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Destructive Fires

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A long chapter of destrnotive firee, fonr of which were oansed by lightning, has beeu recorded during the past week, and the fires have resulted in a great loss tu those whose property was destroyed. The heavy tbunder storms which passed over this seotion Sunday morning and evening cansed no less thau three fires in different localities. The first was that of the barn on the farm of E. D. Fletoher, in Superior, whioh was strook Snnday morning. Mr. Fletcher, who formerly ran the Cook house in this city, now resides iu Detroit, and nis farm is rented to Mr. Conkling, who was working it on shares. Mr. Conkling lost nearly all bis worldly possessions by the fire. The barn and two horses whioh were burued belouged to Mr. Fletcher, and besides this, staoks froru ten aores of wheat, ten aores of rye and ten acres of oats were consumed. Mr. Conkling had no insnrance, but Mr. Fletoher had $700 insnranoe on the barn and $200 oa the erop. The barn on the farm of Albert Graves, in Ypsilanti town, was struok shortly after 3 o'clook Snnday morning and completely destroyed together with the contents, whioh included a three years' erop of wheat. A shed nnder wbich the farm machinery was stored was also destroyed. Insnred in the Washtenaw Mntual. The same storm of lightniug strnck the honse of Mrs. A. C. Gregory, in Dester, tearing a hole in the roof and setting fire to the house. The Dexter bucket brigade was on the scène in an instant and the flames were put out before they bad obtained rnnch headway. Mrs. Morse's house No. 19 State s.t., Aun Arbor, was also sornewhat damaged. A brick was torn out frorn the chimney close to the roof, and abont a dozen shiupies were ripped off and scat- tered about tbe yard. Oa Tnesday éVenlng ChriBtjpber Rathfon, of Pittsfield, was taking cate of bis stock and hnng up his lanteru while he went ioto the basement of tbe barn to pump soine water. As he carne upstairs the lanteru esploded, thtowiug kerosene over the hay, which was immediately ignited. Mr. Rathfou and his hired man made desperate elïorts to save the horses, but only one animal was freed and this oue was badly singed. The remaining tbtee holtes perished in the flames. Tbe baru wan cotupleely destroyed and with it Mr. Rathfon 's erop of hay. Some farming tools, includiug a new cultivator, were also lost. The baru and contents were partially covered with iusurance. Wednesday afternoon doring the heavy thunder storm the large barn belonging to Frank Kapp, who lives two miles east of St. Patrick's chureb, Northfield, was strnck by lightuing and with its contents which inclnded 250 bushels of threshed wheat, and the uuthreshed ctop from 22 acres of land was oompletely destroyed. The loss is estimated at $2,000. Insured foi $600 in the Germán Farmers' Mutual.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News