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Saline will soon have a fnll fledged crearnery in operatiou. Charter electiouB in the different villages will take place next Monday. A branch of the Auti-Saloon Leagne is to be established in Belleville sbortly. George H. Kempf, of Cbelsea, is an aspiraut for tba postruastership of that village. W. H. GlenD, of North Lake, had tbree swarms of bees killed by the late cold snap. M, A. Lowry, of Chelsea, bas been grauted a pateut ou a rein, or Btrap guide for harness. The residents of Saline are considering the advisability of having a permanent village literary society. Eev. D. Q. Bany has reoeived and accepted an noanimons cali to the pastorate of the Saline Baptist ohurch. E. N. Randall, of, while handling ice the other day bad a cake of it fall on bis foot with such force as to splinter the boue. George Culver, of Mooreville, nelebrated his 4i)th birthday Monday evening of lasfc week, amoug a company of 20 of his relatives and frieuds. Miss Florence Briggs, of Saline, closed her fifth term of school in Dis tirct No. 3, Pittsfield, last week. She will teach the spriDg term. A large party of young people atteudpd u (jurty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kuhl, of Sharon, Friday night, given in honor of Mus Martha Kuhl. Mr. John Kotts and Miss Hattie Gieske were mariied at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Gieske, of Sharon, on Wednesday of last week. Willis Tent, No. 678, K. O. T. M., is on the boom. It has received 25 mernbers in the last year. It uow has a mernbership of 60, and initiates soine new meinbers at each meeting. The treasurer's report for the village of Cbelsoa for 1896-7 is as followa: Cash OQ haud March 1, 1896, 235.45; reoeipts, $4,482.27; disbnrsernents, $5,162.99; overdraft. $445.27. The treasurer of the village of Saline makes the following statement of the year's finanoes: Balance on hand Maich 1, 1896, $861.76; reoeipts, $1,481.47; dis'-ursements, $1,497.17; balance uow on hand, f346. Ofi, W. D. Simonds, of Whittaker, haa a ben that is trying hard to compete with tbe eggs that come frum Canada under free trade by laying two eggs a day. Both are well foimed, but are joinod together slightly at the big eud. - Milan Leader. Monday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Osmau, of North Lake, wbo are about to remove to the nortbern part of the state tbis spring were given a surprise party by a nomber of their frieuds. They were the recipients of some very nice presents. George T. Smitb, of Deutous, was 78 years old Feb. !), and his wife was 78 years old on the löth. They have been rnarried 5p years. He carne to Ypsilanti from New York 52 years ago, and exoepting three years' service in the U. S. army, has lived in this vioiuity ever since. - Sentinel. David Blaicb, a well knowu resident ot Cbelsea, died Feb. 21, at the home of his son, George Blaicb, aged nearly 78 years. The funeral was held Tuesday of last week from St. Paul's ohuroh, Revs. Koelbiog and Girdwood ofiioiating. The remains were taken to Syracnse, N. Y., for interment. Fred VVerner, of Manchester, was repairing a srnall calibre revolver tbe other day and pulled the trigger to soe if it worked all rigbt. He carne to tbe conclusión that it did when a ball passed tbrougb tbe fleshy part of one finger of his left hand and lodged in a door. He did not know the thing was loaded. Tbe Willis correspondent of the Ypsilanti Seutinel says : "Prosperity has come at last. William Holland is making Geo. Harris a pair of bobs whioh will probably be completed about the first of June. " The finishing of those bobs is just about as far off in proportion as is tbe much vaunted repablicau era of prosperity. The March meeting of the Saline Farmers' Club is beiug held today at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. A. A. Wood, in Lodi. The program is as follows: Paper, by A. G. Cobb, subject: "The breeding, raising and feeding of beef cattle for urofit;" select reading, by Miss Agatha .loseuhans; discussion of the assooiation question for Martíh. i Boru to Mr. and Mrs.: John Sutherlaud, of Pittsfield, Feb. 22, a girl. Edward Henderson, of York, bas been granted au iucrease of pension. The rutnaius of Heury Carmichael, a Detroit policemau, vvere interred at Stouy Creek Weduesday. The receipts from the rpcent Masouio reopptiou aud bal] at Milan were about f 1 15. There were 400 people present. The Willis creamery is doing well uow, and the qnantity of inilk received is gaining every week. Another separator will soon be a nocessity. The recent revival meetings held in the M. E. oborcb, Willis, by Pev. B. Gibson, have resulted iu many couversions and a great qniokening and uniting of the membership. Married, at the bride's home in Sa" line township, on Wednesay evening o last week, by Rev. D. H. RamsdollMr. Andrew MoHeney, of Bridgewater aud Miss Maggie Mortou. IuvitatiODS are ont for the marriage nf Mírr Viola M. Parsons, daughter of Mrs. Erastus Sauason, of Ypsilanti, to Mr. Martin Soboen, of Ortonville, Miun., to take place Tuesday eveniug, March 9. A team of Ohelsea whist playera coiuposed of G. W. Palmer, R. A. Suyder, A. M. Freer and Andrus Guide, attended the state meeting of whist players at Kalamazoo, Monday of last week, and took third place in the contest. Cornelias Stewart, an old resident of ïpsilanti, died at nis home, No. 11 S. Adaui8 st. , Tnesday morning at the age of 79 years. Tbe funeral was held yesterday afternoou. The deceased leaves a wife aud a daughter, Mts. Henry Stoup. Thirty friends of Mr. and Mrs. George Nissle, of Manchester, snrprised tbeni Monday eveniug of last week, it being the flfth anniversary of their marriage. A bandsotne oak rocking nhair was left behind as a memento of the ocoasion. The Brooklyn chapter of tbe Order of Bastera Star visited the cbapter at Manchester Friday eveniug and witnessed the iuitiatinn of two oaudidates. A supper was served in the banquet room at ü o'clock It was a pleasaut fraternal gatbering. The members of the Congregational ohurch, Ypsilanti, have voted to extend a unauimous cali to Rev. Robert Yonngs, of Pittshurg As proof of the uuanimity of feeliug, several members bave pledged additioual suius to tbe support of the chnrch. Capt. Nelson White, founder of Dundee and 90 years uf age, has surprised bis neighbors with the deciaration that he is soon to be ruarried again. Capt. Wbite gnt his title as captain of a boat on the Erie & Obio canal, wbere be woiked five years. He served in the Toledo, Black Hawk, Mexioau and oivil wars. People ou Exchauge Place wbose nerves are set on edge by the squeaking of the wind-mill ou the Union Saviugs Bank building, threateu dire vengeance on someona if tbe machine isn't kept oiled. Tbe other day it struck np a tune whicn was like the combination of a bagpipe and steam caliope and tbe aforesaid persons were tearing their hair. - Manchester Enterprise. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Biown, of Pinckney, celebrated the 50th anniversary of tbeir wedded life Thursday of last week by having a family reunioo at tbeir home. Besides their many frieuds thete were several present from Chicago, 111., and from ,the northern part of this state. The old couple are uearly 75 yeats of age and look hearty euougb to reach the 100-year mark. A chicken pie social is to be given by Mr. and Mrs. Preston Rouse, at tbe resideuce of Mrs. Forbes, Saline, uuder tbe auspices of tbe Ladies' Aid Sooietv of tha Saline Baptist cbucrh, Wednesday evening, Maroh 24. One of the special attractions of the evening will be the Egyptiau band, aud another the male quartet. who will sing some fine seleotious, also a literary program. Two tickets have been nominated for village officers of Manchester, as follows: Citizans ticket - President, W. Kimble; trustpes, Adétru J. Wurster, lirigar 8. Hagamau, Howard Clark; olerk, Chas. E. Lewis; treasnrer, C. F. Kapp ; assessnr, Henry Kirchhofpr. Yonng rnen's ticket - President, F. Steiukohl ; trustees, Fred Wedemeyer, Albert Kuebler, O. L. Toirey; clerk, Deuuis Torrey; treasnrer, C. W. Case; assessor, H. Townsend. Mr. .lohu H. Wade. jr., of Lima, aud Miss Lucille Hovve, of Sylvan, were married at St. Mary's churcb, Chelsoa, by Rev. Willam P. Considine, on Tuesday of last week. After the oeremony aTeoeption was held at the home of the groom's paieuts Mr. and Mis. John Wade, of Lima, and an elegaut wedding breakfast was served to the relatives and intímate friends of tbe partios. Mr. aud Mrs. Wade have gone to housekeeping on the Westfall place in Lima. A Washington's Birtbday banqaet was given by Chelsea Lodge, No. 194, K. of P., Mouday eveniug of last week, whioh was well attended. Hou. James S. Gormau officiated as toastmaster iu his osual happy manner. Speeches were mude by B B. Tnrnbull, George Davis, George Beckwitb, J. Geo. Webster, Dr. H. W. Schmidt, George Begole, Clareuce Marouey, James Sharp, Schnyler P. Foster, Hiram Lighthall and B. J. Howlett. Julius M. Klein kept the crowd iu good humor by singiug some very pleasing songs. The ladies of Willis and viciuity have with th) assistauce of Mrs. Hitchoock, of Milan, deputy lady great commander of the Lady Maccabees for Michigan, oragnized a hive of Lady Maccabees, witb 16 charter members. The offioers are as follows: Past Lady Commauder, Mrs. Jennie Magrovv; commander, Mrs. Mary U. Russell; lieatenant commander, Mrs. Kittie Thompson ; reoord keeper, Mrs. Jenuie E. Greenman ; finance keeper, Mrs. Cora E. Ballard; cbaplain, Mrs. Betsey A. Heweus; sergeant, Mrs. Mary Kiruball; mistress at arrus, Mrs. Mary E. Ballard; sentinel, Mrs. Lonise J. Finuey; picket, Mrs. Clara Srnith