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tí Fred Hoe)zíe3 DEALER IN Méate, Sausages, Oysters and Market Goods. Porter House and Sirloin S teaks a Specialty WASHINGTON MARKET. r K. WILLIAMS, AiloíM? at La i&d Fessicn Clain AttorneT. MELAN, MICH. CoDveyancing and Cclleetionp. ej "%?$? REVIVO r'.P fillt REST0RES ViTAUTV. 15thbay.ijF Of Me THE GREAT 3f)th bay. proel nces the above resnlts in SO days. It acte powerfnlly and qniekly. Cures wheu all others fail Young mou will regain their lost manhooti, and oíd men will recover tlieir youtbíul vitjor by usiiig KEV1 VO. It quickly and surely restoreB ïiervonsness. Lost Vitality, Impotency, Nightly Eraissions, Lost Power, Failing Mcmorj-, Wastine Diseases, and all effects of self-abuse or excess and indiecretion, which unfits one for study. business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the f eat oL disease, but isagreat nerve ton ie and blood bailder, bringing back tbe pink glo to pale checks and re storing the fire of youth. It wards off Jnsanity and Consumption. Insist on baving REVIVO, no other. It can be carried in vest pochet. By mail S1.00 per package, or six for S5.00, with a posi tive written nuaranteo to euro or refund tbe money. Circular f ree. Address ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 271 Waöasll AYe., CHICAGO, ILL For sale at Ann Arbor, Mich., byEberbaeh Drug and Chemical Company. LAND PIASTER! LIME AND CEMENT. DRAINJILt. LOUIS ROHDE, Main Office - 36 E. Huron Street. Yards50 West Huron Street. [■] ín IShoiirsfioiiorrhoea - mM and disoha-rces l'roiti llicl I nafl urinary orxmiH nrrested f jKinY II VH by -inntnl _Iïdy Capan les, V1"'1 It ■without incoiivonifnre. x S


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News