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COUNCIL CHAMBEE, ) Ann Arbor, October 4th, 1897. f Special Session. Called to order by Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Roll called. Quorum present. The notice tor the meeting of the Board was read. Aid. Moore moved tbat the Council resolve itself into a Board of Review to review the Special Assessment roll of Lateral Sewer District No. 7. Adopted. Aid. Danforth moved that Aid. Cady be elected chairman. Adopted. Whereupou the Board proceeded to review the assessment roll as certified to by the City Assessor. On motion the following alterations were made on such assessement roll: From To Wm. Arnold... - 8,000 18,600 Allii.ndinger& Behueider 850 1,200 AlbertMann 800 1,100 Wm. ü. Henne 500 800 Euianuel Sehneider 1,200 1,700 Jolin G. Gros-,man 550 650 JohnEibler... auo tiOO Mrs. Aa-at UaWeitbrecht 1,300 1,200 Kred Sehumacher SOU 1,000 M.Staeblei 1,400 2,000 Charles Steeb 000 1.U0U Cbristian Jenter tSOO -OU EdwardGraff 800 800 Geore Visel ..-. ---- tíüu 90U Mary' Zwlnk --- WO 800 Chas. Wuerth -. 700 800 Wm. GreveEst - 700 800 Georse Bross 00 7i0 G. and G A. Hoffstetter l,2U0 1,460 Fred Kirn - W00 1,000 Christina Miller 500 550 John Weitbreebt S00 1,000 Mrs. Mary Greve.-.. 600 Ö5U Conrad Bessiner 450 5U0 JohnGoetz, Jr 500 tiOO Elizabeth Henne 500 600 MarsaretBohn 1,000 1,100 John Hagen -- 00 650 Michael (irossman - 60O 650 Peter J. Lehman 400 450 Mrs. M. Mulholland Est 2,500 2,800 C. Louis Lutz 500 550 John Hagen SUO 1,000 John Sehaeberle 500 550 Mrs. A. H. Mogk..__ 50U 550 Ann Arbor, Oct. 4, 1897. To Board of Review: Gentlemen: - The following is the estimated cost of work in Lateral Sewer District No. 7. Contractors' estímate price 81,788 50 Add 15 per cent for engineering and contingncies 268 27 Total cost $2,056 77 Street crossings 297 ft. at 57e per foot charged to General Sewer Fund ï ltii) 29 Amount assessed on private property. l,b;7 48 Total cost 82,05(5 77 Geo. F. Key, City Engineer. Aid. Koch moved that the Board of Review approve the assessment roll in Sewer District No. 7 as certified to the Council by the City Assessor and changed by the Board and certify the same to the Common Council. Adopted. On motion the Board adjourned. Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. COUNCIL CHAMBER, i Ann Albor, üetober 4th, 1897. f Kegular session. Called to order by Glen V. Mills, City Clerk. Koll called. Quorum present. Absent Aid. Brown, Coon, Danforth, and Pres. Luick. Aid. Moore moved that Aid. Cady be elected president pro tem. Adopted. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. A petition signed by J. N. Martin and 9-5 others asking for the passage of an ordiuance preventing the building of livery stables within certain limits of the city was read and referred to the Ordinance Committee. A petition signed by Christian Brenner asking for the privilege of placing a hay scale in front of his livery was read and referred to the Street mittee. A petition signed by W. W. Nichols and 15 others asking for an electric light at the corner of Hill aad Lincoln sts. was read and retened to the Lichting Cornmittee. The special assessment roll of Drain No. 3 of the Townshipof Pittsüeld was read and referred to the City Attorney. To the Common Council: At a meeting of the Board of Public Works held September 22nd, 1697, Mr. Mclntyre moved that owing to the dawage to shade trees and other private property it is the sense of this Board that hereafter nomore buildings he allowed to be moved through the public streets of the City of Ann Arbor ■which was adopted unanimously. Glen V. Mills, Clerk of the Board of Public Works. Aid. Koch moved that the comrnunication be laid on the table. Adopted. EXGINEER'S S1XTH ESTÍMATE. LATERAL SEWEIt DISTRICT NO. ti. 860 ft. 4 in. pipe at 5c per ft. $ 18 00 350 ft. 10 in. pipe at 14c per ft 49 00 244 ft. in. pipe at lic per ft : 26 S4 564 ft. excavation and back at 31c per ft 174 84 35V ft. excavation and back filling atüöc per ft 227 60 1 manhole at Í25.0 each 23 00 1 fluï-litank at 154.00 each 54 CO 1 lamphole at $5.09 each 5 00 Total estímate 8380 IS Lt-s 10 per cent per contract... 58 01 Amount due con tractor K22 17 Geo. F. Key, City Ëngineer. Referred to Finance Committee. To the Common Council: The Board of Review of the Assessment Roll of Lateral Sewer District No. 7. in said City of Arm Arbor, do hereby certify to the Common Council in said City tliat they have dulyconsidered the assessment roll of Lateral Sewer District No. 7, of the lateral sewer system of said City as certilied by the City Assessor of said City and after -due consideration of said roll they have approved and do hereby approve said assessment roll and of the estimation and determination of the value of each parcel of land sitúate therein as therein set down by said Assessor and altered and contirmed by this Boara and all matters and things therein contained. C. H. Cady, Chairman Board of Review. Glen V. Mills, Clerk. Aid. Koch moved that the recommendation of the Board be concurred iu by the council. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Mooie, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Del). Sweet. Vandawarker. Spathelf, Soule, Cady- 10. Nays - None. To the Honorable the Common Counei of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen: - ïou are hereby notifie that a suit has been commenced b Edson Wetherbee and is now pendin in the Circuit Court for the County o Wayne against the Michigan Centra Railroad Company wherein said Weth jerbee claims darnages for an injury al lleged to have been caused by the wan of repair of the bridge over the righ of way of the said Railroad Companj on Detroit st. in said City. Said Railroad Company denies auy liability to inaiutain tliat portion o the said bridge trom a defect in whicl said injury is have resulted and said suit involves the relative rightsand and dutiesof the said Rail road Company and said City in respec to said bridge. Said City is therefore hereby notifled to appear and defenc said suit. Henry Bussel, Attorney for said Railroad Co Dated Sept. 24, '97. Referred to the City Attorney. RErORTS OF STANDING C0M3IITÏEES FIKANCE. Your Committee on Pinance woulc respectfully report that they have hac the following bilis under consideration and would recommencl their approva and that warrants be ordered diawn in payment of the same. Respectfully submitted, Arthur Brown, Ilarrison Soule, Michael Grossman, Üomrnittee on Finance. CONTINGENT FÜND. Glen V. Mills, salary $ K S4 Patrick O'Hearn " i 83 34 Edward L. Seyler, " 8 34 Thomas D. Kearney, salary 50 UO Mm C. A. Greene, rent 29 17 M E. Easterle, janitor 17.00 Glen V. Mills, postage 2 25 Geo. Craig, hack 3 5C Hutzel & Co., labor and supplies 158 2S A. E. Mummery, supplies-- - 2 05 Ann Arbor Arg-us, printing 26 14 Postal Telegraph Co , telegrams 29 Sid W. Millard, printing 10 25 Dean & Co., supplies 7 &5 Jacob Gauzhorn, salary 32 00 Geo. F. Key, salary 100 00 Louis Ronde, wooa ' 2 25 Ann Arbor Electric Co., lighting 586 86 Inland Press, printing '. 32 75 M . L. Schaller, supplies 7 05 Bailey & Edmunds, repairs 4 25 C. Eberbach, supplies 65 Farmers & Mechanics Bank, accts. assigned 164 30 C. Eberbach, supplies 6 90 Total S 1,418 26 SBWER FÜND- BIXERAÍ. E. L. Seyler, City Treas., Hine's Sewer tax returned 20 00 Total $ o Oo DISTRICT NO. 5. Frederiek Graupner, tax returned 21 00 Total $ 21 00 district NO. 8. E. W. Groves, salary $ 75 00 Ann Arbor Water Co., connecting flush tanks 137 22 Schneider Bros., 6th estímate 522 17 Total _ g T34 39 BRIDGE, CULVERT AND CROSSWALK PDHD. Ann Arbor Savings Bank, acct. assigned $ 210 66 Charles Storms, labor 3 00 George Fiseher, labor.. _ 12 00 W. H. Richmond, cement walk 15 73 Michigan Central Hailroad, freight... 72 77 Barrett Mnfe. Co., cement S 10 Farmers & Mechanics Bank, accts. assigned 373 80 Total $ 696 06 STREET FUND. Farmers & Mechanics Bank, accts. assigned $1,397 21 August Tessmer, paving 32 36 Louis Ronde, supplies 25 76 H. D. Edwards & Co., hose 240 00 S. Wood & Co., pipe - 13 65 George H. Fischer, labor 23 25 Henry Richards, eoal 14 70 Luick Brothers, lumber 49 26 S. Wood & Co., acct. assigned 37 90 C. Eberbach, supplies 47 39 Schofi; Id, Schurmer & Teasle, oil 2 0" Daniel J. Ross, salary 66 66 Clarence Sweet, labor.-. l 05 Frank Sutherland, labor 31 20 Austin & Western Co., supplies- 111 75 Geo. W. Seybold. repairs 46 55 Anu Arbor Savlngs Bank, accts. assigned n 05 Luick Bros., acct. assigned 20 30 Hutzel & Co., supplies 21 21 Total $2,196 25 PÓLICE FUND. Zenas Sweet, salary $ 75 00 Reuben Armbruster, salary 50 00 John O'Mara, salary 50 00 David Colli s, salary 50 00 George Isbell, salary. 50 00 Isaac Perrine. special 4 00 Edward Wells, special. h 00 latrick Irwin, special 3 00 Total ...S 288 00 PIRE DEPARTMENT FUND. Fred Sipley, salary 8 60 00 O. A. Edward, salary 55 00 W. H. McLaren, salary 50 0i Max Wixtlinger, salary _ 60 00 Albert West, salary- - 50 0J Euíiene .Williams, salary 50 U0 Hermán Kirn 50 00 Samuel McLaren, salary 50 00 Edward Hoelzle, salary 40 00 CliiirlesCarroll, salary 20 00 W. L. Schnierle, salary 8 00 Geortre Hoelzle, salary 4 80 VVm. Rettich, salary 6 9:j A. W. org, salary 8 00 Ed. Hill. salary _ . s 00 Georg-e Voelker, suljstitute 3 20 Adam Hartman, " 107 FredSipley. expenses 2 85 C. A. Edwards, freííiht _. . 4! Mrs. Keam, washing t' (10 Schairer & Millen. pillow cases :S 00 Geo. H. Brown, poliah-. -.. 1 50 H. D. -Edwards, supplies -.. 16 50 lr. J. A. Dell, services 6 00 Dr. D. w.Nolan, services 2 00 Allmendinjfer & Schneirier, bran 3 00 Total $ 556 31 POOR FCXD. Fred Sipley, salary $ ]0 00 Anti Tramp Society, labor i'urnished. 2 25 1'. Hiiralke. g-roeeries B 25 Davis & Seabolt, trroceries _. 8 80 Ed. Uuffy, groceries?. 3 00 T)oty& Feiner, shoes 2 00 JohnGoetz & Son, groceries 2 OS Goodyear & ('o. , medicines 2 50 John Goetz. Jr., groceries 3 18 I" rail HoeJzle, meat 55 Mrs." Hillman, boar'd and room 5 1 0 Arnbrose Kearney, groceries 8 00 Charles Lutz, meat _ 2 25 Maní Bitk., medicine 25 Win. II. Mclntyre, groceries ]1 19 ■ O. M. Martin, coffin 10 00 I O'Hara & Boyle, groceriee :s 00 Kinsey & Seabolt, g-roceries Ifi 80 O. Einsey, groceries i 29 w. F. Stimson, rooeries i 72 I Geo. Spathelf, meat 2 00 : C. W. Vogel, meat 20 1 Total $ 1 8 n CEMKTERY FUSD. Nelson Garliu;house, labor S 6 90 Total s Tí' RECAPrrrjr,ATlON. Contingent Fund $1,418 26 Sewer Fund, treneral $ 20 00 Dist. No. 5 21 00 Dist No. 6 734 39 775 39 ' Bridjre, Culvertand Crosswalk Fund. 696 06 Street Fund 2,196 25 Pólice Fund ._ 288 00 Firemen's Fund 556 31 PoorFund ios 11 Cemetery Fund _ tj 90 Total $6,045 22 Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Mamilton, man, Koch, Dell, Sweet,Vandawarker, ' Spathelf', Soule, Cady- 10. Nays- None. , To the Common Council: Your Committee on Finance would report the followiug bilis without recommendation. Farmprs & Mechantes Bank, ussigned bv Joeeph Blackburn... $10 -5 Joseph Blackburn, labor K öO H. A. Kandiill, building cement walk along post office 14 80 Michigan Ttlephone Co 3ü 5U Aid Koch moved that the bilis of Joseph Blackburn be referred back to the Finanee Committee. Aid. Dell moved as au amendment tlint the bjlls be allowed. Lost as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Dell, Sweet. Nays - Aid. Hamiltou, Grossinan, Koch, Vandawarker, Spathelf, Soule, Cady- 7. Whereupon the motion of Aid. Koch was adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton. Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker, Spathelf, Cady - 9. Nays- Aid. Soule - 1. The bill of H. A. Randall was allowed as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Dell, Sweet, Spathelf, Soule, Cady- 8. Nays- Aid. Koch, Vandawarker - 2. The bill of the Michigan Telephone Co. was adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, ILimilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker. Spathelf, Soule, Cady - 10. Nays - None. ORDINANCE. Chairman Cady presented an ordinance entitled "Au Ordinance Relative to Livery, Feed and other Barns" which was given its first reading bv title. Aid. Dell moved to refer the ordinance to the Ordinance Committee. Adopted. STREETS. To the Comrnon Council: Your Committee on Streets would recommend that tne attention of the Honorable Board of Public Works be most respeetf ully called to that portion of the Charter of the City of Ann Arbor which requires thein to proeeed without delay to perform the work ordered by this Council. Respectfully submitted, Geo. L. Moore, C. H. Cady, Michael Grnssman, Harrison Soule, J. A. Dell, Committee on Streets. Aid. Hamilton moved to lay the report on the table. Adopted as follows: Yeas.- Aid. Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker, Spathelf, Soule- S. jSTays- Aid. Moore, Cady- 2. SIDEWALKS. To the Common Council: Your Committee on Sidewalks would recommend that a brick crosswalk b ordered on the northeast side of Wash tenaw ave. across Wilmot st. Respectfully submitted, F. M. Hamilton, Frank Vandawarker, John Koch, George Spathelf, Jr., Geo. W. Sweet, Committee on Sidewalks Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Gross man, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vandawark er, Spathelf, Soule, Cady- 10. Naya - None. Aid. Moore moved to reconsider th vote ordering a brick crosswalk on th north side of Liberty across 8. First st Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moove, Grossman, Del! Sweet, Vandawarker, Spathelf, Soule Cady- 8. Nays - Aid. Hamilton, Koch - 2. Aid. Rliodes entered. Aid. Hamilton moved that the Boarc be instructed to build a plank cross waik from the sidewalk on the nortl side of Liberty; from the east side o: First st. due west, also a brick cross walk from the above point diagonal]} to meet the sidewalk on the west side of First st. as ordered by the Council. Lost as iollows: Yeas- Aid. Hamilton, Koch, Sweet pathelf, Soule - 5. Nays - Aid. Moore, Grossman, Dell Vandawarker, Rhodes, Oady- fi. Aid. Dell moved that the Board be rdered to build the walk straigh cross the street with brick. Aid. Hamilton moved as an amend lent that the walk be reordered diag nal as petitioned for by the residents f the ward. Lost as follows: Yeas - Aid. Hamilton, Kuch, Sweet Rhodes, Spathelf- 5. Nays -Aid. Mooie, Grossman, Dell Vandawarker, Soule, Cady- (i. Whereupon the motion öf Aid. Dell was adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Grossman, Dell, 'andawarke, Soule, Cady- (i. Nays- Aid. Hamilton, Koch, Sweet, ïhodes, Spathelf - 5. KEFORTS OF CITY OFKICEK.S. The monthly reports of the City Treasurer. City Marshal, SuperintenI dent of the Poor, Cuief of the Fire DeI partnaent aud the quarterly reports of the Justices of the Peace were read and ordered filed. Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 1, 1897. This is to certify that Edward U. j Seyler, City Treasurer, has on deposit ; in this bank Oct. 1, 1897, the sutn of 822411.04. F. H. Besier. Cashier. (Contlnued on next page.; 'COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. OFFICIAL Continued from Preceding Page. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: CITY TREASURElt'S REPORT. Balance on hand, last re port MONEY REOEIVED. topt. 30 'fax acet lat sewer Tfxac'tYtswiNo3:::::: u Tax aect 1 at sewer No 41 88 TÍÍ acet lat sewer No 5 134 59 Taí acet lat sewer No 8 S069 ld 119,339 89 DISBURSEMETS. Sefiaif Sewer Fund. ....... Sis 00 ïax acet lat sewer No 5 g Labo?acct'íat sewer NÖ 6 1,833 23 Lbor acet lat sewer No T 1,665 98 jg Balance on liand 1S923 50 BALANCE ON HAND. Sei8llf'slwr fund ï 0333 84 gX sewer bond acet 32W 00 Labor ace't Dist. No. 1.... d ao iUot " " "2.... 783 89 Tabor " " "3.... 2130 33 iiOr ■■ h "3.... 2915 20 tfhnr - " " 4---315 03 fcí01 " '■ 4.... 9Ü7 58 rabor " ' " r'---mw .Or ■ "5.... 56T3 97 labor " " "8.... 4227 til h f " '■(.... 2051)13 Labor " " " '?■■ 1B65 M Delinquent Sewer Tax U 51 Total on hand J25081 73 9158 23 Balance 011 hand $15923 50 Respectfully submitted, E. L. Seyler, Treasurer. To the üommon Council of the City of Ann Arbor: CITY TEEASUBEB'S REPORT. iïnlance on hand, last report vvéi&m ■■■■ 122,801 43 MONEY RECEIVEH. Contingent Fund Mills, G V, -Kohde rent to Bept. 1. 1897 00 ■Cometcrv fund Nelson Garllaghouse Sale of lots auü 1 l)unal - 3 oO Pólice fund fond E. B., fine 100 89 50 Total i "áTO í'í MONEY DISBDRSED. Contingent fnnd S 1287 SI Street fund... 24!ï 9i Poor iund 10a tii Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk fund 011 24 Pólice fund 303 80 Firemen's fund 833 CH ■City Cemetery fund 3o 00 Cucollccted City Tax 10545 3 .State Dog Tax. 1 00 _1K!25_(M Balance 6545 25 BALANCE ON HAND ■Oontineent fund 2276 48 Street fund . 2765 15 Poor fund 2639 86 Bridge, Culvert. and Crosswalk fund BW Policefund 8108 42 Firemen's fuud 6188 18 City Cemetery iund 147 85 Water fund 40U7 40 Dos Tax fund 195 00 üniversity Aid Bond Fund. 3420 10 Delinquent Tax Fund 1607 85 I'ncoliected City Tax 10545 39 State Dog Tax 264 15 181886 34 15340 69 15340 ö Balance Í 654525 Balance on hand Sept 30.'97 16545 25 Respectfully submitted. E. L. Seyler, Treasurer. To the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor: Gentlemen: - Attached hereto is a report of all ordinance cases before :me during the quarter ending Hept. 30, 1897, and I hereby certify that all fines collected have been paid to the Uity Treasurer and all costs to the proper offlcers, and that I have no money in my hands belonging to the City óf Ann Arbor or any otticer thereof. John L. Duffy, Justice of the Peace. On this 4th day of Ootober personally appeared before me a notary public in and for the county of Wa&htenaw, the above named John L. Duft'y, ■and made oath that he has read the report above referred to and that the ■same is in all respects true. Glen V. Mills, Notary Public. tí tí e3 tí tí tí í O O ' CLCüCLCLÜ O. Q Q q 53 cj ?i c3 ri cí aaitBcotn en en oí C ísij ti a í! " TÍ TÍ 7j Tí 5j TJrOfOfOrO 'O n3 'O ö W O líí 1O O O O O O HMHrlH i- I T-. -H C L h Li b & a - .2 ooooo o o íljl OOOOO O O O ■-i oí ( o M (M - - # co o o O oooo #c oooo l_ Hr-IHH Efr fl C 3 P Í3 c a? &1 & ■g +3 at si a a s e ö 2S ag S 53 5 ca L om om o oooop g . a g - Q ti o m o " =3 í I 1sá5 i MP1 1 I 'M 'T] fM Cl D 00 & -J' 2 3 m 3 'S .5 fcc & bc M bis ti "S, 'S -H p3s3 = 3 S 5T To tiie Common Council of the City of An n A rbor: Gentlemen: - Below tínd report of Ordinance cases brouglit before me dupin? quarter ending September 30, 1897, and disposición madeof same: No. 624, Aug. 2, William P. Flynn, gnnbling, fine $1.00, costs $4.70, paid. No. 625, Aug. 2, Martin P. Vogel, permitting gambling, costs $5.70, paid. No. 647, Sept. 18, Tobías Kuebler, loitering on sidewalk. tine $1.00, costs $3.00, to jail. State of Michigan County of Washtenaw Etiliu B. Pond. beíug duly sworn. ays that tbe foregoing is a correct repoi t of all ordinance cases brought befoie him as Justice of the Peace oí the City of Ann Arbor, for the quarter ending Septena ber 30, 1897; that the fines impuscd and collectcd by him, have been paid into the City Treasury ; and that all officer'.s fees oy him collected, have been vaid to tlie ofiiuers eatitled to the same, and receipted for on his docket. Elihu B. Pond. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of October, A. D, 1897. J. Q. A. Sessions, Notary Public. RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Koch. Resolved, That the special assessment roll of Lateral Sewer Assessment District No. 7, in said City of Ann Arbor as certiíied to this Council by the. Board of Keview, be, and the same is hereby confirmed, and the City Assessor of said City ís hereby ordered to assess and spread upon such lateral sewer assesstnent roll the sum of eighteen hundred eighty seven and. forty eight hundredths dollars ($1887.48) the same being the sum of money fixed aüd determined upon as the estimated cost of lateral sewer No. 7, (street crossings excepted) as provided by law and an ordiaance of said City entitled, "An Ordinance Relative to Sewers" providing for the construction of a systemof lateral and connecting sewers ín the City of Ann Arbor passed the 21st day of May 1894 and approved the 23rd day of May 1894; on and upon each and every of the regular animal assessment roils of the City of Ann Arbor for the year in and during which any such special assessment shall or may be payable and to levy and assess against the owner occupants of the lands set down therein the said sums of money on and upon and against the lands set down in and valued upon said special assessment. Adopted as follows: Yeas - Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell. Sweet, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Ca-dy- 11. Nays - None. By Aid. Koch. Resdved, lhat the Mayor and City Clerk of tbe City of Ann Arbor are authorizad'to issue lateral sewer bonds for lateral sewer district No. 7, to the amountof $1887.48, the same being the sum of money tixed and determined upon as the estimated cost of lateral sewer No. 7. Adopted as foilows ; Yeas - Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Vandawarker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Cady - 11 Nays - None. Aid. Moore moved to suspend rule 14 of the Rules of the Common Council 'for this session. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamiliton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, VaadawJk-ker, Rhodes, Spathelf, Soule, Cady - II. Nays - Xone. Aid. Moore moved to reconsider the vote on the report of tlie Street Committee relative to gravel taken from the property of Mrs. Anna B. Bach and refer the subject back t-t the Street Committee. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Moore, Hamilton, Grossman, Koch, Dell, Sweet, Yandawarker, Rhodes. Spathelf, Soule, Cadyll. Nays - None. On motion the Council adiourned. City Clerk.


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