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Mrs, Stella Sebastian MoClure is spending the week in Detroit. Mrs. R. G. MoAllaster and cbildren are visiting her pareuts in Webster. 'Miss Ella Rose, of Dnluth, Minn., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Gaige. Frauk Allmendinger and aunt Miss E. Allmeudinger spent Sunday in Owosso. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stannard, of Dexter, spent Monday with friends in the city. , Mrs. Chas. Masón, of Wheeling, W. Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Stnrgeon of S. Main st. Miss Charlotte O. Stowe has returned froin Francfort, where she has been teaching mnsio since last November. The Forty Club will give a Germán at Granger's aoademy tbis evening to mnsio fnrnished by the Chequamegons. Dr. Cari C. Worden, of Ishpeming, is in the city visiting his mother, and will stay here until after the May Festival. Dr. and Mrs. F. K. Owen, of Ypsilanti, contémplate sailiog for Europe Jnne 26, if Mrs. Owen's health per- rnits. Mrs. Arthur Laurea, of Jackson, formerly Miss Maggie Ryan, is visiting her brothers and other friends in the city. Charles A. Edwards, assistant chief of tbe fire department, is taking his annnal 10 days' vacation and is spending it at Base lake. Bert Ellis, of Texas City, Tex., is in the city and will spend a couple of rnouths with his mother Mrs. Caroline P. Ellis, of Hill st Mrs. Jno. G. Miller, of 36 Packard st., left Monday for Winebago City, Minn., for an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. E. Gedney. Mousiear Viennet, of Paris, France, wbo is sous bibliothecaire in the Bibliotheqne Nationale, is in Ann Arbor, the guest of Prof. E. L. Walter. Mrs. James B. Angelí ís to deliver an address at an all day rally in the church parlors of the Park Congregational chnroh at Grand Rapids, tomorrow. Prof. H. M. Randall, of the Saginaw bigh schools, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Randall, bas been offered the Chaif of Physics in Earlham Cullege, Ricbmond, Iud. Letters from Mrs. W. S. Perry state that Prof. Perry is gaining his strength rapidly and he hopes soon to be restored to good health. They will return home Weduesday of nest week. John R. Miner, who is at present in California, writing to a friend in this city recently, said : "From a squib in the Courier I conclude somebody is interested in the fact that I have taken to wbeeling. Tbe same somebody may be interested to kuow that yesterday I wheeled 50 miles, and during the last week have wheeled 209 miles, and since Feb. 1, over 1,500 miles. In all this my wheeling inate has been Bob Cuthbert, whom everybody in Ann Arbor will remember. Thia is a glorious country that no one can appreciate without seeing."


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Ann Arbor Argus