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JVIrs. Weis is entertaining gnests from Maybee. Mrs. Foster has retnrned from her Cleveland trip. James Ganntlett is visiting his sons at Traverse City. Prof. Whinnery, of Adrián, has an interesting art olass in Milán. Editor and Airs. A. B. Smith returned Satorday from their Dnrand visit. Airs. F. Ganntiett is entertaining her sister from the Ridge this week. Mrs. Geo. Minto retnrned Tnesday mornng from her three weeks' visit at Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Putman, of VV. Main st., are entertaining guests from Eaton Rapids. „.togfe !LLL=,, The Misses xMcAllister, of Birmingham, Ala., are the gnests of the Misses Lovelaod for a few weeks. Rev. J. P. Hutehinson, of Ann Arbor, had a gem of a poem, entitled rhe "Bonny White dover' in last week's issne of the Milan Leader. Mrs. H. A.. Vincent gave a pleasant tea to a few of her aged friends, the oldest of whom was 92 years of age. Tbere were thiee gnests that were 80 years oíd and a nurnber 75 years. All agreed that they had a very enjoyable time. ThisTias been qnite a week forevents in onr quiet little village. Monday, there were two burglars arrested for breaking intoa bos car and the Wabash depot and helping themselves to some sboes. They were dressed np in some of their spoils when arrested. Tnesday, Mrs. Ed. Draper was driving in Milan when her horse took fright and ran sway, throwing Mrs. Draper out and tireaking two of her ribs. Sbe was taken into Dr. Pyle's office, on Main st., and cared for. Tuesday evening, Railroad Jack delivered a speech to a large crowd who collected around him o listen to the acoount of his travels brongh the ü. S. as a tramp.