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Negotatious are od foot for au oraj torical contest betweeu Michigan and Peunsylvania universities. , Dr, Clarence S. Berry, dent '88, died in Milwankee, Nov. 10, aged 31 jeirs. He leaves a widow and two childreu. A üuiversity Whist Club is talked of, to be nrganiz8d from the 200 good players who are conneoted with that institution. The receipts at the University hospitals dnring Ootober were f2,500, which is considerably larger than they ever were before. A pronounciug contest takes place this evening iu University hall between 20 pioked men froru the law and literary departraeuts. The Xi Psi PM fraternity gave the first of its series of dancing parties at Grauger's acadeiay Friday evening. It was a great saccess. C F. Watkins, Michigau's vvell known baseball coach, is on the list of olaiined players tor Van Derbeck's team in the Western League for 1898. The first of the rnonthly at homes to be given by the Woman's League, will be held at the Woraaa's Building from 3 to c o'olock toiaorrow afternoon. Charles H. Towle, lit '92 and law '94, who was well known while in ooilege here, is now instructor in Roman Law and the Language of Law at Illinois College of Law, Chicago. Prof. Graham Taylor, of Chicago, will begin tbe S. C. A. series of lectores on social topics Satarday evening in Newberry hall. His subject will be "Social Aspects of Personal Progress. " It is atated that 16,000 peopie witnessed the Micbigan-Minnesota football game at Detroit Satnrday. Of course Michigan won, and the boys bronght back $1,700 for the benefit of the Athjetio Association funds. The dynaiuos and engines of the new University electiro lightiug plant were given their first trial Wedneaday before the board of regente and the test proved theru entirely satisfactory. The entire system will probably be in full operation arly next week. The Gradúate club held its first meeting of the year at the residence of Major and Mrs. Harrison Soule on Priday evening. There was a fairly large attendance in spite of tbe bad weather and many otber social events. Dr. Max Winkler read a paper on the "Goethe's Fanst." The next meeting will be at the home of Prof. Dean C. Worcester, wben the professor will lecture on "The Phillippine Islands. " In an article whicb Prof. F. W. Kelsey has prepared on Ptate universities and oburch colleges, to be published in the Atlantic JMonthly, he states tbat last yenr thore were 20,000 studeñts in state uuiversities, and that 55 per cent were uffiliated vvith some churoh. Seveuteeu of these have more Presbyteriau stndents than go to the entire 3? Presbyterian colleges. The U. of M. has more Presbyterians than Prinuetou, which is the largest college of that deuomination. Hon. J. M. B. Sill, ex U. S. minister to Korea, has written Treasurer Sonle, that he has sent a set of figures, taken from Korean temples, to the aniversity mnsenm. They are abont 14 inohes high and represent a Bnddhist priest and his attendants acoompanied by a monkey, a fox, a pig, sheep and a horse, on tüeir way from Korea to Ceylon to bring back copies of the sacred books. The figures are said to be very uniqne and have never before been allowed to be sent out of Korea. He has also sent a oase coutaining Koreau ziggies, or packing frames, on whicb Korean pack coolies carry their enormou3 loads.