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Miss Alma Sill is visiting friends in Azalia. Mrs. L. Clark gave Toledo a cali Monday. W. H. Gay has retnrned from his Detroit visit. Eleotion is over and Milan's pulse is nomal onec more. F. Hill has retnrned from his Florida trip ranch refreshed. The April fool's day decoys have vanished from the streets. James Gauntlett has put miHinery irito his departmfcnt store. The I. O. O. F. danoe and banquet the 2d was a social suocess. Mrs. H. Sill and children have returned from their Saline visit. Dr. J. C. Harper, of Detorit, spent a few days in Milan last week. .7. Campbell and wife aremoving out of Alva Dexter's house on Dexter st. Mrs. Carrick is quite ill at tbe home of her mother, Mrs. Slayton, in Dnndee. Miss Florence Chapin retnrned from her Ann Arbor visit Satnrday afterBoon. Miss Glennie Shnrtz, of Tecumseb, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Fred üuy. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Morgan are moving over O. L. Young's stoie on Main et. O. P. Newcoinb has returned to Detroit after agweek's visit with Milán friends. School opeufld Tnesday morning with a fnll attendance after a week'e vaoation. Misa Fay Wiloox had a pleasant birthday party oue fine day the Jatter part of last week. J. E. Clark has returned to nis school in Shelby after a week's visit witb friends in Milan. April showers are putting in their usual amount of spriDg work to briug forih "Maj flovcers." The B. Y. P. U. have an evening social at Mrs. W. H. Hack's resideuce on County st. , this evening. Fred Edwards was the victim of a large surprise party at his home on Wabash st. , a few evenings since. Attorney and Mrs. G. R. Williams were the guests of Prof. and Mrs. C. M. Fuller at Mooreville, Monday. Prof. and Mrs. Geo. A. Deonison retuined to Uundee Sunday after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Hack. Five millinery parlors in progressive Milan. The date's of the Easter openings are fixed for this week and an invitation is given to the publio to cali aud look over the beautiful displays. Gness we'll go. The election in York was on a purely free coinage basis. Every man elected was a free silver man, althongh the ticket was nearly equally divided as between the old parties. The free silver sentiment is a winner in York.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News