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: ■ -__ Take a Lake Tour to Island Of o Breezes. C Go to Mackinao Island, Mich , the Coast Line. Tbe D. & c ' . steel passenger steaniers leave Tokd Alondays and Saturdays, 10:30 a ' and Tnesdays and Thursdays, 4-'' m. From Detioit, Mondays and fiat P' days, 11:00 p. m. Wednesdays an Fridays, 9:30 a. m. Send 2 cents fn! illnstrated pampblet. Adress A. A. SCHANTZ. G. P. A Detroit, Mi'ch. A SIMPLE TIRE REPAIR. Punctures in the well known Mor g-aa & Wright tire are mended about as easily as a man would close a hole in his finger with a bit of court pias ter. Inside of the inner tube of th tire lies a long strip of patching rub. ber, like this : By injecting-M. & W. quick-repair cement through the puncture into this inner tube, and then down on the tire with the thumb, like this the repair strip inside is picked up by the cement, thus closing the puncture like this; Very simple, but - now every rider should remember these two "buts,"or he will fail : Before cement, pump up the tire. If you don't, the inner tube will be flabby, like this, and the cement will not get inside ol it, where the repair strip lies. When you have a puncture, get right ofF. Riding a tire flat, when it has a tack or nail in it, may damage it considerably. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETcT FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE-Three farms, one close to Ann Arbor. 85 acres flrst clase buildings, another in Lima, -100 acreswell timbered and rood buildings, and the third in Lodi, 40 acres, rood ampie buildings Cali on or adel rees Wm. Osiug, Box 1551 Ann Arbor, Mieh. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUXY OP Notice is hercby eive-, thatby an order of the Probate Court for 'thp Countv of Washtenaw, made on the 20th d&y of Julr, A. D. 1S97, Bix montbs from Lhat date were allowed forcreditore to present their claims against the estáte of Christian Rayer, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claim tosaid Probate Court, at the Probate Office in thecity of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the 20th day of January next, and tbat such claim will he heará before said Court on the SOtta day of October and on the 20th day of January 1S3S next, at ten o'clock in the forenoonof each of said days Dated, Ann Arbor, Julv 20, A. D. 1897 H. WIRT XEWKIRK, Judge of Probate. YERINGTON'S COLLEGE, St. Louis, Michigan, will open its seventb year Sept. 27th, 1897. Coürses i-Teachers,1 Commercial Shortband Penmanship English, Hnsic, Elocütion and Physical ColTüRE.-TrjiTiONi-For any or all studies in the collepre, 12 Weeks, 10; 24 Weeks, Ï16; 36weeks $18- The Common Branches (Arithmetic, Grammar and Geography) with Pkivate Lessions in Müsic, and All Fkee Class Dbills, for above tuition.- The Commoii Branches with All Free Class Drills (without Private Lessons In Music) only ïló a year.Free Class Drills are: Plain and Ornament all Penmanship, Reading, Spelling, Letter Writing, Müsic Elocütion, PhysiclCcl ture, Debating and Parliamentary workbtudents may club where they have use of Boardino House complete, for 50 cents a week and furnish their own provisions fora tnrie.- All studies m the collefre handled by professionals. Our Commercial and ShortHand graduates hold the best positions In our Uirgest cities. Not One from our Teachers' CouRSEHas Failed a'TEACHERS' Examination dunngthe Past Two Years. Drop a card for free catalog-ue to C. W. Yerington, St. Louis, Michigan. 28-35 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP The Firit latieul Buk of ins Arte At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at the close of business, July 23, 1897. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $si 630 84 Overdrafts 1.749 6 L. S. Bonds to secure circulation 25,000 0 Other stock, bonds and mortgages . 4 000 00 Due f rom approved reserve ag-ents... 31,122 7 Bills in transit 16 60 Due from State Banks and Bankers... 4,713 67 Real estáte, furniture and flxtures. . . 29,679 IS thecks and other cash items 5T1 08 Bills ot other National Banks - . 3,282 00 Fractional eurrency niek_ els' 3o2 68 specie (including gold Treasury T notes) 17,524 35 Legal-tender notes 3,sa2 00 Redemption fund with ü. S. ïrêasurer (5 per cent. of circulation). . . 1,102 50 Total.. _ $ïoZÜ!7 2 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100 000 00 Surplusfund 20000 09 Other undivided proflts . 28 412 65 National Bank notes outstanding'."".'. 22,050 0 Dividendsunpaid. 408 00 Individual deposite subject to clieck." 138,760 42 Demand certiflcates of deposit 94,6(11 42 Due to other National Banks 244 71 Total 8404,537 20 State of Michigan, i County of Washtenaw, f ssI, S. W. Clarkson, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly ewear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and S. W. CLARKSON, Cashisr. oQ?i'scrib.ed and sworn to before me this 28thdayof July, 1897. LEONHA.RD GRUNER, Notary Public, (Correct attest), tenaw Oouniy, Mioh. HARRISON SODLE ) WIRT CORNWELL, t Directora. MOSES SEABOLT, )


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News