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Terms of Courí for (he Tweniy-Second Judicial ' Circuit for 1898 and 1899. TERMS OF CIRCUIT COURT. State of Michigan: The Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit. Terms of Court in and for said Circuit for the Years i8g8 and i8gg. I, E. D. Kinne, Circuit Judgre in and tor the Twenty-Seoond Judicial Circuit, do hereby fix and appoint the times of holding the severai terms of Circuit Court in and within the Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit for the years 1898 and 181)9 as follows, to wit : IN -MOKROE COUNTY. The flrst Monday of February, the first Monday of April, the flrst Monday of June, and the first Monday of November. IN WASHTENAW COÜNTY The first Monday in March, the first Mondaj:n May, tlie flrst Monday in October, and the flrst Monday in December. Dated October 1. ISür. E. I). KINNE, Circuit Jcdge. Michigai) College of Miijesr A State technieal school. Practical work Special opportunitiee for men of age and e.perieuce. Elective System. College year, 45 weeks. Tuition for residente, 825; nbn-residents, $150. For catalogue address DK. M. E. WADSWOHTH, President, 83Hoiijfhton, Mieh, Biggest Offer Yet The Ann Arbor Argus AND The Twice-a-Week . Detroit Free Press Both Papers One Year For Only $1.60. THR TWICE-A-WEEK FREE PRESS is conceded by all to be MICHIGAN'S LEADING NEWSPAPEK. Itis published on Tuesday and Friday of each week, and is almost equal to A DAÍLY PAPER. Remember, that by takinpadvantageof this get 5a copies of THE AKGUS and 104 copies of THE FREE PRESS, foionly $1.80, whinh makes the cost of the papera to you ONE CENT PER COPY. , A 500-PAGE BOOK FREE The Free Press ALflANAC and Weather Forecasts for 1898. CORRECT. CONC13E. COMPLETE. Over 20,000 Copies of 1897 Book Were Sold at 25 Cents. An accurate and superior lïook of Reference tnat tells you all you want to know. There will not be a uscless page in it. A Practical Educator and Hanci Book of Encyclopedist information on subjects Statlstieal, Official, Historica!, PoUtioal and Arriculmral; likewise a book of Reliious Fact. and aeneral Practical Directions on everyday affaire ol Oflice, Home and Farm. A copy of this book will be sent to all subscribing immediately and sending 15 cents additional for mailing expenses, making $1.75 in all. The book will be published about December 25, 1897, it impossible to get it outearlier on account of complete records of 1897 events. Copies of tbc book will be sent to alltaking advant:tre of this ofIer, as soon after above date as possible. Do not del&y, bul; take advantai?e of this remarkable liberal offer which we makefora limited time Only, by special arranfremcntewith the publishers. Remember we send both papers a ful i year for HM, and you eau have a eopy of' the book by fc cents addltional. Address, ARGUS OFFICE, ANN ARBOR, MICH VDETROIT, - The best place ÍU America for young men uil - women to Becur a Business Educution. Shorthalia. MechaDlcal Drawing or Penmanshlp. Ttopough Btem of Actual Buiness. SessionoDtlioyear. Studout beirln dny time. Oatalopue Freo. Reference, alt Detroit. W. F. JEWELL, Pres. Y. . SPICNüEH, Sao. Commissioner's Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTK of Waslitenaw, The undersigned haviüy been appointed by the Probate Court for saiij Oouuty, commiBSioners to receive, examine and adju8t all claima aud demands of all persons agiunst the estáte of Joseph Wagner late of eiiid county, deceased, hereby give notice that als inonlhs from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, lor crédito to present their claims amaina t the entate of said deceused, and tbat thef will meet at the late re&idence of eaid deceased, in Mie Township ol Scio, in saitl county, ou Wednenday the 5th day of Januarv, 189S, and on Tueaday the 5th day of April, 1S9S, next, at ten o'clock a. m. o"f each of said daya to receive, examine and adjuat said claims. Dated, Oct. 6, 18117. VTM. APRILT,, JOHN G. FELDKAMPF, Uommissioners,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News