Very Sudden Death

Mis. Forbes Ballard, of the township of Augusta, died very suddenly on Mouday of spinal meningitis. Sbe was in Frank Smitb's store, Ypsilanti, about 10 o'clock Monday raorning looking at some wall paper and oomplained of feeiing dizzy. Mr. Smith helped her to a ebair and in a moment she had lost consoiousness. All efforts to revive her were without avail and at 3 o'olock in the afternoon she was removed to her home. Shenever beoame conscious and twelve honrs later she died. She was 58 years of age and was very highly respected having Leen prominent in Grange oircles. The funeral services were held at her late home yesterday.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
Mary Celina Potter Ballard
Forbes Ballard