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' r Terms of Court for the Twenfy-Second Judicial Circuit for 1898 and 1899. TERMS OF CIRCUIT COURT. State of Michigan: The Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit. Terms of Court in and for said Circuit for the Years 1898 and 1899. L E. D Kinne .Circuit Judge in and for the Twenty-t-econd Judicial Circuit, do hereby fix and ippoint the times oí holding tlie severa] ternas of Circuit Court in and within the Iwenty-Second Judicial Circuit for the vears 1898 and 1x99 as follows. to wit: IN MONROE COUNTT. The first Monday of February, tbe flret Monj'-'ypt April, the flrst Monday of June, and the flrst Monday of November. IN WASHTENAW COUNTT Thre Br?í Monday in March, the first Mouday In May, the Örst Monclay in Oetober, and the flrst Monday in December. Dated Oetober 1. 1897. E. D. KINNE, Circuit Jtoge. Biggest Offer Yet The Ann Arbor Argus AND The Twice-a-Week Detroit Free Press Both Papers One Year For Oniy $1.00. THE A-WEEK FREE PRESS is couNESpyAPERO bG M1CHIGAN'8 EADING Itis published on Tuesday and Fridav of PAPEK a"d 1S aImost equa' t0 A DAÍLY Keiember,thatby takins-advantajreof tnis combinatioii.yoii get 52 copies of TMKAKGüfea,ndl04oopie,soi1 THE FBBE PRESS, fortooïo&B NT PBL C0PÍ?1 f the PiiPerS A 500-PAGE BOOK FREE The Free Press ALHANAC and Weather Forecasts for 1898. CORRECT. CONOISB. COMPLETE. Over 20,000 Copies of 1897 Book Were Solci at 25 Ccrfts. An accurate and superior Book of Heference that tells you all yon want to know. There will not be a . useless pase in it. A Practical Mucator and Hand Book of Enpyclonedia jnformation l on subjects StatistipaJ, Official, Histoncal, Pohtical and Agricultural; likewise a Book of Keligious Fact, and general Practical Directions 011 everyday atïairs of Office, Home and Farm. Acopy olthisbook will he sent to all subscnbing immediately and sending 15 cents additional for mailing; expenses, making $1.75 in all. Mie book will be published aboutDcember 25, 1897, it beingr impossible to get it out earlier on account of complete records ol 189T events. Copies of the book will be sent to all taking advantage of this ofIer, as soon af ter above date as poesible. Do not delay, but take advautiure of tliis remarkabte liberal offer ntloh we make for a, nmited time only by special ari-angements wit 1 tlie pubhsliers. Remember we send botli papers a f uil year for $l.tiü, and you can SSSfiSPrÖ? by s01Hiingi3 oent8 ARGUS OFFICE, ANN ARBOR, MICH .DETROIT, MICH.- The best place ín Ameiica for young me .mi ■omen to secure a. Business Education. Shorthand. Mechanical Dra win g or Penmanship. ïhorough system of Actual Business. Session ent ire year. Students begin any time. Cataloprue Free. Reference. all ''etroit. W. K. JEWELL, lJres. P. R. SFENUER, Sec. Agents Wanted FOR Juvenile Holiday AND Standard Subscription BOOKS By the W. B. Conkey Company, the largest pubJishorsand manutacturerS'Of books in the United States. Finest line of new holiday und other subscription books on the markét Also agenta wanted for "THE SILVEB SIDE," the latestand best text-book on the 3llver question by the great silver leaders. Exclusive Territory. Larg-est GDmmissioas. Prices Belovv Competition. Wrlte at once for circulars and special :erms, stating your cholee ol' territory. W. B. CONKEY COMPANY, 547 343.345. 347. 349. 35i Dearborn St., CHICAGO.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News