirty-two of the bridss were older tban tbeir husbands. Below are the figures: Malea - 18 yoars old, 2, 19 years 2, 2O.years 7, 21 years 27. 22 to 25 years 109, 2(S to 30 years 90, 31 te 40 years 57, 41 to 50 yeais 21. 51 to 60 years 7, 61 to 70 years 5, 71 to 80 years 3. Females - 1H years old 1, 17 years 7, 18 years 28, 19 years 25, 20 years' 27, 21 years 33, 22 to 25 years 115, 26 to 30 years 55, 31 to 40 years 20, 41 to 50 years 13, 51 to 60 years 4, 61 to 70 years 1, 71 to 80 ypars 1. The occupations of the grooms embraced 73 different trados and professions. Some of them seem to have been lUeouliar people, too, for on booked himself as "real estáte," another as "insurance," another as "employee," while still another oalled himself "mercbandiae. " The class whioh furnished the largest number were farmers, of whom there were 110. The teaobing profession oatne next with 30, followed by the laborers with 25. Then came merchants 11, carpen ters 11, stndents-9, clerks 8, butohers 6, barbera 5. lawyers 5, masons 5, eagineers 4, railroad mea 4. iiremeu 3, jewelera 3, bookkeepera 3, minister 3, gardeners 3, salooukeepers 3, grocers 3, draymen 8, machinists 3, physioians 3, telepbone operatois 3, agents 3. Of printers, cigar makers, bricklayers, painters, rnoulders, teJegraph operatois, millers, traveling agenta, maunfactarers and pressmen there were two eaoh. The following busiuesses could only afford one represeutative each : Baker, horse shoer, expresa driver, liveryman, paper maker, employé, woolen mannfaoturer, steam fitter, billiard hall employé, waiter, superintendent of eleotric railway, speculator, hotel manager, merohandise, bicycle repairer, mannfacturer, instructor, sheep salesman, cement walk bnilder, porter, finibber, oonductor, dairyman, newsdealer, bookseller, mail carrier, foreinan, aasistant oashier, saleaman, dentist, real estáte, steam fitter, inenrance, tinner, wood dealer, tailor, electrician and wood turner.


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