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George Snauble, of Bridgewater, ha sold his farm. John W. Breining, of Whittaker, i on the road for a Chicago firrn. A series of protracted meetings were begun in the Losee church, Whittaker last Sunday. The Toledo Ice Go. is pushing fonwart the erection of its new ice house a Whitmore Lake. Dexter Maccabees will give a banquet in the near future for the benefit of the soldiers' monument fund. Bev. Wm. Considine, on Sunday Nov. 15, completed his 12th year as pastor of St. Mary's church, Chelsea. John Schaffer, of Manchester, who bad his leg broken while out hunting gome weeks able to be out again Henry Kuhl, sr., of Bridgewater, celebrated his 94th birthday anniversary among a large party of friends Nov. 13 The prospects for establishing a co operative creamery at Dexter are considered most promising by its proiaoters. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pixley, of Sharon, have purchased the Spencer Case property in Manchester and will move there next spring. Lee Dodge, of Traverse City, formerly of Dundee, and Miss Westfall, of Ypsilanti, are to be married in the latter city Dec. 2. Mr. Frederick D. Minard and Miss Mary M. Fisk, of Ypsilanti, are to be married at the home of the bride's parents in that city next Wednesday. The Ann Arbor railroad has purchased a piece of land of J. L. Babcock at Whitmore Lake, and will move its depot there, which is northwest of its present location. Dr. E. W. Ryan, presiding eider of the Ann Arbor district, -will lecture at the Saline M. E. church, Monday evening nest, under the auspices of the Epworth League. Mrs. Andrew Kappler, of Sharon, died Monday of last week aged 51 years. The funeral occurred. at the German Lutheran chntch Wednesday. Mrs. Kappler was a very highly respected lady. Her husband and five sons and three daughters survive her. A comical thing happened at the flre in Manchester Wednesday of last week. Says the Enterprise: "The otber night a man had taken two pails and gone to Nisle's pump for water. On bis way back be was asked why he went way over there when he might have filled his pails from tbe watering trongh near by. 'That'sso,' was his reply, and he immediately emptied the water on the ground, refilled the pails from the troogh and hastened on to the fire. " There is a Iively demand in Manchester for dry wood. Tbs Dexter millpoud was frozeu over a week ago Saturday. Tbe old Manchester post office outfit bas been shipped to North Adatus. Richard Loan, of Scio, bas recently been grauted aa increase of pension. Miss Alma Teeter will open the winter term of sohool at Iron Creek Deo. 6. The tax rate per $1,000 valuatioa in tbe township of Sylvau for this year in $5.90. Tbe two months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuller, of Cbelsea, died Nov. 15. John Croarkin, of Dexter, bas bad tbtí stieet hwvn in front of bis home graded and a stone curbing laid. Tbe Detroit Presbytery bas voted $1,000 toward the erection of a new Presbyterian chnroh in Saline. A. R. Welch and J. L. üilbert, of Chelsea, wonld liku to put in an eleotrio lighting systein at Grass Lake. Cherry Hill aspires to telephonic oonnection and a motor line from Ypsilanti to Plymouth via tbat place. Theodore Eoebbe, of Sharon, bnsked 1")1 bushels of corn, tied np the stalks aad set them np in one day reoently. It takes. on an average $1,500 to $2,000 per day to pay for the prodnoe of all kinds that is broaght into Ghelsea. Bridgewater oelery and garden "sass' giowers have met with good market and prices for their prodncts tuis year. A handsome granice monument ha been èiected in Forest Lawn cemetery Dester, to the memory of Morris Thomsoa. The Saline oreamery made 6,10 poonds of butter dnriugits firat month' run. The price realized was 22 cents poand. R. H. Soaddin, of Webster, has gon to Sappbire, N. C, where be will spent the winter. Mrs. Scaddin will joi bim tbere later. The Lima Epwortb League gives "oharaoter" social Nov. 26, at th town hall, accompanied by a Ne England supper. Joha Boot, of Geer, got two wagon loads of pumpkins off one-eigbth of an aore of gronnd. One of the pumpkin weighed 54 pounds. A Forty Hours Adoration will com menee in St Marry's oburch, Chelsea Dec. 12. Two Jesuit fathers from De troit will oonduct the exercises. John Spafard, of Manchester, last week böught of Rebfuss & Walker, 200 Western sbeep, wbioh averaged 122 pounds eacb, for feeding pnrposes. Among those who would like tn be city clerk of Ypsilanti, vice P. W. Uarenter, resigned, are Will Carpenter J. B. Wortley, Justice Frank Joslyn, Bea Page, W. Wallace and M. T. Woodruff. The committae on ways and means of tbe Ypsilanti city oounoil have settled with Maok & Mack, who were bondsmen for C. P. McKinstry dnring part of the time he was city clerk, and reoeived 1410.23 as the amonnt due. The editor of the school column of the Chelsea Standard says: "On Monday moining the lips of the senior girls looked as if they bad been rubbed against somebody's newly painted red barn. Any one missing tbe paint can obtain the same by calling at the school." Tbe offioers of the Ladies'Aid Society of the Saline M. E. chnroh for the ensning year are: President, Mrs. G. C Townsend; vice president, Miss May Hord ; seoretary, Mrs. J. W. Hnll ; treasurer, Mrs. A. C. Clarke; execntive oommittee, Mrs. Geo. Johnson, Mrs. Geo. Hammond and Mr3. CharJes Miler. The Geers, of Superior, met at the ome of Mrs. Burlingame, of Ann Aror township, the ofcher day, to oelebrate he 81st birthday of her mother, Mrs., Almira Holton, together with other of er near relatives. Fotir generations were repreaented - mother, daughter, grandson, and two great granddaughters being present. After spending a lappy day, her friends departed, leavng as a token of their love and appreiation a handsoine easy chair. - Ypsianti Commercial. The ladiöH of St. Marys chnroh, Chelea, served a fine supper on Wodnesday vening from 6 to 8 o'clock, which was well attended. After snpper a proram was rendered in which Miss Mary Dunn, of Detroit, .Louis Burg, the Arion male qnartette and the ladies' uartetta, of Chelsea, the Misses Mararet Hayes, of Adrián, and Borg and Conway, of Chelsea, gave vocal seleoions; Lewis Doil and John Hindeang recited, and inetruruental music was given by the Misses Katherine Staffan and Mary Clark. A pretty wedding took place at the Congregational ohurcb, Salem, Nov. 17, the participant being Misa Clara E. Robias, and Mr. Chas. Hunic. The ohnrah was very prettily decorated. Chrysantbemums were the most prominent flowera. Abont 200 people were present. After the wedding a reception was given at the home of the bride's parents after which the young couple aooompanied by Miss Ethel Robins and the bridegroom's brother leit foi their home in Iowa, followed by tbe best wishes of the entire community. - Oakland Excelsior. Miss Nellie Keal, of Dexter, has just oompleted a new set of officers' regalia for Washtenaw Lodge, F. & A. M., to replace the set reoeutly rnined by fire. Tne body of the aprons is white lamb skin, bordered with royal bine silk velvet, edged witb silver fringe and braid, tbe pattern being an original design. The emblema are embroidered in silk. Tbe ties and tassels are blue. The combination forms a beaotifnl effect and we doubt if a lodge in the state has a haudsomer set of officers' regalia. Miss Keal is an arrist in tbis line and her work is receiving muoh praise. - Dexter Leader. A. A. Belcher, of Milán, has rnovei to Ypsilanti. Fred Forbes, of Ypsilanti, will spend the winter in Georgia. Joseph Do3tfer, of Chelaea, has gone to Germany to epend some weeks with bis pareats. Naíban Brown, of Ypsilanti, who reoently visitad the eunth, brougbt back niany relies of the war with hiin. Richard Webb, an old pioneer of North Lake, died Nov. 10. The funeral was held the following Sunday. Mr. Milo E. Gage, of Ypsilanti, and Miss Maggie Hazley, of Maybee, are to be rnarried at Maybee next Tuesday. Albert Havens, a bachelor, living near Francisco, hanged himself Friday night to an apple tree. He was 50 years old and despondent. Mr. William P. Brown and Miss Ann E. Bornbam were married Friday at the home of George Loomas, in Webster, by Rev. T. W. Young, of Ann Arbor. After a sumptuous wedding dinner the newly wedded couple left for a week's visit in Milford. Miss Ruth A. Watling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fountain Watling, of Ypsilanti, was married to Mr. Frank H. Harwood, of Pittsfield, Thursday, Üot 14, 1897, at Windsor, Ont. Rev. J. R. Gnnday, pastor of the Windsor ave. Methodist church, performed the ceremony, Charles Oavis, who lives south of Ypsilanti, near "Pokey Grab," was arrested Thnrsday of last week, apon complaint of Thales Baok, who charges him with the larceny of one turkey. Davis claims that be found the turkey on his front door step and if he can convince a jury of that be will go free. It muat bea migby dangerous neighborhood at "Pokey Grab" when people get to leaving turkeys on your door steps and get you into trouble.