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1 " " Fdr a Healthy Existence.-That's Why the Kidneys so often Fail. Tíature has provided a certain amount f work for every organ of the humaa hLlv overtax thera and disease eventunv follows. There is not one porto of our organism that is so ovenrorked ?ho kidneys; on them is placed the unaor Lnt function of filtering the blood of fhe irapurities which naturally form in the e "lar action of life and digest.on. The kiflnevs are consequently termed the sew,.e of the system; clog up tlns sewer, nd the blood becomes tainted with poisonl s uric acid, which brings on disease t many forins. The back is the first to Sow this stoppage. From there comes ï e warning note; it sliould be heeded, "ñ tije kidneys receive prompt attention. noan's Kidney Pilis will right the action f the kidneys quickly, relieve the back of núnsand aches, and cure all troubles of f , "evs and bladder. Read the following : Air Wm. Nelsonis a well-known busincc man of Kalamazoo, he resides at 822 Portage Street, and his business is that of agrainbuyer. Hesays: For flve years I have suffered from an inability to urinate, which resulted from what was said to be a stoppage of the bladder During these years I have taken minr.rai and electric baths and used other means in expectancy of getting better, but they 11 proved unavailing. Sotne months ago I wan using Doan's Kidney Pilis, which I had heard highly recommended, and I can now say that the flattering reports were not greater than they deserved. I got better right along, and I am free from any trouble now. I feel better than I have done for three years past. If Doan's Kidney Pilis were well known all over they would do an immense amount of good." Sold by all dealers - price, 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburu Co., Buffa'o, N Y. , sole agents for the U. S. Remember thé name, Doan's, and take no other. -


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News