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Mrs. Elizabeth Pardon has gone to Chicago for a month's visit. Miss Nellie Klein, of Lima, has been visiting L. Gruner and family. Miss Minnie Roebm, of Chicago, is visiting Miss Katherine Diehl. Miss Olga Vogel, of Fredooia, is visiting Charles Vogel and faruily. Mrs. M. L. D'Ooge will give an At Home tomorrow afternoon from 3 to 6 o'olook. Miss Shelly Laffrey, of Detroit, has been visiting friends iu the city during the week. Miss Dorothy Krause, of Grand Rapids, is making a shoit visit with relatives here. Mrs. Ed. H. Eberbach gave a 0 o'clook dinner Tuesday evening to a party of 16. Dr. aud Mrs. H. B. Baker, of Lansing, are the guests of Prof. and Mrs. V. C. Vaughan. Mrs. Mary B. Henderson bas gone to Toronto, Out., to visit her sister, Mrs. J. D. Warner. Miss Clara Mangold, of Grand Rapids, is the guest of Miss Emma Weinrnann, of 33 E. Washington st. Mrs. Bentou, of Minneapolis, Minn., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ferdon, of Washtenaw ave. Frank Miller, of Pittsbnrg, Pa., wko bas been the guest of Fred Beisnier for some time, returned home yesterday. Miss Jennie L. Moore, of Van Baren Point, N. Y., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Cattermolfi, on Charoh st. Governor Pingree was in the city Friday afternoon and evening. Daring his stay he was ihe guest of Sherifi Judson. Mrs. Ernest Gleason, who has beeu visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Childs, returned home to New York City Saturday. Miss Gibbes, of Forest ave., gave pretty afternoon tea Tnseday from 3 t 6, in honor of Miss Utterwick. Abou 30 guests were present. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schleichë were called to Brigbtou, Weduesday ou account of the sickness of thei rnother, Mrs. Besty Pentliu. Miss Sarah Rauschenberger, of W Huron st. , was snrprised Friday nigh by a party of aboat 30 people belongin to the Northeld Hiokory Club. Dr. and Mrs. Vaughan gave the ñrs of a series of three receptions at tbei home on S. State st, Tuesday evening The secoud takes place this evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Qninoey, o Poreet ave., celebrated the tenth anni versary of tbeir wedding with a ver; pleasaut house party Monday evening. Past Grand Master C. H. Haskins of Jackson, was in the city on basines Tnesday night, and was tbe gnesc o Otseningo Lodge, I. O. O. F., at it meeting. L. C. Goodrich, grand lecturer ant visitor of the Grand Chapter Roya Arch Masons, went to Port Unron Monday, where he held a school o instruction. Miss Cooley bas issued invitatioa for a danoing party at her home, 76 S State st., next Wednesday evening, in honor of ber guest, Miss Helen Bennett, of Richmcnd, Ky. Fred G. Schleicher and Frank Sutherland speut several days last week a íslaud Lake, fishiug through tbe ice retnrning home Friday noon. Som nice pickerel rewarded their efforts. Mri. John Burg, of Aun Arbor, ha been spending a few days with her sis ter, Mrs. George Johnson. Mr. Bur oame over on Sunday to help celebrat Mabel's 1-1 th birtbday. - Saline Observ er. Fred Showerman left Friday inorn ing for a two months' business tri throngh the sonth, in the interest o the Hay & Todd Co. Mr. Showerma expects to joiu her husband in a fw days. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Frneanfi of Owosso, passed tbroogh Ann Arbo Thursday evening of last week, o their way to Bethlehem, Pa., to attenc thh funeral of his mother, Mrs. A. O. Frueauff, widow of the late Rev. E. A. Frueanff.