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The Cbelsea schools open Monday. The Dexter schools open next Monday. The Manchester schools opeued last Mon day. The Salvation Army has begun work in Saline. The Dexter flouring ruiil is workiug overtirne. The Chelsea Herald has commenoed its 27th volume. Mrs. J. Staffan, of Ghelsea, has gone to Hoguavio, Washington. The farmers are ; preparing a mach larger acreage for wheat than last year. The Pinckney Driving Clnb will provide amnseinent for its patrons tomorrow. The annual rueetitig of the Congregational church in Dexter will be held next Taesday. The farmers around Willis held a basket pioDio in William Thorn's grove last Saturday. Solomon Tate, of Bridgewater, retnrned frum Chicago with 700 sheep, reaching Clinton in a special train. Mrs. Fred E. Richards died in Chelsea, Augnst 21, aged 6'i years. She leaves a hustand and three ohildren. Miss Orma Butler, of Ann Arbor, bas been appointed teaoher of Eaglish ' at the Chelsea schools at a salary of $850. Euraged bees, who were beiug robbed of thoir honey, attacked a pig pen in Ypsilanti town and stnag one of the nogs to death. The Normal college opens next Wednesday. A nnmber of improvementa havo been made in the buildings during the summer. Williana Deubel, of Ypsilanti, had 17,000 boshels of wheat on hand wheu the big raise in the price of wheat camp, which he had purchased ac 70 cents. Oscar Unger, tbe seven-year oíd son of Dr. Unger, a prominent physician, of Dnndee, was kicked and severely injured by a fractious horse Friday. He will recover. Miss Flora Hepfer has taken the position in the Chelsea post oöioe vacated by Julius Klein, vvho accepted a position with F. Stearns & Co., the Detroit Wholesale drnggiste. Mrs. Clara Seokinger, who died at the home of her daughter in Jackson, Aug. 32, was buried in Chelsea. She was 08 years of age and had resided in Sylvau for many years. Henry Heininger, of Lima, repoits a yield of 315 bnshels of wheat from seven acres, an average of 45 bnshels to the acre. He also reports a yield of 413 bnshels of oats from seven acres, an average of 59 bnshels to the acre. Olie Niles, aged 5 years, was t-hoi at Willis Friday. Charles Boening, a cousin, was cleaning a revolver. He snapped the trigger and a cartridge which had been overlooked was exploded, the bullet entering the child's abdomen. Farmers, read yonr insurance policies and see what they say about grain in stacks. A farmer over in Bengal township, Clinton connty, lost abont 50 bushels of wheat and 15 tons of hay in tho stack by flre. When he came'to get pay for it, it was fonnd that the grain in the stacks was not covered by the policy. He says there are 20 or 30 otbers in the same fix in his neighborbood. "Wheat sold for 40 cents a bnshel when I ran a grist mili in Farmington over 50 years ago." said ex-Senator P. D. Warner, of Birmingham. "Fourfoot cord wood - beeoh, maple and hickory - was delivered and piled for 75 eents a cord. I sold calicóes and prints for 25 oents per yard; - white sngar 25 cents per ponnd, and you didn't hear as much abont hard times as you do now. But away back in the '40's everybody didn't have pianos, brussels carpets and high backed chairs in their dining rooms." After a delay of three months the Maccabees paid Mrs. George Stantz, of Iron Creek,$600 on the $1,000 policy held by her buEband wben be oommitted snicide. The Clinton Local says: "If she was entitled to anything she most assuredly sbould have had tbe face of the polioy, it will hurt the order in this viuiuity. ïhey ïiaigbt better have paid tbe full amount and that promptly, as there are several here who intended to join the order, bnt have cbauged theii tniud after seeing how that case was treated." The Saline school opens uext Mouday. The Milau schools open September 13. A tousorial war has made the welkiu ring at Milán. Wi-lliarn A. Meier, of Augusta, is rernodeliug his house. A fountan has been placed in the depot .groónos at Milan. George Meier, of Whittaker, rau a rusty nail in his foot, aDd hobbles in ooDsequence of it. Clarence Berger vill teach the fall term of sohool in the Zirnmerruan district of Manchester. Up to last week Williaru Bnrtless, of Manchester, had shipped 25,000 bushels of this year's wheat. Williain Harcus, of Saline,' died August 24 frorn a stroke of paralysis. The funeral was held on Friday. James P. McKiunon, of Saline, died August 23, of malarial f ever aged 39 years. He was highly esteerued. Pred Strum, of Saline, is back from Gerruauy and will resume his positiou in the lowa Uuiversity tuis fall. Williatn Gadd, of Bridgewater, had a forcé of SO threshers last week. Hs don't believe in ruaking a long job of it. fioyd Bennett, of Saline, feil and dislocated his hip joint and breakiug his leg, while visiting au uncle at Hudson. Bob Beelev, au Ypsnanti oolored man, was bitten in the hand by a rattlesnake Friday afternoon, while working on D. C. Griiïen's farm. Ceal Southwick, of Milan township, a veteran of the late war, feil from a scaffold in a barn where he was helpiug thresh August 19 and died froia the injuries received. He was 03 years of age. The pall bearers at bis funeral were all old soldiers. Milford Brown, of Munith, had only an ounoe of arseuic by him, and so took that instead of a pound whioh he really hankered after. A doctor was called who inconsiderately purnped Mili out and it is now thought he'll recover. The people over there talk of mobbing the doctor. - Grass Lake News. The Presbyterian Sunday school at Milan has elected the following officers : Superintendent, Dr. A. G. Mesic; assistant superintendent, W. Fitch Allen; seoretary, Lillie Smith ; treasurer, Charles Mesic; librarian, Floyd Jnckett; assistant librarian, Perry Tripp; chorister, A. B. Srnith; organist, EstellaWard; assistaut organist, Ceoile Gauntlett. A week ago last Sunday severa! boys from Clinton were playing around the saw mili and dam at Bridgewater and thought it would ba a fine thiug to set the mili in motion. After turning on the water they became frightened, as they did not know how to stop it, and placed a scautling betweeu the cogs, breaking the machine quite badly. It wil] co3t them a uicelittle sum to settle for the damage doDe. - Manchester Enterprise. The President of Grass Lake writes: Grass Lake would grant a libeial franchise to any party or parties who would establish au electric plant within its liinits and provide Iights for illnminatiug its streete, business houses, public buildings and private dwellings, A dozen amps would be needed for streef use, wliile the arïditional needs of business buildings, churches, etc, would be sufficiently large to pay a faii dividend on the inveatineut. Among those who visited Chicago last week looking for stock were, James Hogan, Solotnon Tate, Charles Stoner and H. E. Palmer. Mr. Hogan has bought and fihipped in for feeding, about 3,300 sneep and lambs and three cailoads of cattie. All sneep must be dipped before leaving Chicago aod of the first shipment Mr. Hogan lo=t 30 or more from the dip beiug too hot. Many of the lambs were literally cooked, rendering them practically nselesa. We hear of cruelty to animáis, bat here is a oase on a large scale. - Bridgewater correspondence Manohester Enterprise. Charles Blackmer, of Milan, through whose home runs the Monroe and Washtenaw county line, and who votes in Washtenaw, becanse his washing is done on the Washtenaw side of the house, is outdone by Mr. Headley, of Fairfield, whose house is situated in two states, two oounties and three townships. He eats in one town, says prayers in another, and in the third flings his shoes at disturbing nooturnal cats. The state line passes through his bedroom, Mrs. Headley sleeping in Ohio, while Headley, by a narrow margin, snores in Michigan. - Blissfield Advance. Nellie Clark, of Ypsilanti, borrowed a friend's wheel Tuesday of last week, rode to Detroit with her lover George MoDaniels and crossingover to Windsor the oonple were married. Miss Clark is only 16 years of age and her rnarriage was greatly against tbe wishes of her mother, who swore out a warrant against her daugbter for stealing the bicyole. In Jastice Joslyn's conrt Thursday afternoon Mrs. McDaniels pleaded "not guilty" to the charge of stealing the wheel and on the advice of Proseouting Attorney Kiik, the case was dropped. Recently aa Ypsilanti dog rushed out and dined off th6 oalf of a Chelsea cyoler's leg. The dog has just eft'eoted a settlement of the case, payiug 100. It was a very dear dinner. - Adrián Press. Usnally the Press is accurate. This time it is not. It was a Cbelsea dog and an Ypsi. man. - Sentinel. The Sentinel's information seems to be a little detective, as it was a Dexter dog that 6ujoyëd the roeal. Chelsea dogs are on the lookout for something more tender than an Ypsi. man's calf. - Chelsea Herald. And that is where yoD are mistaken. The Chelsea dogs are being starved toget them in trim to tackle the tougb calves of the editor of the Grass Lake News. The laclies of St. Mary's church in Mauchestor made $1 1 0 f rom tbeir picnic. A stoue was dug np on Maple st., Ypsilanti, last week which was the esact shape of a human foot. Ypsilanti's uew bicycle ordiuance weut into effect Friday and a number of bicyclists endeavored to make it so obnoxious that it wonld not be enforoed by banging cowbells, etc, to tbeir wneels with which tbey made Rome howl for a time. Mrs. Falkingburg's residence in Ypsilanti was entered by a burglar oue night last week, bnt the fellow pot nothiug, although he succeeded in frightening Mrs. Falkiugbnrg and Miss Padgett vho doujs there, uearly out of their wits. Mrs. Falkingburg's scrna!iis, when she saw the man at a secretary desk in her room, made him desist froiu his work and get out as quickly as he kuew how.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News