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Henry Pullen is serionsly ill. Mrs. A. Wisdom is serionsly ill. Mts. K. Barnes is ou the sick list. Mrs. S. Cbapin is on the sick list. Mrs. Flynn went to Ann Arbor Mon day morning. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kelsey are visi: ing friends in Detroit. Dr. Williams is visiting friends ai Romulns for a few days. Mrs. Wm. Welob is entertainin guests from Marine City. Miss Carrie McGregor is at home fo few days from Vermontville. Mrs. Engene Ford, of Mooreville visited Milan friends Tuesday. Rev. F. O. Jones and wife left Tues day morning for a short outing. The Free Methodists are holding cot tage prayer meetings this week. Eev. Arthur Roberts and wife are a home to their friends on Howard st. Mrs. H. Putman, of Union oity, i the gnest of her son A. E. Putman. Embert and Jessie Pullen are visit ing friends in Romulns for a few days H. Sill has returned from a thre weeks' visit with friends in New York state. Mjss Ella SJjotóz, of ecumseh, is the gnest of her' aúut Mrs. Fred (iay fot a few days. . Mrs. P. Edwards left Friday to attend the funeral of her sister Mrs. Thomas at Flint. Miss Leo Bnnce, of Bryan, was the guest of her grandmother Mrs. J. Bunce the last of the week. Some of the Milan ladies thought they would and then they thought they wouldn't ride a bioycle. Prof. Koester and family and MrsJames Gauntlett have returned from their Traverse City visit. Mrs. A. F. Holcomb returned the [ast of the week from a protiacted visit with her daughterMrs. Della Holcomb, in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Rouse left Tues3ay morning for an outing and will visit friends in Saline and Lodi before their retuiu. The Presbyterian ladies held their tea social at the resid8nce o Miss M. A. Palmer and Mrs. L. Clark on Main st. , Tuesday ateruoon. Frank Ross, of the Milan Leader, is taking a two weeks' outing and is doing Niágara Falls, Toledo and Detroit, during that time. M. W. Hitohcock is taking a two weeks' rest froni the store and his partner S. T. Blaokmer, of Fowlerville, is taking his place in the meanwhile. The barn on the Snnburger farm in Augusta burned Monday evening. It was caused by lightning or 'an incendiary. Loss heavy on contenta, insurance ight. Married - Aug. 4, at the residenoe of he bride's parents at Exeter, Dr. J. R. Singsley, of Milan, and Miss Julia Palmer, of Exeter. The happy conple are visiting Milan friends lor a few days. Mrs. Vm. Howard came very near dyirjg Friday from the effects of eating toadstools, raistaking them for musarooms. Prompt attention brought her out of danger but -she is still oonfined to her bed. The Hanna-McKinley "Prosperity boom" has given Milan four empty stores, a condition which has not exsted bef ore in 17 years. Yet onr Iwelling houses are mostly occupied. ?his is a business man's administration, you know.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News