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The case- it wuz lookin so dark fer Jim, With the lawyers talkingon, Thar wuzn't no hope In the world fer him, Au hejustgive upfergone! Fer the very lawyer that took Jim's side, In the very rniddle, bust out and cried! But Provldence moves in the queerest way. The judge, with his notes ín view, Seein the lawyer cry that day, ■ Bust out a-ervin too! An the jury i'ol lowed the judse, an theu The sheritt' cricd wliile he yelled," Amen !" An then to the man the ,1ury riz An hollered, "Not ruilty, Jim!" An his lawyer feil on that neck o' his An cried all over him! But he whispered, after that viot'ry sweepin, "Fifty extra, old boy, fer weepiu!" -Atlanta C'onstitution. The apple blossom has been adopted by the legislatura as tbe state flower. Franois M. Lumbard, of Whitmore Lake, has been granted au original pensión. Mrs, Julia A. Reed, of Ypsilanti, has been granted an original widow's pension. Mrs. Wiedemann is building a new cottage on the grounds at Wiedemann's grove, Whitmore Lake. About 50 oouples enjoyed the program of dances at Qranger's academy after the concert Satnrday night. Mrs. P. Peterson had ber pooket picked at the Anu Arbor Raiiroad depot Sonday night and is nearly 20 poorer as the result. The infantchild of Mr. and Mrs.'Julius Funke, of 13 Wall st., died Sunday and was buried Monday in the Fifth ward oemetery. The next regular teachers' examination for seoond aní tnird grade certificates will be held at the court house in this city, June 17 and 18. The Harugari societies expect to have their new hall corner of Second and W. William sts., completed in time to dedicate it at the anniveisary celebration Aug. 15. City Clerk Mills and City Treasnrer Manly were busy last week comparing tbeir books and were fortúnate enough to find that tbere were no errors in them to correct. A good reoord, truly. The ForestHill Cemetery Association has let the contract to a firm in Indianapolis for the construction of a steel fence along the south and west sides of the cemetery. The contract price is $1,800. Rev. J. M. Gelson will be absent next Sunday attendiug the meeting of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church. He is one of the comtnissioners from the Michigan Synod. Hev. W. W. Wetmore will preaoh during Mr. Gelston's absence. Eliad E. Bovee, of Ypsilanti, has been granted an increase of pension. The Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti electric line oarried 993 passengers Saturday. One bundred and twenty-five people took in the exoutsion over the Ann Arbor Railroad to Toledo on Sunday. Nioholas Qlaser has closed hiR restaorant at Ni. 2 E. Huron et., and has taken a s-.tuation at the Ainerican bon se. Stevens & Dwyer are putting a nevv asphalt and gravel roof on the gas works whioh adds mnch to the appearanee of the building. In the probate court, on Monday, Alba VVilson filed a claim for f235 against the Horace Carpenter estáte for nursing the old gentleman dnring his last illness. Application was made in the probate court Monday for the admission to probate of the wil! of the late Philip Gruner, of Lima. Tbe instrument bas only just come to light. Horaoe Wheeler, of Ypsilanti, has been appointed mailing clerk on tbe run between Marquette and Duluth. This leaves Ed. I. Taylor, of Ann Arbor post office, only three places from an appointment. Dr. Eliza M. Mosher, woman's dean at the university, qualifled as a pbysiciau and surgeon at the county clerk's office Tuesday afternoon. In her afïidavit she stated she had been praoticing medicine for 22 years. Strollers on the north side Sunday veere amused at seeing one of our popular young millers with his best girl on a wheelbarrow going ip Broadway and returning on the otber side of thestreet. It was on a bet. - Times. Next Sunday the Arm Arbor railroad [ will pnt into efEeot a new time table ■ which will shorten the time between Toledo and Frankfort an hour and 15 minutes. The through trains will leave Toledo an honr later. The board of publio works bas issued ; an order forbidding employés of the city smoking during working hours. This rule applies to foremen as well as to those under them. The rule does not sit very well with sorae of the men. A. A. Wood, of Saline, president of the Miohigan Merino Sheep Breeders Association bas gone to Washington, D. U , in cornpauy with ex-Go.vernor Jonn P. Rich, to look after the wool intereats in connectiou with the new tariff bill. This is how the Howell Democrat speaks of the annual enoampment of the M. N. G. : "It is settled - the next encampment of state extravagauce is to be held at Island Lake, the dates of extravaganoe being set for August 4 to8." Mrs. Mary E., wife of Victor E. Strong, died at her home 33 Gött st , on Snnday aged 33 years, 9 months and 16 days. The fuueral services were aeld Wednesday afternoon, Rev. W. L. Tedrow officiating. Intermeut in Forest Hill cemetery. No. 512, thelargest engine on the M. C. R. R. went west Tnesday morining, pulling 50 new cars marked "Ceutral Mexicano." Of late large nnmbers of these cars have passed through here for the same road. They are manufaotured by the Detroit Car Works. The so oalled band from Ann Arbor that was here Saturday uight (May H) to assist John Fritz in his s loon opening, disgusted many of our people by their screeohing on the street at an early hour Sunday raorning. - Saline Observer. What band was it? The Grass Lake News says: "If some one will dodge over to Tompkins and nunch oíd Jim Webber in the ribs, we will send him the News one year for his trouble. Jim won 't pay and off goes his name!" The Argus also has several on its list who are in a like state of chronic non-payment and whom it woold willingly pay a bonus to see moved to a spirit of pay-uppedness. You are not alone, Brother Carleton. The following members of the Light Infantry were presented with good attendance medals on Monday eyeninp by Capt. Ross Granger: Silver, one year's attendance without a miss - Sergeant Jacob Gwinner, Corporal Rembert Jones, Corporal Bruce Monroe, Ed. O. Schairer, Gilbert E. Perrine, George Fisoher, Arthur Jones and A. Warren; bronze, six montns without a miss - Albert Allmendinger, Arba Wilson and Bdmond Conde. City Clerk Glen V. Mills now has telephone No. 192 at his residence. The Cbeqoamegon orchestra will fnrnish the rnnsio for the commenoement exercisescf theMilan high school. Dr. W. J. Herdinan has made a seoond donation of $100 to the Y. M. C. A. building fnnd. Tbat fund "do grow." George J. Merz, aged 41, nativa of Enssia, took out his natnralization papers at the connty olerk's offioe Wednesday morning. Mr. Wm. Hoohrein and Miss Rosa ! Lang were married Thursday evening of last week at thfi Zion Lutheran parsonage by Kev. A. L. Nicklas. Mr. Lonis Krauss and Miss Lena Hoohrein were groomsman and bridesmaid respectively. Gecrge Carpenter, an employé of the elec.tric light works, while repairing a broken trolley wire on S. Main et. Thursday nigbt of last week reoeived the full foren of thecurrentin his body. He has reoovered suffioiently to be at work again. Letters of administration have been issud in the probate court to Rufus Phelps in the estáte of his father Benjamin Phelps, also testamentary letters iu the estáte of his naother Mary Phelps, of Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. ! Plielps died within five weeks of each other. "The Needs of the Honr" and "Need We Have Nerves" are the subjects of two lectores to be given by Dr. Mary Wood-Allen, Monday and Tuesday evenings of next week, in the Disciples chnroh, under the anspices nf the W. O. ;T. D. Admission to the two lectores - 25 cents. The Chelsea Standard says: "Is Chelsea goiug to celébrate the glorious Fourth this year? It is ten years since Ohelsea twisted the lion's tail and let the eagle scream, and it is abont time that we got into line again." You are no worse off than Ann Arborwhioh has not liad a celebration for an even longer period than that. Prof. J. J. McClellan oconpied hisold osition as organist and direotor at St. Thomas' cburoh on Snnday morning ast, when the choir and orohestra gave Saydn's Second JVlass. For the offertory "I know that My Redeemer liveth" was given by the orcbestra. The recessional was the "Qnoniam" from Mozart's Twelfth Mass. Last Sunday a divine who held forth in oue of the pulpit of this village, prayed fervently for the president of ;be United States, for both houses of congress and the state legislatura, but not one syllable did he utter in behalf of Pingree ! Is this treating the chief attraction in Michigan'spolitical menagerie right? - Grass Lake News. The men of the Baptist congregation will have entire charge of the tea social at the ohuroh parlors this evening. Snpper will be secved at 6 :80 o'olock sharp, after wbich a program will be given in which 'heArieu Qaartet, Master Freddie Daly, Miss Josie Davidson, Miss Miunie Davis and otners will take part. Admission 15 cents. Assistant Adjutant General Pond has called a meeting of the transportation committeeof the Michigan Department, G. A. R., for May 25, to seleot a route for the beadquarters' train to the national encampment at Buffalo The members of the committee are Col. Pond, Col. H. S. Dean, of Ann Arbor, aad Judge S. B. Daboll, of St. Jobns. Tbe Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway has a chaDge in its time card which took effect last Snnday. An extra motor was added leaving Ypsilanti at 6 a. m. and Ann Arbor at 6 :85 a. m. The other morning motors leave Ypsilauti at 7:10, 8:20, 9:40, and 11:10, and leaves Ann Arbor at 7 :45, 9 :00, 10:20 and 11 :50. A Sunday morning motor leaves Ypsilauti at 9 o'olock connecting with the Ann Arbor Railroad train to Hamburg Juuction. Roy E. Beastle, a university student, took nis sister for a drive to Ypsilanti, Sunday, in a rig hired from Walker's livery stable. While going down Cross st. , Ypsilanti, on the north side of the street car track, Mr. Beastle attempted to get in ahead of another oarriage and his buggy was struck by the oar which was going in the same direction. The result was he and his sister were thrown out of the bnggy, which was completely demolished. Mr. BeaBtle sustained soine cuts about his head and j on his hand but the young lady was not hurt. Dr. J. G. Lynds' horee ran away on State st. Tuesday evening and made a complete wreek of the buggy to whicb it was attached. The remains of Antoine Sedina, who died of consuruption in Chicago, were bronght to Ann Arbor Tuesday afternoon and interred in St. Thomas' cernetery. Oscar O. Sorg and Edward Dnnn had a little pugilistic enconnter on S. Main et., Toesday night and Sorg got out a warrant for Dnnn's arrest on a oharge of assanlt and battery Wednesday. George Wahr, the hookseller, bas received an order frorn London, England, for 20 copies of Dr. G. O. Hnber's text book "Laboratory Manual in Histology. " He has also had other orders fruni England. John Sbaefter, of Marshall, who has mauy friends in this oity, died at his home tbere yesterday morning. He was taken ill while in this oity attending the recent golden wedding auniversary of Mr. and Mrs Philip Lohr. On Wednesday afternoon the senate in oommittee of the wbole agreed npon an appropiiation of f20,000 for an electric lighting plant at tbe nniversity. The honse committee ou ways and rueans also deoided to reoomrnend an appropriation of $30,000 for a law library. Aloysins, the five years oíd son of Mis. John Sedina, of 51 N. Fifth ave., died Wednesday evening of a spinal trouble from which be has been a great snfferer. The funeral services were held at St. Thomas' churoh this morning at 9 o'clock. Burial in St. Thomas' cemetery. Rev. Henry P. Horton, assistant minister of St. Andrew's church, Ann Arbor, was urdained to the priesthood last Snnday evening in Trinity chuieb, Detroit. Rigbt Rev. Thoe. F. Davies bishop of the diocese offioiated, the sermón being preached by Rev. Wru. Prall of St. John's cburch. O. M. Martin's new store on S. Fourth ave., is so f ar completed that Robison & Sou have taken pussession of it as a storeroom for their carriages. This firm has changed over the utable arrangements so that their 43 horses now occupy tbe second floor of the building while the carriages are all kept on the first floor. Through tbe courtesy of Manager Keech the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart, wbo have charge of St. Thomas' school, heard the Calve concert Friday evening over the pbone in Fr. Kelly's louse. Tbe major part of the ooncert was also beard by parties in Detroit, Jackson, Adrián and other parts over the long distance telephone. Jesse Kilpatrick, a resideut of Ann Arbor up to 1865 when he removed ro Brass Lake township, died there Tuesüay of last week aged 82 years lacking 11 days. He had beeu married to his wife, who sarvives him, for 71 years. He was strictly températe in all bis nabits never usiog liquor or tobáceo in any form and was highly respected by all who knew him. His remains weie taken to Canandaigua, N. Y., for interno ent. "I wonld like to ask, " said a lady in Howell Saturday evening, "who has the right to the sidevvalk, a person walking or the one riding a bieyele? This ib the third time this evening," she said, "I oame near being rnn over by one of those bioyole riders. " - Howell Demoorat. And if bieyelists were allowed to ride on the sidevvalks in Anu Arbor, ladies would be asking the same qnestion here. The best thing to do is to keep tbe ordinanoe as it it is now and allow them tbe use of tbe road as at present, all remonstrances to the contrary, notwitbstanding. The sidewalks are for pedestrians not for bioyelers. Karl fíarriman, a yonng soribe with a biight and spacions fatnre, a newspaper pyrotecbnio of brilliant parts and sou of Judge HarrimaD, of Ann Arbor, is mentioned as possible private secretary to Minister Augel!, who goes to Turkey. The appointinent should oceur. In every coDtest that Karl has had with turkey he has come off first best. He prefers the white meat bnt can play any part with ease, and at the close of tbe conflict only the calcarions remains of the fowl attest its previoos existenoe. He is a bright writer, an exhanstless worker, keeps close to the etymology of trnth aud wonld refleot oredit on his appointmeut. - Adrián Press. The man who opened a big hotel at Clark's Lake a few days ago has got a head on him! He at once sent f ree season tickets to the Jackson clergy. Theu he started Sunday ball playing, with three speoial trains runniug from Jackson to his resort on tbat day. Bnt this evokes no protest from the aforesaid watohmea on Zion's walls, who seem oblivions of tbe Sabbathbreaking scheme of tbe wily rascal who so politely remembered them. - Grass Lake News. After this assertion Carleton should send a copy of his paper containing tbe above item to tlie aforesaid reverend gentlemen, and be may get some free advertising of the kind be is not looking for.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News