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Miss Yciung, of Bay City, is visiting Mrs. L. Bassett, of Thompson st. [{jRobert VVetzel, of Calumet, is visiting bis old friends in Ann Arbor. Food Inspector Cari Franke, of Monroe, was in the city Friday on business. Rev. T. W. Yonng is in Pittsbnrg, Pa., atendiug the Bapitst anniversaries. Miss Bertha Gnenther, of Detroit, is the gnest of her sister, Mrs. Eugene Koch. Mrs. E. K. Frneanff, of Owosso, was one of the visitors to the May Festival ooncerts. F. H. Schall has gone to Tifflu, Ohio, for a visifc with W. D. Adaros and family. Deputy Rüilroad Commissioner Wedemeyer returned from St. Louis, Mo. , Friday night. Mrs. Walter Potter and daughter Ernestine, of Detroit, are the guests of Mrs. S. W. Beakes. Herman, Alfred and Miss Julia Meyer, of Detroit, spent Sunday with Ann Arbor relatives. Mrs. F. H. Riley, of Toledo, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. A. J. McMahon, of N. Fourth ave. Hoinrich Meyers and Fred Zeigler, of Adrián, were the guests of C. F. Meyers, of N. Ashley st., during the Festival. Miss Emma E. Bovver and Mrs. Kilbonrne ire the delegates fromfthe local W. C. T. U. to thfi coming state couvention. Lieutenant-Governor T. B. Dnnstan, of Lansing, accompanied by Mrs. Dunstan, has been at the Cook house for a few days. Gfiorge Sanzi, snbstitute mail carrier is iilhng the position of stamping clerk made vacant by the arrest of Glenn A. Trowbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Grangerhave been spending the week in Detroit visiting relatives and taking in the Knights Templar doings. Mr. and Mrs. George Green and Mr. and Mrs. Deubler, of Monroe, were guests at the Staebler-Paul weddling in Scio on Tuesday. Drs. R. S. Copeland, W. D. Dewey and C. W. Ryan, of this city, attended the annnal meeting of the Michigan homeopathie society at Lansing. Ralph Farnurn, who has been teaobing school ou North Bass Island in Lake Brie since last September, is in the city visiting his mother on N. Ashley st. E. J. Ottoway, night city editor of the Detroit Pree Press, attended the Calve concert on Friday evening. He was ths guest of George H. Pond during his brief stay in town. Capt. and JVIrs. Johnson of the local Salavtion Army oorps, made their farewells to the members in tbis city Snnday. They have gone to New York to labor in another branch of the work. Eminent Commander James R. Bach and Past Commander W. W. Watts went to Detroit Mouday evening to attend the annnal meeting of tbe Michigan Grand Commandery of Knights Templar. Mrs. Adrew Gruuer, of 20 E. Washington st., is so seriously ill that she is not expeoted to live. Her danghter Mrs. Sinke, of Grand Island, Neb., arrived on Wednesday evening, accompanied by her children. Rev. W. L. Tedrow is at [Lagrange, Indiana, attending the district conference of the Lntherau synod of northern Indiana. He preached the communion sermou at the olose of the conferenoe Wednesday evening. Dr. Flemming Carrow, of this oity, is advertised to lectnre Tuesday evening of next week at the St. Luke's ohurch honse, Ypsilanti, on "Tbe Devil, Considered from the Standpoint of History and Literature." Prof. J. J. McClellan and Col. Clay ton, of Salt Lake City, Utah, atteuded the May Festival Friday and Saturday of last week. Mr. McClellan will go to Europe this sumrner where he will spend soine time in the study of his profession. His inany friends in Ann Arbor were delighted to see him. Rev. L. P. Goldrick, of Northfield, and Rev. E. D. Kelly, of this oity, took part in an entertainment at St. Augnstine's hall, Kalamazoo, Thnrsday evening of last week. Rev. Fr. Kelly gave some seleotions from Shakespeare which received rounds of and Fr. Goldrick sang some choice songs which the audience greatly apppreciated. Rev. M. M. Goodwin, formerly rector of St. Luke's charch, Ypsilanti, and later chaplain of the U. S. crusier Columbia, bas been transferred to the U. S. receiving ship Wabash, with faeadqnarters at Boston, which will allow the otnplain to keep honse and bave his family with hiin. The transfer was obtained for JVJr. Goodwin by Senator Burrowe. Aogust Dieteile, of Detroit, spent Suuriay with bis parents iu this city. Judge and Mrs. C. B. Grant, of Lansing, atteuded the May Festival last week. At the meeting of the Michigan State Medical Sooity at Lansiog Satnrday, Dr. G. C. Haber, of this city, was elected vice president foc the ensuing year. i At the meeting of tbe state homeopathie sooiety held in Lanaing Tnesday and Wednesday, Dr. R. S. Copeland, of this oity, was eleoted one of the vice presidents. "Baby" Bliss, who is 6 feet 54 inches tall and weighs 502 pounds, was in the city Satnrday, in the interest of the American bicycle, one of which he rides. He was the observed of all observers during his stay. The following item taken from the Detroit Evening Journal may prove interesting reading to the yoong lady's many friends in Ann Arbor: "Miss Una Abell, a bright little Michigan ?irl, has at last reached the top of the 'adder iu the dramatic profession, or at least what seems the top to the tbousands of aspiring girls on tbe stage. The Mirror announoes that next season she will snoceed Effie Shannou as leadng ladylin the William H. Crane comjany. Miss Abell has played in the Crust of Society,' and iu 'Americans Abroad. ' She has had training with Frohman and with a St. Louis stock 3ompany. "


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News