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Miss Nellie Brown is confinad to tbe houee by siokness. Miss Jennie Mclntyre ie visiting friends in Grand Rapids. Eev. E. D. Kelly has beer quite ill the past few days with a bad cold. Dr. L. S. Crosten, of Edmore, ia the guest of Dr. J. N. Martin. Christian Reyer, of S. Fifth ave., is slowly convalesoing after a long illnees. Miss May Barry, of Detroit, is ruaking an extended visit with friends in tbis oity. Conrad Lehman and Wru. Sohatz attended the funeral of John Girbaoh in Cbelsea Monday. Mrs. W. S. Perry has returned home froin a five weeks' visit in New York and Washington. Dr. C. W. Root, of Milwaukee, Wis., is visiting iu this city lor a con pie of weeks. Rev. Mother Superior, of St. Mary'a Aoüderay at Monroe, is a guest at the St. Thomas' school. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Butler entertained a few friends at their home on. E. William st., Friday. George J. Halier is doing the Ann Arbor work in the columns of the Detroit Tribnne and Evening News. Prof. and Mrs. A. B. Stevens gave a reoeption to a nuruber of their friends Satnrday afternoon from 4 to 6. Dr. F. W. Palmer, of Brooklyn, formerly house surgeon at the University hospital, is visiting friends in the oity. Miss Nellie Gaffney, preceptress at the Blanohard high sohool, is spending the week with her parents on S. Tbayer st. Miss Mand Wagner, of Marshall, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Seabolt for a few days, retnrnèd home yesterday. Mrs. John Bnrg gave a green and piDk lnnoheon last week to a few of her friends, in honor of Mrs. James S. Gorman, of Cbelsea. ï The Misses Nellie Wall and Margares Malloy, of Jackson, who have been visiting Mrs. T. H. Ryan, of N. Fourth ave., have retnrnèd borne. A nnmber of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geromiller gave them a surprise party Tbursday evening of last week, at their home on Gott st. Mrs. L. H. (Jlements and two daughters, of Wheeling, W. Va., have been in the city for several days visiting Mrs. M. C. Peterson and otber friends. Miss Genevieve E. Mills, danghter of P. E. Mills, of Pittsfleld. left for Reed City, Monday, where she has secured a good position in the city schools. Mis. Lonis Oesterlin, of Grand Rapids, is spending several weeks visitiug friends and relatives in the oity, and is the guest of Miss Ida Oesterlin, of W. Huron st. Miss May Pisoher, will give a "Dicken8" party this evening, at her home ou S. Main st. The gnests will dress to represent different characters ír Dickens' works. Miss Carrie Dicken, teacher in the first ward schools, was pleasantly snrprised by a party of friends at her rooms on S. University ave., Thursday evening of last week. Mrs. Francis Woodbridge, who bas been absent ou a two years' visit in Illinois, has retnrnèd to Ann Arbor to reside, aud ha taken possession of her old home, 49 Packard st. Dr. and Mrs. Angelí have had as their guest part of fbe week, the daugbter of Geo. V. N. Lothrop, of Detroit, who is now the Baroness Huehne, of St. Petersburg, Russia. L. C. Goodrich, W. W and B. F. Watts and J. R. Bach were the Ann Arbor cod tingeut who attended the meeting of the grand chapter R. A. M. at Saginaw, Tuesday and VVednesday. Mrs. Minnie Olp Stevens and her two little girls will begin a one week engagement with the Andrew Mack company at the Lyceam theatre, Detroit, Feb. 1. They formerly resided in this city. Col. Henry S. Dean has been appointed aide-de-camp on Gen. Porter's staff for the comng inaugural day parade at Washington. Michigan gets two such appointments. Ex-Adjntant General W. S. Green, of Detroit, being the other. Henry A. flerzer, who has been in the late John Moore's drug store for the past five years, bas resigued his olerkship and will leave Sunday for Eaton Rapids to take the management of a drng store in that place. Mr. Herzer is a good pharmacist and has the good wishes of a large number of frieuds for his future saocess. Mrs. Mary J. Tagge, celcbrated her 73d birtbday, Mooday afternoon, by inviting several of her little friends to a spread, whicb she prepared for them. The table was beautifully decorated with carnations and sinilax and many good tbings to eat. The gnests present were little Mary and Helen Miller, Hazel and Elsa Apfel, Edna and Georgië Roehm, and Willio Holland. N. D. Corbin, who bas for the past two or three years been correspondent of the Detroit Evening News in this oity, left for Detroit, Saturday eveniag, baving aocepted a position on the staff of the Eveniug News. Mr. Coribn bas always been a hnstler in the line of news gathering and durin? the period that the News ran its Ann Arbor colamn alwayá bad s me good, newsy items in it eanh day, whÜK bis regular correspondence for th; t p per has boen cuinlnctod with eua ubuity. The Argus offers its nonsratul ttions to Mr. Corbin on his appoint m nt and wishes him every success ju lis new field of labor. His f uijy wül ïemain in Ana Arbi r for the r'i'ese t.