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Gas, Gas, Gas

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The fourth anuual meeting of the Michigan Gas Association has heen iu session at the Oook hoase during the past tvvo days. Tbe meeting has been attended by 'between 50 and 00 gentlemen interested in gas who bail from different parts of the state. The morniug sessiou on Wednesday was devnt-ed to au address by tbe president, W. M. Eaton, of Jaokson, and a paper by L. N. Latta, of Gosben, Ind., on "New mtthods of introduoing gas stoven and Welsbach lights. " The president's address stated that the average increase of business, as reported by the gas men of the state dnring the past year, was 10 per oent. Out of 35 gas oompanies in the state 26 are represented in the assooiation. In the afteruoon E. F. Walker, of Lansing, read a paper on "Snags," and H. D. Walbridge, of Grand Rapids, on "Maintenanceof Welsbach Lights." A general informal discussion foliowed eanb of these papers and graat interest was shown. At 4 p. m. the oonveutiou went into executive session. Yesterday morning the discussion of the papers read the day pcevioua was oontinned, foliowed by a discnssion on "Electric gas lighting." At the business meeting it was decided to hold the next annual meeting at Port Huron and the following officers were elected : H. W. Douglas,, of Ann Arbor, president; C. H. JRaynor, of Adrián, vice president ; H. H. Hyde, of Saginaw, secretary and treasnrer. At 2 :30 p. m. the delegates took a special car, porvided by the oourtesy of Manager Hempbill, of the Ann ArborYpsilanti electrio railway, and visited all parts of the city reached by the line. Accompauied by Regent Dean they paid a short visit to the University. They also visited the works of tbe Ann Arbor Gas Co.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News