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The Dingley tariff bill, after six weeks...

The Dingley tariff bill, after six weeks... image
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The Dingley tariff bill, after six weeks' of continnous debate over it, flnally paseed the senate Wednesday by a vote of 38 to 28. It is said that thirty-one of the fortyfive srates have placed a limit of not to exceed ninety days npon their legislative sessions. Snch a law in Michigan vunld save the state many thonsanda of dollars, besides placing fewer uneonstitutional laws in onr statute books. - Hillsdale Leader. Say, let'e try thát scheroe, there ia-no qnestion bat that it is a The wisdom of the mayor's proolaxnation calling upon the dog catoher to ahoot all unmuzzled dogs, is at least open to question. It is based on the idea that dogs are in danger of going ïnad. But in previons years in tbis city this precaution bas not been neoessary and it has igainst it the faot tbat it is inhuman to the dogs. It has a tendenoy to worry them ; it hnrts their feelings; it oaases them disconifort. Cross dogs should be mnzzled, bnt why sbonld household pets, whioh are properly oared for, be oompelled to suffer. Some rúen get ruad and use their fists unlawfnlly, why not issue a proclaruation that all men should be shot who do not go around with their fists manacled. In aocordance with au editorial prediction of the Argus, an accident has already occurred on the Whitmore Lake bicycle path, by which a yoang lady ■was badly injnred. It oocurred after dark and the colliding bicyoles did not carry lanterns. There will be more accidents on that path, if the bicyolers do not carry lanterns. Human lives are in danger nightly, not only in that path but in the streets of this city by the failnre of the conncil to pass a bicycle ordinance. This ordin. anee is needed not only for the proteotion of those who do not use wheels, but also for those who do. In faet the bicyclers tbemselves are the ones ■who are most apt to be injured by fche failnre of all wheelmen to use proper precautions. Bicyling bas come for all time. Let the changed oonditions it has brought about receive full recognition. A bicycling ordinance is a crying need in Ann Arbor. The next death which occurs may be laid to the negligence of the council. The senior class of the üniversity were gnilty of a very discourteons act in their intentional failnre to invite the regents of the Üniversity to the senior leception. The class was composed of yonng ruen and women, who had jnst fiaished their ooilege edncations, which tbey had been enabled to obtain at a mere trifle of its actual oost by the bonnty of the state, adminiBtered by the regents, who have devoted cheir time and energies to tbis work without compensation. It was a disgracefn) aot to thns insult these men. The exouse for doing it is a trifling one. In order to help on the gymnasium work in which these yonng men and women have pretended to be interested, and to defray the expense of opening and lighting the building by the state, the regents had adopted the rule that all organizations neing it for receptions or parties shonld pay $100 for the nse. The seniors were not compeled to use it. Tbey could have pnt up a tent as formerly at an expense greatly exceeding f 100. Receptions are not part of gymnastic work. If the four years' college work has not taught the reoipients to be courteous, it has failed in part. We doubt if future olasses can be induoed to follow the footBteps of '97. Jadge Donovan spoiled wbat otherwise would have been a good Fourthof Jnly oration in this city last Satnrday, delivered in good voioe as it was, by descending to the level of partisan politics and making a repnblican stamp speech. He wonld cnre all evils by more tases. He wonld increase the ptice of onr farm producís by shutting out foreign farm producís, forgetting tbat the price of onr great staples is fixed by oompeiition with foreign producís, not in the home markets, but in foreign markets, so that to incraese the price at home, he must incresae the price abroad. He wonld build up the factories by taxes paid by tha farmer8 and the workingmen, forgetting that for many years we have been striving to do this and our industries still cling lo the title of infant. In the next breath he told how Prince Albert built np the Euglisb manufactnres, bat he forgot to teil his hearers that it was done under free trade and without the aid of any tariff taxation. England failed to bnild np her factories dnring the period of heavy tarifi taxation. These have been developed sinoe she entered npon her conrse of free trade, dan sbe beoame mistress of the seas after we bnilt onr tariff wall. It is well enongh to talk of increasing the yield of farms without further bringing down the prices of farm produots. This oan only be done by inoreasing exports, the money standard retnaining thé same. You cannot foster commeroe by putting barriere to prevent trading. Commeice is a matter of barter and trade. Reduce it to individuals. Yon are less liable to sell yonr products to a man, who knows yon have forbidden yonr family to pnrchase any of his proctncts. Bat tbis question is out of plaoe in a Fonrth of July oration, taddressed, t people wbo hooestly differ on the question oí tariff taxation. !


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News