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Mrs. Mary Clark is visiting friends in Ohio. Jonathan Sprague is spending severa] weeks iu the D. P. Mrs. Frank Legg bas gone on a visit to her motber at Colon. Rev. H. P. Horton is makiug a brie visit at Kandnsky, Ohio. Will Finnegan, of Buffalo, is visit ing bis parents in tbis city. The Misses Mary and Geneviev Duffy are at Whitmore Lake. Miss Emily Pitkin bas been spending a week witb friends at Wayne. Miss Effie Danforth is in Chicago where she will visit for a time. Mrs. Murdock. of Northville, is vis iting her sister Mrs. W. J. Booth. Adam Wahl, who has been sick for some time, is again able to be out. Mrs. Joeeph Parker returned home from her visit to Jackson on Friday. Miss Florence Benham will spend her vacatiou with Detroit and Cleveland friends. Mrs. E. Sohoff and Miss Abbie Pond returned home Saturday froro a trip to California. Mrs. E. B. Norris and daughter. Belle, have been visiting relatives at Manchester. Mrs. O. E. Jones aud Miss Edith Atikcs, of LaDsiug, are Visiting relaives in the city. Mrs. E. C. Spring and ohildren and Miss Emma Spring are visiting friends t Saginaw, e. s. Mrs. Jonathan Sprague is visiting jer daughter Mrs. G. E. Williams, of Vlilan, for a few weeks. Miss Emma Hayley is away taking er vacation of two weeks at Jackson, AJbion aud other points. Miss Martha C. Clark, of S. University Ave., returned last week from a six weeks' trip to California. Miss Satia Hyde left last week for a European trip in company with her aunt, Mrs. Paul and fawily. Mrs. Piggott, of Detroit, who has been the guest of Mrs. ,7. H. Cutting, of Hill st., returned home Moaday. D. B. Cheever returned to Chicago Monday afternoon after a ten days' visit with his mother Mrs. H. S. Cheever. Mrs. Armstrong, of Port Worth' Texas, has been spending a week with Mrs. George Bliss, on her way to the Atlantio ooast. Miss Ada Lisemer is entertaining ber aunts, Mis. J. D. Pierson, of Greta, Manitoba, aud Mrs. C. Roeder, of Lisboa, Ont. Dr. and Mrs. Aaron Boylan and grandchild, of Milford Center, Ohio, are visitiug Mr. and Mrs. J. O Boylaii of N. Fiftb ave. Oswald A. Herz has gone to Dayton, Ohio, to visit his aune Mrs. Carl Baumann. He wil] alsu visit Cinciunati before. he retnrus. Mrs. Guy Kiefer, of Detroit, with two cbildren and maid, has been the goest of Mrs. A. W. Anies for a week, and retnrned home Tuesday. W. B, Herrick, ohampion tennis player of the tyriversity, was one of the winning team in donbles at the annual tennis tournament at Charlevoix. Mrs. W. G. Doty and son Ralph, returned home Sunday from a two weeks' visit at Manchester, and were accompauied by Mr. and Mrs. Spafard. E. F. Mills returned from his lake trip on Satarday. Mrs. Mills and the cbildren are visitiug H. G. Van Tny] and family, of Detroit, fur a time. Mrs. Louise G. JVIiner and Miss Clara Gott arrived in Ann Arbor Tnesday night for a mouth's stay. They expect to spend the coming winter in Florida. Mrs. W. W. Watts and Miss Mabel Benham returned Satnrday evening from a stay of several weeks with their sister Mrs. Gersbom Powers, of Grand Eapids. Mr. Erwin Schmid, of tbe hardware firm Df Muehlig & Sohmid, of Aun Arbor, is at the Lake View, (Mackinao). He expects to return home Saturday. - Petoskey Resorter. George M. Stevens, who has been the employ of Wia. C. Reinhardt for some time past, has gone to his old home in Flint to take chaige of C. D. Dlnuer's shoe department. Walter Seabolt has had a letter from Mr. and Mts. N. J. Kyer, which stated they had a fine voyage across the Atlantio and did not miss a meal. After a short visit in Liverpool aud Londoa, Eng., they left for Copenhagen, Denmark. Mr. Cari Rose, son of Di: P. B. Rose, of S. State st., was married Thursday of last week at the home o the bride to Miss Higbee, of Bnchanan Rev. Devine offloiating. Miss Halleck of this oity, was present at the weddin and aoted as one of the ushers. M aster Charles Stimson, one of th solo soprano siugers of St. Andrew' church choir hns been visiting in Indianapolis, Iud., and while there sang in two of the chnrches of thatcity The Indianapolis Journal says o hiin: Master Chas. Stimüon, cf St Paul's oatbedral at Aun Arbor, Mich., who has a soprano voice of fine, pure quality, will sing toinorrow morning at Roberts Park chnrch, aud the following Sunday at Christ cburch." Dr. Presoctt entertained at dinner on Friday a number of distinguished gentlemen who were in attendance at the meeting of the Scientic Association in Detroit. They were Sir Veruon Harcourt of London, Eng., Mr. Charles F. Brush and Prof. Edward VV. Morley, of Cleveland, , and Prof. Edgar f! Smitli, of Philadelphia. Prof. Carhart eutertained Prof. üreenhill, the distingnished mathematician, 'of VVoolwicb, Eug.,[and Prof. S. B. Rosa and wife of Middletown, Con. Miss Carrie Petrie, of Jaoksou, is visitiug Aun Atbor frieuds. IrviDg Pond, of Chioago, is visiting lus parents Mr, and Mrs. E. B. Pond. Mr. and Mrs. Will C. Hollands have goue to Cbicago for a short vimt. Mrs. HeDry Tatlock left for New York and the Atlantic coast on Tuesday. Prof. and Mrs. J. C. Koowiton and daughters Margery and Anna are at Charlevoix. Mr. aud Mrs. Henry Dengler, of Chicago, are visiting his rnother and brother in this city. ■Dr. Brooks is stniiing more than usual because a new boy arrived at his home Monday night. Miss Mattie Bowdish, leaves Wednesday for a two weeks' stay at Petoskey aud Mackiuac IsJand. Mr. aud Mrs. Henry T. Schulz leave today for a visit iu Detroit with bis uncle, Mr. Fred Scbnlz, of Jay st. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Broeffle and children, of Owosso, are visiting relaives and fri'euds in Aun Arbor aad Ypsilanti. Dr. J. E. Kiugsley, of MiJau, form erly assistant to Dr. J. N. Martin, has gone co Sheboygau, Wis., to practice ia is profassiou. Prof. and Mrs. V. E. Francois left yesterday for North Lake, where they wil] remain abont three weeks and wil! then go to Whilmore Lake. Frank Allrnendinger and aunt Miss ïlizabeth Allmendinger and Miss May ischer leave Mouday for a few weeks' isit with relatives iu Bnffalo. Walter Hamiltou lit '95, son of Prof Hamilton, of S. Fiftb ave., bas accepted a position to teach inathematios aud bookkeeping at Moline, JU. Prof. B. L. D'Ooge, of tbe state normal school, Ypsilanti, has been offered tbe cbair of Latin at Adelpbio college, Brooklyn, at a salary of 2,500 a year. It is Dot yut known wbetber or uot he Will accept. Prof. B. A. Hinsdale will deliver the address to tbe graduatiug class of the Michigau School of Mines at the cormnenceruent eseioises to be beid at the Annory opera honse, Honghton, this evening. Ed T. Crouch, forruerly a printer in Aon Arbor, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here. His wife and children, and her mother, Mrs. Seeley, have gone to Eugland. to make a visit of some nionths' d-nration. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Keeoh, G. Frank Allmendinger and a party nnmbering 2o in all weie at Jnniper cottage Islaud Lake, yesterday. They took in the steamboat ride to Base Lake aud return and altogether spent a most charmiug day. Mrs. j. G. Miller returned Friday from a six weeks' visit witb her sou at Leiand Stanford Uuiversity, California. Alisa Orla Miller, who accompamed her, will remain in California as principal of one of the schools in the Santa Clara valley.