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Jonathan Sprague is ou the siok list Mrs. Arthnr Cushney is visiting iu CiDoinuati, O. Bd. Stoll and sister spent Snnday with friends west of Dexter. Mrs. S. B. Nickels, who has been quite sick, is improving slowly. Will Fischer, of Battle Creek, speu Sunday with friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. David Tyler, of Ypsi laDti, are city visitors tbis week. A. W. Briggs, of Detroit, has been visiting Dr. aud Mrs. K. S. Copeland Hudson T. Morton has returned from a six weeks' visit in Nebraska and Colorado. Mrs. Humphreys, of Detroit, has been the guest of Mrs. O. M. Martin tbis week. Mrs. Dell Slade Frazer, of Syracuse N. Y., is visiting Carrie L. Watts, 33 E. Liberty Bt. Mrs. R. S. Dunster, of Toledo, is visiting Mrs. J. B. Aügell and other friends in the oity. Irving K. Pond, of Chicago, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pond over Snnnday. E. V. Staebler has been in Chicago the last few days visiting the great cyole show in tuut city. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hopper, of Alpena, are gudsts of J. E. Beal and family and of other relativos. Bev. J. T. Sunderland, will exchange pulpits next Snnday with Rev. T. W. Illtnan, of Grand Kapids. Miss Mary E. Gallagher, of Corunna, is the guest of bur oonsins, the Misses Kate aud Mary Gallagher. Mrs. J. N. Martin, who has been visiting for three weeks in and near Denver, Coló. , has returned home. Wm. Faucet and Mr. Blackwood, of New Hndson, are the gaests of Mr. and Mrs. George S. Vandawarker. Judge and Mrs. E. D. Kinne gave a pleasant whist party to a number of friends Thuisday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Miles, of Elmira, Mich., are visiting their danghter, Mrs. H. A. Moore, at 59 E. Washington st. The Misses Laura and Alma Weidemanu, of Detroit, are visiting the Misses Amanda and Sophia Koch, 24 E. Washington st. Gêorge Phillips, of Louisville, Ky., was in the oity Monday attending to the business affairs of his brother, the late Robert Phillips. County Clerk J. F. Sobuh was in Port Huron the first part of the week attending the meeting of the state association of master plnrnbers. Mr. and Mis. Chas. Beatly are visjtiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ferdon, while on tbeir way home to St. Paul, MinD., froru Providence R. I. Monday was Henry Meuth's 30th birthday and in tbe evening tbe Lyra Singing Society, of which he is a member, dropped in on him and helped him celébrate it. Dr. Frank Gregory and daughter, of Chicago, are oalling on Ann Arbor friends. The doctor graönated from the medioal departnient of the University 20 years ago. Alien B. Pond, of Chicago, is visiting his parents, Judge and Mrs. E. B. Pond. Mr. Pond is on his way home from Enrope, wbere he has been for tbe past seven months. W. W. Wedemeyer returned from Lansing Saturday and went to work at his sohool commissionership dnties. He is very mnch pleased with his new connections at Lansing. Attorney Charles H. Kline, James Harkius, Victor Wurster and Mattbew Dalton, of this city, were in Corunna Tnesday.attending tbe hearing of a suit against the Ann Arbor railroad. Dr. F. G. Novy and Henry B. Dodsley worshipful masters of Fraternity and Golden Rule lodges F. & A. M.t attended the meeting of the grand lodge in Saginaw, Tuesday and Wednesday. Ed. L. Dwyer oelebrated his 19th birtbday Tharsday evening of last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dwyer, 50 Kingsley st., amnng a number of his yonng friends. They report a veiy jolly time. George P. Learnard left Tnesday for Wbeeling, W. Va., wbere he has acoepted a position with the large innsic establishment of wbich Lew H. Clement is manager. Mr. Learnard had been witb the Ann Arbor Organ Co. and its suocessor, the Ann Arbor Musjc Co., for several years. B. Frank Olinger, who had been with the Washtenaw Evening Times since tbe day it starced, Nov. 22, 1890, and had had tbe care of its linotype machine since it was put in up to a conple of months ago, has secnred a paying and responsible poeitiou in a ïike cauacity in Lansing. Frank bas many friends in Ann Arhor who will wish him th best of success in bis new home and place of employent.