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The Miohigan Furniture Co. 's f actory shut down for two weeks on Wednesday. The New State Telephone company is averaging 22 messages into Detroit per day from Ypsilanti. Williani A. Clark, J. Q. A. Sessions and Wm. K. Childs have been appointed a committee to oolleot war relios to exhibit at the county fair. Viotor Emannel Francois, instructor in Frenoh at the university, has taken ont his first papers preparatory to becoming a fnll fledged Amerioan oicizen. Wilfred T. Bell, '99 law, of 26 Fuller at., died Sunday morning, from the resulte of an operation for appendicitis. His remains were taken to Marathon, Iowa, for burial. The lawn social given by the Northside Mandolín and Ünitar Club at the residence of Earl Ware, on Broadway, Friday evening, was attended by fully 500 people and netted about $20. The little son of Henry Meuth, of Detroit st., was quite badly scalded Friday morning throagh puiling over a coffee pot the contents of whicn were distributed over his breast and arras. ündertaker. Dieterle has purohased a fine new delivery wagon, which can also be used as an ambulance when needed. It is a fine pieoe of work and was made by Wesley Seybold, of tbis city. John O'Brien is in jail in defanlt of bail on the oharge of committing an assault with intent to do great bodily harm. When taken before a justioe of the peace at Dexter he pleaded not guilty and was bound over to the circuit oourt. Second Lieut. Edwin B. Wmans, jr., Pifth Gavalry, U. S. A., has been detailed as professor of military soieuoe and taotios at the Miohigan aoademy, Orohard Lake, in plaoe of Capt. Prederiok A. Smith, Twelfth Infantry, who is orderd to join his ooinpany. The fire department boys have adopted a new pet to take the place of "Jim," the deoeased bnlldog. It is a magnicent blaok dog of Newfoundland and mastiff blood, 14 ruonths old. They have named hiru "Nick" and around his neok is a large oollar with name plate eugraved "Niok. Ann Arbor Fire Department. Max Whittlinger.' A grand A. O. U. W. reunión, pa rade and picnio is to be held in Detroi next Friday, and Ann Arbor Lodge No. 27, has appointed the following coramittee of arraugements: Gottlol Luiok, A. W. Sorg and E. Spring who will look after the Ann Arbor end of the affair. Members iutending t attend shoulJ oonfer with them no later than tomorrow. Bom to nr. and Mrs. E. P. Vanileek, Monday morning, a nine pound aoghter. The tri-state fair will be held at Toado, O., next week Monday to Friday, Aug. 23-27. The nexi teachers' examination for 11 gradea of certifioates will be held Thursday an1 t'riday of next week, at :e court hnuse. Saturda.T ut uext week, Ang. 2S, is ie day eet for tbe annual pionio of the aimers of Washtenaw, Wayne, Oakand and Livingston oounties at rnith's grove, Whitmore Lake. The Miohigan Central is testing varius kinds of bioyole holding devices for he purpose of deciding whioh one is est adapted for use as required by the ecent law raaking bicyoles baggage. A Manchester man drives a buggy bat is as varegated in colors as was oseph's coat of biblical fame. Bach ■wheel is of a different color, as are lso the pole, box and other portions of he rig. Tomorrow forenoon at 10 o'clock he Clark homestead on the corner of S. A8hley and Hnron sts. will be sold by public auction by the administrator. The sale will take place on the premisés. The Electrio Railroad Go. handled a lot of people on Tuesday. On the, Ann Arbor street cars 7,233 passengers were carired and the motor line acoommodatfid 2,473 more. There was not a single acoident. "Railroad Jaok," who is looked upon as a harraless tramo apd wtw nevar gets in jail, is sowíng' tares'arnong the young boys wherever he goes. Tbe aoys look upon the fellow as a sort of aero, and they learn to lead the tramp [ife which, he describes in his public vaporings. - Lansing Journal. Private King, of Oompany A, Ann Arbor, was among the very few militiamen who sported seven gold servioe stripes on his cuffs at the late enoampment. Mr. King has been in the service that number of years, and for three encampments has come all the way from Florida to be in attendanoe. Application has been made to the probate court by Mrs. C. C. Qoodwin for the sending to the insane asyulm of her sister Miss Libbie Brown, aged 73 years, who has been afflioted with fits and insanity for the past four or five years. Drs J. H. Morton and W. B. Smith are the exaraining physioians. Mrs. Minnie Krug, wife of Herman Krug, of No. 9 S. Fifth ave., died Wednesday morning of consumption, aged 33 years. Besidfis her husband she leaves three children. The funeral servioes will be held at the house at 2 :30 this afternoon and at 3 o'clock at the Bethlemhem ohurch. Rev. John Nenmann will conduct the services. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boyd, of Ypsilanti, have announced tbeir intention of going to the Klondyke gold flelds in he spring. Mr. Boyd has been makng a study of miüing for the last two ears, aud has now gone to Missouri o organizo a ruining cumpany and get verything ready for startiug in the pring when Mrs. Boyd will join him. Company A returned from Camp Pingree Monday morning. The boys ooked strong and healthy and seeined o have stood the week's enoampment very well. Sergeants Rem Jones and 3ruce Monroe walked back from camp, making the distanoe, 19 miles, in six jours in heavy marching order. They carried the uew shelter tents, haversack and oanteen. The lawn sooial given by the young men of the Betblehem oburch at Mrs. Fritz's grove, on W. Liberty st., Friday evening, was a great snccess in every way. Between 500 and 60 people were served with xefresnment dnring the evening by the young men who did all the serving. Becker's Mil itary Band furnished the musió and the choir of the chureh sang several seleotions. There's a new milkman in town. He arrived last Sunday night, but local dealers need feel no alarm, as he will not engage in active business for some time to come. The young gentleman is boarding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Cousino, of Portland avenue, aud weighed 12 pounds, avoirdupois, on the date of his arrival.- Dehay Tiines. Well, if he isn't engaged in active milk business now we'd like to now what he does do for a living. - Milan Leader. At the meeting of the board of pnblio works Wednesday eveuing, the street comrnissioner was ordered to have the mud oleaned out of the holes ou Main st. and fUl them with gravel. Phoenix Lodge, F. & A. M., of Ypsilanti, has oompleted arrangementa for an excursión to Detroit and Tashmoo Park, the new resoit on the St. Clair river jnst beyoud the Plats, to take place next Wednesday, in whioh they invite the Anu Arbor lodges to taks part. Ou Tuesday at the meeting of the Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education held in Toronto, Ont. , Prof. M. E. Cooley, of the engineering department, U. of M., delivered an address which dealt with the teaching of metallurgy in a most interesting and intructive manner. A shoveling bee will take plaoe on the bicyole path to Whifcmore Lake this afternoon at 1 :30. It is proposed to cut away AUen's hill so that riders will be able to see anyone coming np from the other side also to widen the path somewhat at that point. The ladies will serve refreshments and the rnen will do the work. Sweet peas will rid a house of flies. If you do not believe it, darken a room, except at a single point, aud lace a bunch of sweet peas in the light lace. Then notice in an hour the dead flies around it, or rather the stupified flies. The odor seems to have a peculiar attraction for flies, and they will gather on the blossoms, when the perfume intoxicates them. Tronble still lingera among the Chíbese laundryrnen of this city. The proprietcrs of the Hing Lee laundry, who are Hing Lee and Wey Pey Chnng, recently discharged an employee, Lee Ning. for laziness. When he left he wanted to take along part of the washee" machinery. To this the thers objeoted and the matter may ye et into the conrts. Martin J. Cavanaugb, ex-oount; ohool commissioner, who bas been onducting a snmmer sohool for teaoh rs daring the past six weeks, was on Wednesday presented by the teachers in ttendance with a haudsorue silk nm brella as a token of tbeir esteem and atisfaction of his helpfulness to them n many ways duricg the manyyears o lis connection with the Washtenaw ounty schools. Ward Hugkxas, the U. of M. football manager, has his sohednle pretty nearly oompleted and will aunounce it soon. 3e thinks the ontlook for the 'Varsity eleven is something great this year. Che oíd playera and most promising candidates in general will begin aarly iraotice at Whitmore Lake the middle )f September. The firsfc game will be played at Ann Arbor, Oot. 2, the next day after the university opens. Requests are still ooming in from medical students for their oredits, the evident desire being to attend some other college where the conree is not so ODg nor so difficult. The number has reached 78, while 23 is the highest called for during any previoos year. Secretary Wade says, however, that inquines about this college are numerous, and that the prospecta for a larger attendanco than ever before are bright. James Callow, charged with embezzling from the firrn of Gately & Donovan, when he was selling goods for them at, Dexter, was anested in Ludington by Deputy Sheriff Waokenhnt and brought to Ann Arbor Friday uight. He was taken before Justice Duffy Saturday morniug when he pleaded not gnilty. His examination was set for tomorrow. Callow assertB that the company did not pay his, expenses and that it owes him now. The prices for the full dress dinner and concert to be given by the mernbers of the Seoond Baptist church and Lu cnllus Lodge, K. of P,, at the Second Baptist ohnroh next Friday evening have been reduced so that all can at tend. Single adniission to the concer only will be 25 cents; to the concer and eupper, 35 cents; tioket for a couple to the conoeit and snpper, 50 cents instead of 75 cents as at flrs named. Some of the committees hav also been named as follows: On rnusio- -Rev. H. A. Thomas; on sup per - John Freeinan, Richard Zebbs John Slater, Arohie Miller, Stephe Adams; door - Jaoob A. Zebbs, Georg Gough, A. Boyer, Allen West. Th reoeption committee will be namec later. William Wenger, the bioycle repairer of N. Foorth ave., has engaged the servioes of John Mnrpby, a machinist who bas been employed in bicycle faoories for years, and will manufacture a high grade wheel. O. M. Martin wishes it understood that his ambnlanoe is to be used only for transporting siok people. He has another vehicle fcr conveying the dead. [f those who oall him np will bear tbis in rnind it may save an embarrassing situation. Depnty Canfield retornad Wednesday night from Argyle, JVlinn., with Robert Vioary, who is wanted here for stealing $69 from Orson Beman abont to monthsago. Vicary was taken befoxe Jndge Pond yesterday morning and his exmiuation was set for Aug. 20. The members of theNorthside ohnrch pooiety wish it diatinctly and emphatieally understood that they ate in no way connected with the Island Park Assooiation and that the dances held on the island are not for the benefit of tbe churob has has been erroneoosly stated. Wm. Q. McLay, wbo bas been a great sufferer wlth eye trouble and who leoeutly had an operation performed ou one of them, died Wednesday eveniug at his home 18 E. Kingsley st., of aoute dementia brought on by worry over his trouhles. The funeral servicps were held at St. Thomas' ohuroh this I moruing at 9 o'olook. E. B. Pond, administrator of the esate of Patriok Ryan, deceased, has reeived notioe of a soit that has been enered in ohancery to set aside certain eeds. It appeais that before Mr. ïayn died he deeded away all of his roperty to his ohildren. After he was dead it was found that his reditors had claims amounting to 1700 against his estáte and tbere was nothing left to liquídate them. The petition is filed on bebalf of the creditors by Leonhard Gruner. The modesty of a cpnple of elderly pinsters at Ann Arbor was shooked the other day at the sigbt of some boys who vere disporting thernselves in the Juron. The offioer to whom they complained asked if tbey wore trnnks. 'No, " said one of the ladies, "they were as naked as when they were bom." "How f ar were you f rom them?" "Perhaps a qnarter of a mile." "How oould yon kuow, so far ■jway tbat the boys were naked?" "I ooked through my field-glass!" No arrests. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. The cirons performance given here by Barnuin & Bailey on Tuesday was the jest that aggregatiou bas ever put be'ore the publw. The beautifully trained anials were somethiug maivelions in their wonderful feats, and the athletio work on the flying trapeze and rings, horizontal bars, etc, was never equalled before an Ann Arbor andience. The work of the 70 horses, direoted by ouë man was superb and uDequalled. The show was witnessed in the afternoou by an andience estimated at 14,000, bnt the nnmber attending in the evening did not exeeed 5,000 people. , ExMayor Samuel C. Randall, of Flint, past grand oomniander of the grand oommandeiy, K. T., and grand high priest of the grand ohapter, R. A. M., of Miohigan, has received a comroission as representative of the grand lodge of England to tbe grand ludge, F. ánd A. M , of Michigan. The oomtnission was signed by the Prinoe of Wwles, who bolds the office of most worshipful grand master of the grand lodge of England. The oommission, which bears date Londou, May 8, 1897, is prlnted and engrossed on paiohment. The appointnjent, which was made by the Prince of Wales, gives the appointee alife tenure of the office with whioh he has been honored. Mr. Randall has many Masonio friends and acquaintances in Ann Arbor, who will be pleased to hear of the honor conferred upon him.