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A THOUGHT THAT KILLED A MAN! UU thought that he could trifle 11 with disease. He was run down in health, feit tired and worn out, complained of di.ziness, biliousness, backaches and headaches. Hls liver and kidneys were out of order. He thought to get well by dosing; himself with cheap $ remedies. And then came i the ending. He feil a victim 5 to Bright's disease! The J money he ought to have in vested in a safe, reliable remedy went for a tombstone. X is the only standard remedy ï in the world for kidney and J liver complaints. It is the ♦ only remedy which physicians universally prescribe. !t is the only remedy that is backed by the testimony of thousands whom it has relieved and cured. THERE S NOTHINC CLSE } THATCAfj TAKE 1TS PLA E VlVVlVVlVVVKVMM'VVVVVVWlV Estáte of Thomas O'Brien. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Waahteuaw, as. At asesaion ot the Probate Court j"or thecounty of Wawhtenaw, holden at the Probnte Olllce in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, tl' et 1 1 dny of February in the year one thousaud elght huudred and ninetyse ven . Present, H. Wirt Newkirk, Judge of Probate. Id iho matter of the eatate of Thomas O'Brien, deceaBed. On reading: and flling the petition, duly veriftr-d of Üatberiue O'Brien, praying that the administratiOD of said estáte máy be gruuted to liersell or some othcr suitablo person. Therenpon it is oitlüred, that Rlotuiiiy, the Sth day of March nexl, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be assiETiied lor the hearing of said petition, and tli;it the heirs at law of said deceased and :U1 othei persoua intorested in said estáte, are required to appear at a aession of said Court., then tobe holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arlior, and show caurv, if au? thei-e be, why theprayeroi the petltioner should uotbegraiital: Ana it is further oreïered, that sfiid petitionergive notioe to the persons interestedin saul eatate oí the pendencyoi saidpelition, and the hearing thereof, DYcansing a copy of thia order to be puhlished in the Ann Ariíoií Argus, h tiewspajx'r pnntd and circulated in aaid county, three auccessiye weeke previous to said day of hearing. H. VVlllï NHWK1RK, LA truc copy] Judffe of Probate. P.J. Lkhman. Probate Eeïister. Commissioner's Notice. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, COUNTV u ol Washtenaw. The undersigned havinK been appointed by the Prohate Court for said County, coininissioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persona against the eatate of Fleming Btuenbark, late of 8nid counly, deceaKed, hereby give notice that nix months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, tor creditors to picsènt theirclaiiiu against the estute of said rieceased, and tliat they will meet at tile late rebidence of eaid deceased, in the Townnhip of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Fiiday, the lOtli day of April, 1S1IT, and on Fridny the 16th uay of July, A. D. 18 '7, next, at ten o'ciock a. m. ol each of saiddaysto receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated Ann Arbor. January 16th, 1897 JOHN O'HAKA, FKaNCIü l'ARKEB, Ooinmiaaiouers. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Waahtunaw, sb. Notice ís hereby given, that by an order of the Probate (Jourt for the County of Washtenaw, made ou the25th day oí January, A. D. 1897, six munths from that date were allowed for creditora to present their clainia against the estáte of Elizabetii Stevens Clark,late i oí said county. deceased, aud that all eredltora of suiddeceased are ïequired to present theirelaimts to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, forexaminatiOD aud allowance. on or bufore the 2(th day ol' Juiy next, and that sucn claims wül be heard before 8aid Co uw ou the ï8th day of April. and ou the 2Otb day of .lnly next, at ten o'elock in the forenooa of eaeh of said days. Dated Anu Arbor, January 8S, A. l). 1S((7. H, Wllll' NEWKIKK, .1 udee of l'robauj. Chancery Sale. IN l'URSUAXCE AND HY VIHTUE OF A I djeoree of the CIruuit Court for the County t U jLsliU-naw. State of M irliiííari, iu t.'hancery, made and entered on tne SOth day of January, ü-'.i?. In a eertain cause therein pending wberetn Ellzabetb p, Josephiuc Kohier and Margaret Feuerbaoher are complalnanta and John V. Scbnelder, Geor(te Schnelder, Frederlok E. Schnetder, Emma Schnelder, Oigo áohnelder, Oatheriue 8. Evers, Mary s. Dell. Emma S. Seery, Lydla 8. Alber, l'ivil Schlll, John SohiU, Emanuel Bohlll. (Trederick Guntber, William Gunther, Edward Uuiit iH'r. John Gunther, Anna (iunther, and JNIary Gunther 8eitz are defendanus. Notlre is hereby given that 1 will sell ut public auctlon at the east front door of the Dourt House in the City of Ann Arbor, in naid Oounty, (tbat belna the building in wblch the Circuit, Court for the County of Washtenaw is held), on Wednesday, the -uh day ..f Maroh. 3897, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon of said day, all the f ollowtpg desorlbed real estáte, situated in the township of Freedom, ('ountyof Wayhtcnaw, State of Micliifian, and known and desrnbed a followe, viz: Being a part of seetion number twenty-four (24), aud uoinmenclnj; on th.eso.ui li Uneol said cetiou nine chains aud foi-ty-six links east from the Bouth-west corner thereof and runninr thence north and parallel with the west line of Kiiid sectiori thiriy ehiiins and torly-seven links; I In-nee east umi parallel witli the SOUtb line of said seetion ten chains and ttfty-four links; thence foutli aúd parallel with the west line. of said seetion seventeen c-h;iiiis nul elgbty-slx links toastake; thencO eaít thre ohaitis and slxty-elx ' links; (henee aouth twêlve chains ana Blxty-one link, to the sou tb line "i' said sectloo; thence westalong the. aouth Hoe of said seoëlon fourteen chains and fifty links to th place of beginning, containIiiü tblrty-seven aud one-elghth acres of laud, more or les. O. EL VIER BUTTERFIELD, ('irenii Court Commlssioner, E. i: NQBBIS, Bolicitor for the Complaimmts.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News