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A Sunday school excursión to Toledo is on tfae tapie in Saliue. The recent Dangfaters of Rebekab social at Mooieville netted 8. The deposita in tbe two banks at jManchester ainount to $200,000. Mitohell Fitzgerald, of Ypsilanti, has been granted an inorease of pension. The wheatyield on Dr. Pyle's farm in Milán has panned out 40 bushels to the acre. The oíd soldiers of Salem township will hold a reunión at Geo. S. Wheelr's tomorrow. Ira Savery and Miss Allie Austin faave been engaged as teachers in the Salem school for the ensuing year. 'Henry Vanderburgh, of' York, died July 26 of beart disease, and Mrs. Daniel Lewis died tbe same day of oíd age. Prof. C. O. Townsend, of Saline, has acoepted a position in New York city, and will commence bis new duties in September. Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Peringer ■■and Mrs. Helen Dickerson, of Bridge"water, have moved to Northville to malee it their future home. Miss Rosina Hegze, of Freedom, died Wednesday of last week at her home in Tthat towD, after a severe sickness. 'The funeral services were held at tbe üBethel cbureb Saturday morning. Mrs. Frank Staffan, of Chelsea wants the township of Sylvan to pay her $400 ■dam&ges for injuries received by being thrown from her buggy on a bad piece ■of road between Cavanaugh lake and Chelsea. f' Mrs. Ed. Carney, of Dundee, was seriously injured in a runaway acoidetjt Friday. The horse she was driving beoame frightened at a street sprinkler. Tbere are hopes for her reoovery. Her spine is injured and she is hurt internally. Fred Wilson, oí Milán, eaughfc a ■dozen rats in one big wire trap the other nigbt. So says the Milan Leader. If wa did not know Smith's extreme veracity we wuold say "that's a pretty igood rat story. ' ' Isaac Miller and Albert Day, of Whittaker, got into a dispinte as to ■who was entitled to tbe most of the Toad in passiüg, whioh resnlted in a fight, and the arrest of Miller, wbo ■was taken before Sqnire Bishop and assessed $5 and cots. Wilson's dam on the Saline river at Milan was nnder repair the other day and it was fonnd that the old sill at the bottom of the dam whioh has been in positiou as far back as the "oldest inhabitant" can remember, is still good for generations to coms. Three York township farmers who have threshed their wheat got :yieldsas follows: D. Forest got 635 bushels of No. 6 wheat off 20 acres of ground, F. O. Allen got 1,150 bushels of pool wheat f rom 25 acres, and L. Goldsmith got 750J bushels from 25 acres. "Charles Lee, aged about 45 years, Elied Thursday evening of last week at the residence of A. C. Rorison, Ypsilanti. Deceased was for many years in business in Chicago, giving up active life about two years ago. He was a brofcher of Mr. Lee, of Strong, Lee & Jo., Detroit. Jack Jibb, of Manchester, has had , several dncks killed by snapping urtles. His dnok pond ia fenced in with a picket fence bnt the turtles ■swim. close to the pickets and when a dnck thrusts its head into the water near the feoce the tnrtle grabs it. and a JDomber have been drowned. A U. S. pensioner living in Ypsilanti bus had his qnarterly allowanoe stoppod. Of conrse, he got it by repreaentiog how badly he had been affeoted by the war, bat Fred K. Jones, a special pension ezaminer from Washington, ■discovered on investigation one day laat week that the man's condition was due 'tQíbwo snDstrokes suffered dnring the flast four or five years, and the governanent's finanoial aíd to him has been ■withdrawn. 'Eesidents of Galesburg claim that "Thomas K. Andrews, aged 85 years a kweller iu that village, and a former '.Tesïdent of Washtenaw county, is the oldest oitizou of Michigan in poiüt of continnons resideuce. He oame from New York state by way of Erie canal and the lakes in ]82!), looatiDg with iis parents near where the oity of Ypsilanti now stands. Andrews was a passenger on the fust train ever tbe Miohigan Central frum that city to Detroit. Fred Gilbert, of Sylvan, is building au addition to bis house. Garry Densmore, of Ypsilanti, wil] build a oottage at Portage Lake. Mr. Henry Wood and Miss Blanche I Cole, botb of Chelsea, were married Jaly 21, by Rev. Mr. Lemtser. Over 800,000 pouiids of milk was received at the Ypsilanti township botter faotory during the month of Jane. Fred Koch, of Dexter, feil frota a load of wheat the other day and broke his arm in three places below the elbow. The Saline Observer says: "Those wbo last fall laid in an extra supply of eider will be in Inck this fall - no appies, tío eider." Miss Florence Poucher, of Manchester, will teach in the Pieroe district at Sharon this fall. Miss F. Mande Goodell will teach in the Cowan district. The Chelsea Standard complains that the village ordinance against disebarging fire arms iu the village limits is not enforoed as small boys wander about the village shooting sparrows. The recent hot spoll has ruiued the hnckleberry erop in the swamps aronnd Slyvan, and the entire erop this year will not be as large as the amonnt that had to go to waste last year. " Floyd Page, of Dexter, bad a hay fork fall on bim wbile it was working tbe otber day and oue of tbe tiues lan through tbe fleshy part of his left leg above tbe knee, making a wound abont tbree incbes long. George H. Green, of Ypsilanti town, will bare bis trial today nn a obarge of assanlitng and battering bis wife. It is the resnlt of a farnily row in which, it ie said, two brotbers of Mrs. Green fignred conspicnonsly. Win. Wood, ar., of North Lake, feil 23 feet from a wheat staok recently, and broke his breast bone. Drs. C. B. Nanorede, of Ann Arbor, and Bnrse, of Albion, who were staying at the lake, attended to his injuires. O. C. Bostwick, of Dester, bas received from the Sonth anotber collection of onrios for his museum. It consists of a Mexioan cavalry saber, CoIuiubiau ?uard sword, Japanese sword, a pair of navy band-irons and several pieces of grape and canister. Give the horses as muoh rest as possible these bnsy, hot days; water tbem regnlarJy and avoid overheating. I: their shoaders become sore, tbey sbonld be cleansed and treated immediately. Even these busy days it's a saving of time to give horses extra good care. A Sharon lad lost his whole load of milk, bad tbe wbeel of bis wagon smasbed, sttuck an electric ligbt pole witb snch foroe -as to break an are lamp, and was thrown out of his wagon into the bargairi, all because he tried to get abead of another boy in tbe delivery of a load of milk at the Manohester oreamery the otber day. Geo. Klump, of Sharon, a few days ago got into a friendly scnfHe with an acqnaintance wbile in a wagon trotting along tbe road. George soou received a twister that cansed him to torn a balf soinniersault out of tbe wagon apon the gronnd. After the wheel had rnu over him he got up and fouud bimself all there except a patch of skin from bis head that was left in the sand. - Grass Lake News. Wiiliam Beranek, who was arrested at Kalamazoo for having in bis possession a watoh upon which was engraved the name "Mabel Dnntley,"and which tbe aaid Mabel Dantey had had taken from her, was taken before Jostice Childs, of Ypsilanti, Monday morning. He demanded an examination which was set for today. In tbe mean time Beranek has beenconfined in thecounty jail in defanlr of $300 bail. Two rough fellows giving their names as Charles Bnrnetfc and George Davenport were arrestad in Saline, abont 11 o'clook p. m., Jnly 24, by üffioer Jerry. The previous Thnrsday night they had broken into a car at Milán and stole some shoes and from there made tracks for Saline, but were lost track of when near tbe village and the officars were for a day and a half pozziea as toey were positive tnat they bad not esoaped. On tbe nigbiat about the hour in qnestion as Fréd Binder with doors closed was raaking np his oash aocount and getting ready to retire, two strangers rushed down tbe inside stairway, having passed in through the upper rooms, and with levolver in hand told Fred not to be scared. He answered them that the officers were jast outside the door and that if they were not quiet he would oall them. At this they showed alarm and after a few minutes passed out the back way just in time tomeet Officer Jerry who ironed them and took them to Ann Arbor and from there to Monroe the followinc Monday. -


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News