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An Epworth League has been organized in Lima. Whooping cough is prevalent among the ohildren of Salem. O. C. Bnrkhart, of Lima, has moved to Chelsea, vphere he will reside. The nevv Methodist parsonage at Salem station is rapidly nearing completion. JVlorey A. Pierce, an aged resident of Sbarou, has been iu very poor health of late. . Mrs. R. S. Whálian is now president of the North Lake Epworth League. George Roruahart, of Sharon, has moved on the farm of Lewis Hayes, in that town. ■ Henry Trolz, of Sharon, bas taken the farm of Charles Bancroft, in Norveil, to vork. Arnold F. Prudden has sold his farm iin Sylvan, south of Chelsea, to Edward Spaulding. Fred H. Blosser, of Manchester, has been dangeronsly ill with appendicitis, but is now recovering. Highway Cornmissioner George L. Kuhl, of Sharon, has had the Gillett bridge in West Sharun repaired. Miss Annette Kingsley is flrat assist ant in the Manchester post office by appointment of Postmaster Bailey. Cbelsea L. O. T. M. entertaiued their sisters from Dexter Thnrsday of last week and had a royal good time together. Dr. Chadwick, of Manchester, who recently sold his dental practice to Dr. Stafford, of Brooklyn, will remove to Los Angeles. Cal. Chelsea Sports Day Association has a balar.ce on hand of $134.29 after paying all expenses. The total receipts were 290. 38, and the expenditures $156.09. Herman Betke, of Freedom; was thrown from his bnggy the other day throngh the borses becoming frightened at a steamer. He escaped with a few bruises. Jacob Slimmer, of Lima, had on exbibition at the Chelsea Standard office a quince of the orange variety, tbat measnred aronnd it 13% inches and weighed 1J4 ponnds. Mrs. Hilda Boyd, of Ypsilanti, feil from a chair ou which she was standing to fix a stove pipe tbe other day and is now snffericg from a couple of broken ribs and a sprained ankle. A Manchester man went nutting the other day. He found a tree well loaded with nuts and had a big bag fnll of them wben tbe owner of the tree came along and saying 'Mnch obliged for gatheriug these nuts, " scooped them in and loft. Lewis Killmer. of Chelsea. who has been in Colorado for three years. returued home. Ho was snrprised by 40 of bis friends Monday evening of last week, who dropped in to give him a welcome home. Thorndike & Sohatz have opened a uew barber shop in Cbelsea. T. S. James, of Dexter, has a uevv pacer which he bonght in Howell. Grove Roose, of Saline, killed a blue raoer last week that was nearly six feet long. John Bachman, of Sharon, conteinplates moviug to Ann Arbor sometime tbis fall. James Firster died in Willis, Oot. 14, aged 91 years. His remaiiias were interred at Saline Oot. 17. Fred Beaman, of Saline, brakeman on the Lima Northern, got his finger pinched while conpling cars. The poultry show nnder the anspices of the Ypsilauti Poultry Assocition will be held in Ypsilanti Deo. 27. John Bross, of Dexter. canght a 14 pound pickerel in Portage Lake tbe other day with a hook and line. Claronce Calven, of Mooreville, had two horses badly injured by running into a barbed wire feuoe recently. Manchester would like to have the uext Washteuaw county farmers' iustitate held in that bright little burg. Little Freddie Reese, four years old, of York stepped on a corn knife the otber day and cut a bad gash in his foot. Fonr Dexter residences were visited by sneak thieres Monday night of last week. Very little booty was obtained, iiowaver. Wm. and John Cunningham, of Soio, have dissolved partnership and divided their property. Willam takes :he Johnson farm and John the old Cnnningham homestead. John M. Breiniug, father of Jacob and Joseph Breining, of Ypsilanti, died Tuesday eveuing of last week of dropsy at his home in Lansing. líe was 68 years old. Charles Rogers, of Saline, lost a fine bird dog by death one day last week and is of the opinión that there is someone who oould enlighten him as to the cause of its demise. The Ypsilanti Nadies' Library Association would like to furn over its baildiug and library of 4,500 volumes to tbe city conncil, provided that body wonld rnaintain it as a free public library. Tbos. Birkett, of Dexter, and A. R. Weloh, of Chelsea, have formed a copartnership and will have a plant for commercial lighting in Dexter, by Dec. 1. The maohinery has already been purchased. ' Prof. Felix Laruond, of the Normal College, has been offered the positiou of organist of Trinity Chapel, New York. The position is an excellent one, oarrying with it a pension after 25 years' service. It is tbought that he will acoept it. A Chelsea pupil in the eighth grade when asked. "What is the prevailing religión of Japan?" promptly answered. "üostly meohanica. " Another in the U. S. history review class, beiog asked what prime minister of England was against tbe taxation of the oolonies previons to the revolutiun, answered "Henry Clay." Manchester nimrods had their auuual bont Oct. 16, tbe sides being captained by A. J. Waters and Jacob Briegel. Capt. Waters' sid won, they having 14,000 points to th otfaprs 8,000, Thfi dofeated side banqueteo the viotors at, the Freeman house that eveniog. Jacob Schafer, wbo was one of Waters' men, had the misfortune to break his leg duriDg the day. A subsuription was circolated ainong hia friends and abont $25 was raised. Mrs. C. F. Mahrle, of Bridgewater, died üot. 15, after onlv a few davs illness, of gangrene caused bv a ruptute from whioh she had been sufiering for vears. She had always been able to treat it hereelf, but this time two doctors had to be called who decided that an operation was necessary and an Ann Arbor surgeou was sommoned. It was too late, however, as gargrene set in. Mrs. Mahrle was 5Ü vears old and leaves a busband and four sons. Tbe students from Chelsea, who are attendng school at Anu Arbor and Ypsilanti, have organizad a society, called the A2. Y. C2., and have elected offieera as follows: President, Charles T. Tryon ; vice president, Leora Laird; aecretary and treasurer, Jeanette Storms; watch, MissMiller: sergeantafc-arms, Nellie J. Bacou. The sooiety will meet every four weeks, and a fine of five cents is imposed for being absent or for attempting to offer an excuse. The regalar meeting of Lafayette Grange, of Lima, was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Wilson, in Chelsea. The program consisted of each person present giving the name of sowe noted American whom they admired and their reasons for so doing, a paper by Mrs. F. McMilleu. also one by O. C. Burkhart "The Outlook of the Farmer." This was followed by a discussion on the question "Wbat is the best and most economical way of harvesting corn." Mr. and Mrs. Haivey Holdredge keepers of the Jackson county house, have ben removed by order of the board vt supervisors. Tbe Grass Lake Ne"wssays: "The gronnds were, misuse of the inmates.inattention to cJeanliness and not giving the inmates proper foud. Mrs. Holdrege, rumor says, was unkind to her big honsehold alsu. It is oharged by íesidents of the vicinUy that old Auut Mozette vLis obliged to keep on hei uuderwear until it was far from tidy. The old lady is 104 years old, aiid it is alieged she was givei) a porcplaiu cup and saucer from which tu drink hei tea, as she had ouly a tiu cup The ruafron took the gift away auc forcied her to use the tin cup. It is said, too, the iumates were aliowed no butter, although there are 13 cows on tbe farm, also that tainted hanie were good enough for them, and wTb;:l they were roughly treated. " The Cbelsea Y. P. S. C. E. will hold an antcrun social at the home of Mrs. George Bacou this eveniug. Mrs. Amasa Gilbert, of Chelsea, had a five ponnd tumor removed from her back at the hospital in Aun Arbor week before last. Kobort Rowley, forinerly of' Ypsilanti, showed a radish at the Kalamazoo street fair last week, whioh was 3á feet long. Mrs. Ella Cbilds, of Ypslantii, was qnite seriously bnrned abont the haads aud arms Sunday eveuing, while starting a fire with kerosene oil. On Tbnrsday, Oot. 14, several friends of Mrs. Wm, Trolz, of Sharon, remembering that it was her 5fith birthday, joined in giviug her a surprise, and left many useful presents as mementoes of the occasion. The seniors of the Chelsea high school have elected the following ofïïcers for the ensuing year: President, Percy G. Brooks; vice president, R. Helen Hepfer: secretarv, Orlandu G. Wood : treasnrer, Earl L. JFoster. Joseph Discher, a butcher for Vougbt & Rogers, of Ypsilanti, died at bis foriner borne in Oarleton,Mich.,of typhoid fever, Saturday. On Monday 25 members of Co. G., M. N. G-., of wbich he was a member, went to Carleton to act as a miltary esoort at nis funeral. George Smith, of Bridgewater, feil from bis bnggy the other night and the norse went along without bim. Shortly afterwards a coople of young uien, not seeing Sinith lying in the road, drove over bis legs. He was not serioosly hurt. What was the matter with Smith? Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Comstock, of Ypsilanti, gave a dinuer Wednesday eveniug of last week to Riv. Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Allen, enabling them to meet all the Methodist ministers of tbat city. The uumber of guests present was 14, seven ministers and their wives. A chora! unión of the choirs of the different churches in Saline has been organized witb the following oificers : D. A. Beunett, director; Rev. F. E. Dodds president; Mrs. C. F. Unterkircher, vicepresident ; Miss Minnie Ruckman, secretarv; Mrs. Chaudler, treasnrer. Mrs. C. F. ünterkircher, organist. An attempt was recently made to bnglarize Joseph Alger's house in Dex ter, bnt owing to the door between the dining room and sitting room being fastened witb a hook on tbe opposite side to that on which the thieves were tbey did not succeed. They obtained entiance to the dining room by cutting out a pane of glass in the window. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Presbyteriau cburch, Ypsilanti, bas elected the following officers: President, Howard Augnstine; vice-president, Nellie Pomeroy; recording secretary, Hattie Swift; treasarer, Olive Benedict; junior superintendent, Vadah Shaw; cbairman of commitees - missions, nice Larabie; social, E. P. Goodrich; Sunday sobool, Ada A. Norton; floweis, W. B. Eddy; notice, Jennie Moore; prayer meetug, Lanra Jenness; lookout, Francis Goodrich. Mrs. Lonisa Davenport celebrated her 90th birtbday at her home near Milan, Wednesday of last week. The day was fine, the dinner all that could be desired. The dear old lady was in the best of health and spirits as she received the numeróos greetings of her children, grandchildren and friends, who were present from Des Moines, Iowa, Paalding, Ohio, Dandee, Ypsilanti, Azalia, Maybee, Scofield and Milau. The presents -were many, beautifol and nseful. - MiJan Leader. Miss Emma Schallemuller. a domestic in the family of Adam Eppler. of Chelsea, was fiiling a gasoline stov Wednesday of last week wben she spilled some of the fluid on her apron. When she lighted tbe stove the vapor fraai her apron ignited and set iire to her clotbing. Her arm and side were badly burned and Mr. Eppler also got some burns whiln trying to extinguisb the flarues and Mrs. Eppler narrowly escaped getting her olotbing nn flre. As it was her apron did oatch fire. Joseph Remnant, of Chelsea, who was Arlie Leaoh's companion when be left Chelsea on the trip wbich euded fatall? at Essex, Ont., returned to Chelsea Saturday week. As a wairaut had been issued for his arrest Sep1:. 27, he was taken before Justice B. B. TurnBull, to wbom ha claimed that he had come home to reform and try to be a man. Tbe president and village attorney decided that tbe best way for him to try it was to pay up the costs in the case and furnish a bond for good behavior for sis ruonths. He did so, his mother and Frank Leach going on the bond.


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