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Farming Statistics

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From tbe 19th annual report of the secretary of state relating to the farms and farm prodncts of the state of Michigan for 1896-7 the following statistios relative to Washtenaw county are gathered : The total number of aores íd farms was 376,976 aores; improved, 283,492; nniinproved, 93,48-t; total number of farms 3,218; aveiage number of aores in each farm, 117.15. The total number of acres in wheat in 1896 was 51,157; total yield, 622,438 'bnshels; ayerage per aore 12. 1T bashels. The nnmber of aores in wneat in May, 1897, was 54,497. The nnmbfir of aorea in coro in 1896 was 37,829, yielding 3,117,432 bnshels of ears. The nnmber of acres in oats was 24,195, yielding 912,673 busbels. The total uumber of acres in ether farm produots and the yield of eaoh in 1896 was as follows: Beans, 11,769.50 aores, 140,292 busbels. Potatoes, 2,556. 11 acres, 238,150 bnshels. Bye, 11,879 aores, 111,847 bushels. Hay, 45,718 acres, 46,948 tons. Clover seed, 1,534.50 acres, 1,153 bnshels. Nnmber of live stock six months oíd and over íd May, 1897: Horses, 1,385; milcb cows, 11,474; otber oattle, 6,804; bogs, 9,746; sbeep, 71,179. The total nuruber of sheep sbeared in 1896 was 82,561; yield of wool, 573,337 ponnds. Tbe total Dnmber of acres of apple orchards iu 1897 was 7,046.25, and of peach orcbatds 1,270.75. The total nnmbur of farmers in the cGunty in 1897 was 3,218. Of these 1,554, or 48 per cent were owners of sheep. The average nnmber of sheep owned by each sbeep owner was 46, and tbe average nnmber to each farm was 22. The average pricas paid for farm prodnotK in the home markats Jan. 1, 189'., was as follows: Wheat, 87 ceDts per bushei ; shelled corn, 24 cents; oats, 15 cents; hay, $7.08 per tnn ; fat cattle, 3.21 per 100 ponuns; hogs, $3 ; dressed porb, f4. The average prioes of farm animáis Jan. 1, 1897, ranged as follows: Horses from one fco three years old and over, $14.30 to$50;miloh cows, f31.71; other cattle, from one to three years old and over, $9.73 to f 31.82 ; sneep nnder one year old, $2.23; year old and over, $2.50; bogs, nnder one year old, $3.85; one year old and over, $7.40.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News